ah well, I only made it into a couple of minutes before it became clear this was just an act of propaganda for the radical evangelical audience who do not support a woman's right to make health decisions in privacy free from government intrusion.

her body her choice.
ah well, only made it into a couple of minutes before it became clear this was just an act of propaganda for the radical evangelical audience who do not support a woman's right to make health decisions in privacy free from government intrusion.

her body her choice.
Slave owners used the same excuse when Democrats voted 7-2 in favor Dred Scott which dehumanized slaves and made them property. The 5th and 14th require due process to take "life and liberty" We know how you Democrats hate the Constitution though.
Slave owners used the same excuse when Democrats voted 7-2 in favor Dred Scott which dehumanized slaves and made them property. The 5th and 14th require due process to take "life and liberty" We know how you Democrats hate the Constitution though.
her body, her choice

I never heard of slave owners saying that about their slaves. In fact we had to kill a lot of southerners and take down their economy to get black people that right.
Very much so. Without dehumanizing efforts by slave holders, slavery never would have been regarded as "the peculiar institution". It was Fredrick Douglass who gave slavery a face and showed citizens how very wrong it was by showing them that he was like them in every way. Without dehumanizing the child, where would abortion be? Without treating them as property of another (which humans cannot be) where would abortion be regarded? What is the leading cause of death in the black community? Not heart disease bro. More abortions in NYC than births. 35%+ of abortions are black children even though black community makes up only 12% of the population. What party supports that again? The same party that supported slavery of course.
Slave owners used the same excuse when Democrats voted 7-2 in favor Dred Scott which dehumanized slaves and made them property. The 5th and 14th require due process to take "life and liberty" We know how you Democrats hate the Constitution though.
Without abortion, repubs would have to cut into snap benefits way deeper to accommodate tax cuts to the wealthy.
Without abortion, repubs would have to cut into snap benefits way deeper to accommodate tax cuts to the wealthy.
Slaves owners used the hardship that freeing slaves would cause as means to extend as well. They said slaves were unable to care for themselves if set free and needed the plantation
Slave owners used the same excuse when Democrats voted 7-2 in favor Dred Scott which dehumanized slaves and made them property. The 5th and 14th require due process to take "life and liberty" We know how you Democrats hate the Constitution though.
Didn’t the kkk endorse trump?
Slaves owners used the hardship that freeing slaves would cause as means to extend as well. They said slaves were unable to care for themselves if set free and needed the plantation
Was just trying to help with an argument for you cause..... May have come off wrong, but that was just the way it reads.