@Boatguy your alright by me pal. A little confusing but yuz alright.

You sir (if I can call you that:)...) are the last person I would ask for military abbreviations.
Hey bud, I worked for ArmaLite for 17 years, including the entire development cycle of the AR-15. The AR was for assault rifle. It was Jim's idea, he thought it would be cheeky. He and I were both big fans of the StG 44 and one night we got ripped and went out to the ArmaLite range with a couple really pristine StG44s, the original prototype of what would end up being called the "AR-15", some poppers, an 8 ball and a couple of chippies. I think the girls had a bunch of ludes too. Between salvos, he said, "let's call this fucking thing the AR-15 because decades from now a bunch of right wing assholes will insist it stands for ArmaLite. This fucking thing is good for one thing and one thing alone and that is fucking killing people. We want this bad-ass penile extension to be the gold standard of human misery but we don't want to accept the responsibility for it. It'll be hilarious!"

I said, "Jim, you're an asshole, but this is some good blow." and then I horked up a massive line off of the blonde's left titty.

The next Monday, we gave the presentation and it was a total hit. From then on, any time somebody at ArmaLite mentioned that the AR stood for ArmaLite, we would wink in an exaggerated way.

There are a lot of stupid people out there.
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Assault Rifle is a made up term by leftist bro. It means nothing and is only a term to create fear. You can refer to it if you want to though.