“She’s not very bright” says the guy who wants to go back to the barter system and racial segregation

I am opposed to government forcibly imposing segregation or integration. Those are things free people can figure out on a peaceful basis without a master dictating to them, slave.

One good thing about barter is, it doesn't enrich fiat money people. Of course people should use whatever medium of exchange they agree to, decentralization is a good thing.
She's bright enough to get elected to congress.

And you challenge the age of consent.

I would have to say I believe her to be far more credible than your memes.

Not very bright, huh?

She's a US House of Representatives member at 29.

Intellectual dishonesty or just sour grapes?

Nope, not very bright. Economically an imbecile. Like Bernie, but better looking.

I was President of my 6th grade class. You can address me as "Mr. President" from now on.
Nope, not very bright. Economically an imbecile. Like Bernie, but better looking.

I was President of my 6th grade class. You can address me as "Mr. President" from now on.

Sounds like a big lie.

We didn't have class presidents until 9th grade. WTF does a 6th grade class president do?
Sounds like a big lie.

We didn't have class presidents until 9th grade. WTF does a 6th grade class president do?

I looked the other way while my henchmen embezzled cookies from the bake sale to fund the purchase of cigarettes for resale at a profit to other 6th graders.

I'd say I was well on my way to a fine political career!
Nope, not very bright. Economically an imbecile. Like Bernie, but better looking.

I was President of my 6th grade class. You can address me as "Mr. President" from now on.
“Economically not very bright” says the retard who wants to rever to the barter systrm