Marc Emery is in hot water.

Gee, who would have ever thought he might be a slimeball?

I like the part in the article where the girl says Marc gave her "unsolicited advice about how to clean her butt in a public restroom".
How many people go around asking for advice on that?
I mean who doesn't know to take off their underwear and get them wet in the toilet bowl and use them as an ass wash rag
If any of this actually turns out to be real then he should be held accountable.

If it's because the cops who run legal weed in Canada have paid off a few people to effectively run Emery "out of town" so to speak, then I guess that wouldn't surprise me either. They have been trying to persecute the guy for decades and never had one iota of wrongdoing against him other than what related to selling seeds etc.

All the people in Hollywood that have been busted for sexually aggressive behavior were all well known long before they were held accountable. Like Emery said, 40 years of employing people with not one single complaint...until now. I guess we'll have to wait and see how it plays out.

"“violently masturbating” sorry but that made me LOL when I read it.
If any of this actually turns out to be real then he should be held accountable.

If it's because the cops who run legal weed in Canada have paid off a few people to effectively run Emery "out of town" so to speak, then I guess that wouldn't surprise me either. They have been trying to persecute the guy for decades and never had one iota of wrongdoing against him other than what related to selling seeds etc.

All the people in Hollywood that have been busted for sexually aggressive behavior were all well known long before they were held accountable. Like Emery said, 40 years of employing people with not one single complaint...until now. I guess we'll have to wait and see how it plays out.

"“violently masturbating” sorry but that made me LOL when I read it.
Thanks for the perspective.

Seems as if Delz has an ax to grind. Or maybe jealous. IDK But something about his posts don't seem right.
Over at the Cannabis Culture forums, may they rest in peace, someone there wrote a very accusatory and libelous rant a couple years ago about the goings on at CCHQ and elsewhere with Marc. As I was the Admin until it's recent shutdown I removed it from public view but kept a copy of it in the Admin only thread. Should have kept a copy tho I wouldn't have posted it here or anywhere else.

She was a bit of a disgruntled ex-employee at the time tho still a member. Got really pissed at me for taking it down but no way I was letting it stand without proof. I never met the man tho chatted with him a few times in the shout box, (Short Bus), we had there. Already too much court of public opinion going on these days to let it stand.

I contacted the webmaster after the forum links went right to the CC main website and I noticed that the link to the forums in the menu bar near the top was gone. She said she was told by management that it was to be removed immediately with no specific reason why. This was just a day after news reports about Marc came out. Some notice would have been nice so members could have exchanged info to keep in touch or find a new forum to regroup. Not a lot of active members but all good folks with nary a troll among them.

Would have been my 10th anniversary there this Feb. :(
yes i miss the cc forums. i was shocked to see the forums link gone .met a bunch of good people and learned alot.
so i'm moving over to here, seems like good people so hopefully i can contribute .hoping this thing with marc isn't what they are only takes one person saying something to ruin a reputation in todays world.see what happens.
yes i miss the cc forums. i was shocked to see the forums link gone .met a bunch of good people and learned alot.
so i'm moving over to here, seems like good people so hopefully i can contribute .hoping this thing with marc isn't what they are only takes one person saying something to ruin a reputation in todays world.see what happens.

What name were you using there? I was LabRat. Should have used that name when I joined here years ago.
I was joking.

What about my posts don't seem right?
You left a lot of interpretation to the reader. As if somebody who lives 500 miles or more away from Vancouver BC and not very well linked into the scene should know about the culture club. I am completely in agreement with the "me too" movement but also not going to respond to the first and only report of creepy behavior going on at some place I know nothing about. Suggest some perspective or background information. Not much but a couple of lines to explain why you posted it.

Then the dungeon comment. How was anybody to know what you were thinking when you posted it? The two posts together made me a fairly skeptical of you.

If you want to be better understood then give people the chance to understand you. I have no ax to grind in this although I do feel strongly about support for women who are sexually harassed in the workplace. I also feel strongly that this is not a laughing matter, either for the woman who said what she said or for the business. Still, it takes more than one article in vice news to convince any thinking person that something is going on. This might be the tip of the iceberg and more will come out. More will have to come out before I can take something like this seriously.

And it is serious. Joking about a rape dungeon when people's reputations are on the line is dumb. IMO
You left a lot of interpretation to the reader. As if somebody who lives 500 miles or more away from Vancouver BC and not very well linked into the scene should know about the culture club. I am completely in agreement with the "me too" movement but also not going to respond to the first and only report of creepy behavior going on at some place I know nothing about. Suggest some perspective or background information. Not much but a couple of lines to explain why you posted it.

Then the dungeon comment. How was anybody to know what you were thinking when you posted it? The two posts together made me a fairly skeptical of you.

If you want to be better understood then give people the chance to understand you. I have no ax to grind in this although I do feel strongly about support for women who are sexually harassed in the workplace. I also feel strongly that this is not a laughing matter, either for the woman who said what she said or for the business. Still, it takes more than one article in vice news to convince any thinking person that something is going on. This might be the tip of the iceberg and more will come out. More will have to come out before I can take something like this seriously.
. Joking about a rape dungeon when people's reputations are on the line is dumb. IMO

You're right i'm not linked to the Vancouver scene because I don't live there. I am also in agreement to the "Me too" movement . I feel like the victims should be heard. Vice was the first report but not the only media outlet to cover her story.

If your feeling are hurt about my joke that is fine. You have the right to be skeptical of me.

You can make jokes about serious issues to help bring light to the subject. I don't expect everyone one to find humour in them. I do it because I too am a victim of sexually fuelled crime. Some people just deal with things different you know? I'm not on a witch hunt for Marc, but something tells me something is going on and it probably doesn't look good for him.

Good day
You're right i'm not linked to the Vancouver scene because I don't live there. I am also in agreement to the "Me too" movement . I feel like the victims should be heard. Vice was the first report but not the only media outlet to cover her story.

If your feeling are hurt about my joke that is fine. You have the right to be skeptical of me.

You can make jokes about serious issues to help bring light to the subject. I don't expect everyone one to find humour in them. I do it because I too am a victim of sexually fuelled crime. Some people just deal with things different you know? I'm not on a witch hunt for Marc, but something tells me something is going on and it probably doesn't look good for him.

Good day

"something tells me something is going on"

translation: I don't know shit but I'm going to give you my uninformed opinion anyway.

And your so-called joke wasn't.
"something tells me something is going on"

translation: I don't know shit but I'm going to give you my uninformed opinion anyway.

And your so-called joke wasn't.
Yes, the victim tells me something is going on. What make your opinion superior to mine?
I support the victim dude. Thats how the "me too" movement that you support works.
The effect of the me-too movement on people -- both the person assaulted and the person accused is serious. As I said, one article is enough to draw attention but is it enough to draw conclusions?

I'm not saying this should be taken lightly, the Vice article makes some very serious and convincing points and I'm not saying I doubt them. According to the article, more than one person saw what's going on and I find it reasonable to believe them. On the other hand, I don't know anything and don't feel able to comment on something like this. The article says it all. Evidently you have lower standards than I do. It's OK, you can say what you like. It's just that when you put your chin out saying ignorant shit, don't be surprised if somebody punches it. Figuratively speaking, that is.

I'm also saying that your joke wasn't funny. Both to the person who came forward and to the person being charged. They are swimming in serious waters and you joke about dungeon rape. I'm sorry my saying you are a dipshit for making this so-called joke has hurt your feelz. Well actually not sorry.