sorry but this is my first plant.. I've been feeding it fox farms cha ching for the past few weeks. Should I stop this ot keep using it at feeding? Plus I've been feeding it tiger bloom and big bloom. If your familiar with these nutes. So what exactly should I be looking for when the optimal time to cut my plant down? Sorry for all these questions, I'm new and I don't want to come this far and mess it up? Thanks god I made this post because I would have cut this plant down in 2 and half weeks..Lol that plant has waaaaay more then 2 weeks left. That's the first reason the buds aren't fatter. The plant is probably only half way threw flower.
How many weeks ago do it actually start to show flowers? That's how old it is. But it won't be done at a certain date, I will be done once I has fully grown and matured in the environment you are providing.
That plant looks like maybe week 5 of probably 10+
I appreciate all this amazing feed back.. This site is so hopeful.