donald directed cohen to lie to congress

If this all pans out to be true, which I see no reason it won't, I think this is the straw that finally broke the camel's back for Trump. I'm sure his lawyer (what a fucking joke he is) will try to back spin the story or try to change the days headlines to protect him. Truth be known, Trump is a known criminal and a liar and he got caught. Resign now or face impeachment. I think it may even begin to happen even before the Mueller probe is finished.
If this all pans out to be true, which I see no reason it won't, I think this is the straw that finally broke the camel's back for Trump. I'm sure his lawyer (what a fucking joke he is) will try to back spin the story or try to change the days headlines to protect him. Truth be known, Trump is a known criminal and a liar and he got caught. Resign now or face impeachment. I think it may even begin to happen even before the Mueller probe is finished.
I don't think he will resign since it will lead straight to a prison cell, Mueller must have this moron on hundreds of charges by now. The ink wouldn't be dry on the resignation before the FBI had a set of cuffs on the fucker. Pence ain't gonna pardon Trump since he doesn't really know everything Donald was up to, pardoning treason is the short path to impeachment and a president Pelosi. Mitch would rather cut his own throat than see that happen, but events might move beyond his control when the shit really hits the fan.
If this all pans out to be true, which I see no reason it won't, I think this is the straw that finally broke the camel's back for Trump. I'm sure his lawyer (what a fucking joke he is) will try to back spin the story or try to change the days headlines to protect him. Truth be known, Trump is a known criminal and a liar and he got caught. Resign now or face impeachment. I think it may even begin to happen even before the Mueller probe is finished.
Cohen is done protecting donald
What Does Buzzfeed’s Report Mean For President Donald Trump? | Velshi & Ruhle | MSNBC
The president of the United States directed his former personal attorney to lie to Congress, two law enforcement officials involved in an investigation of the matter tell Buzzfeed News. Ali Velshi and Stephanie Ruhle break down Buzzfeed’s bombshell report and what this story means for the president and his family if it is true. Weighing in: NBC’s Ken Dilanian and former U.S. Attorney Harry Litman.
Donald has got to be freaking out about this stuff...
Is President Donald Trump Closer To Impeachment? | Velshi & Ruhle | MSNBC
Is President Trump closer to impeachment? Stephanie Ruhle and Ali Velshi are joined by senior editor at The Atlantic, Yoni Appelbaum, and the President and CEO of the National Constitution Center, Jeffrey Rosen, to discuss what actually is an impeachable offense – and what is not.
If this all pans out to be true, which I see no reason it won't, I think this is the straw that finally broke the camel's back for Trump. I'm sure his lawyer (what a fucking joke he is) will try to back spin the story or try to change the days headlines to protect him. Truth be known, Trump is a known criminal and a liar and he got caught. Resign now or face impeachment. I think it may even begin to happen even before the Mueller probe is finished.

i saw a great comment on one of the news feeds story yesterday.. something like.. i got arrested for speeding, and my lawyer, rudy, got it down graded to manslaughter.. i lol'ed way too hard..
lol Cohen squealed like a little piggy the second he got sweated. Yall falling for that act of "misguided follower"
The sources of the story were two law enforcement officials who showed supporting documents to the journalist, Cohen was not a source for the story, but he will testify to it if Mueller permits.

Your attempting to unsuccessfully squirm out of an defensible position, kinda like Donald. I can understand why Trump is going through all this shit to stay out of jail, but why do you twist yourself in knots and make a fool of yourself over it? Donald does not give a shit about you or your family, it's not like he's the leader of the white tribe or something. Trump is a low life traitor and unworthy of support, save your effort and try to savage some dignity by not being a complete sucker.
"Buzzfeeds description ... is not accurate."

Debunked? nah. Simply put, "not accurate" isn't the same as "debunk".

Fox News much?
Pretty sure everyone is covering this. Hence source not important. You boys are on edge!
Don't open the link, the video is garbage. Just making point about how many times right wingers have said shit about Mueller investigation that turned out to be false.

This just in: Mueller investigation will end after FISA memo is released.

Feb 1, 2018