You celebrated the trump tax scam that added $2 trillion dollars to the debt

I know you may feel emboldened in your serial dishonesty and fraudulence and racism but the rest of America is sick of racist lying fucks like you

See the most massive midterm defeat in American history for reference you fat fuck
How much did federal revenue decrease as a result of the tax cut? Lol
I don't think she'll be on any ballots in the immediate future, too young. But she will have a very long political career and could very well go to the highest level. She has the energy and guts to do whatever she wants.
She's a US Representative. She'll be on the ballot in her district every two years. I'm sure she has a bright political future ahead; she's caught the leading edge of a long overdue trend and she's smart enough to ride it as far as she can.
She's a US Representative. She'll be on the ballot in her district every two years. I'm sure she has a bright political future ahead; she's caught the leading edge of a long overdue trend and she's smart enough to ride it as far as she can.
You should try that. The trend in marijuana growing is to grow a really great product. Schwag is so 20th century.
so you cheered on an unfunded tax cut that added $2 trillion dollar to the debt but you couldn't stop crying as obama lowered the deficit and you expect to be taken seriously and not called racist
So you want to imply that the tax cut decreased revenue by $2 trillion? Try again, how much did federal revenue decrease after Trump tax cut?
So you want to imply that the tax cut decreased revenue by $2 trillion? Try again, how much did federal revenue decrease after Trump tax cut?
every single person who isn't literally mentally retarded knew that the unfunded tax cuts would add $2 trillion to the debt

Screenshot 2019-01-12 at 2.42.09 PM.png

for some reason you applauded that $2 trillion dollars added onto the debt while crucifying the black president as he cut the deficit year after year

and you expect to be taken seriously and not called racist?
every single person who isn't literally mentally retarded knew that the unfunded tax cuts would add $2 trillion to the debt

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for some reason you applauded that $2 trillion dollars added onto the debt while crucifying the black president as he cut the deficit year after year

and you expect to be taken seriously and not called racist?
I don’t accept your premises. If I’m not taken seriously, you sure put a lot of effort into it! Lol

I believe the tax cut did not cause a decrease in federal revenue, please prove that it did. I believe Trump has a spending problem, a severe one.
yeah, you have a known problem accepting reality

everyone knew the tax cut would add $2 trillion to the debt. you cheered it on and continue to defend it as it adds $2 trillion to the debt

but you yelled for years as obama lowered the deficit

and you expect to be taken seriously and not called racist

AOC is pretty cool if you ask me.
remember when you cried about healthcare premiums under obama (they went up at the slowest rate in american history) and then praised healthcare premiums under trump (they are skyrocketing under trump due to his sabotage of the ACA)?

and you expect to be taken seriously and not called racist?
Please post some of my most racist statements so we can discuss.
Please post some of my most racist statements so we can discuss.

i was just asking if you remember when you cried about healthcare premiums under obama (they went up at the slowest rate in american history) and then praised healthcare premiums under trump (they are skyrocketing under trump due to his sabotage of the ACA)?

do you remember that?
i was just asking if you remember when you cried about healthcare premiums under obama (they went up at the slowest rate in american history) and then praised healthcare premiums under trump (they are skyrocketing under trump due to his sabotage of the ACA)?

do you remember that?
My personal experience was different. Please post your data and I will reconsider my opinion.
My personal experience was different. Please post your data and I will reconsider my opinion.

so you don't remember crying about the record-setting slowdown of growth in the obama years while applauding trump for making premiums skyrocket?

i'm asking because it's another one of those things that exposes you as a racist fraud who should never be taken seriously.
so you don't remember crying about the record-setting slowdown of growth in the obama years while applauding trump for making premiums skyrocket?

i'm asking because it's another one of those things that exposes you as a racist fraud who should never be taken seriously.
You seem to take me seriously, why else manufacture racist hysterics when you cannot quote me posting racist remarks? Lol
You seem to take me seriously, why else manufacture racist hysterics when you cannot quote me posting racist remarks? Lol
I think your attitudes towards Obama’s deficit and healthcare premium reductions versus trumps deficit and healthcare premiums explosions are pretty explicit in spelling out your racism

As is your refusal to condemn remarks by michiganmedgrower telling a black military veteran that he only succeeded due to affirmative action