Your savior has arrived

God uses any and all people as he deems necessary, for whatever purpose he deems necessary, and whenever he deems it necessary.

My personal belief is that so-called free will is not equally dispensed and possibly not equally available to every human.

And what does Scripture teach us regarding Free Will, does it agree with what I said above?
God uses any and all people as he deems necessary, for whatever purpose he deems necessary, and whenever he deems it necessary.

My personal belief is that so-called free will is not equally dispensed and possibly not equally available to every human.

And what does Scripture teach us regarding Free Will, does it agree with what I said above?
We are still fighting to keep it out with limited success. We should include Creationists to the drug laws that make it a crime for dealers to peddle close to schools. The only good I've seen from religion is it helps some addicts get clean. That and long ago churches came together on the side of enacting civil rights laws.
Kim Davis Thinks Taxpayers Should Cover Her $220,000 Legal Battle
The county clerk who became a right wing hero for denying marriage licenses to gay couples needs to come up with some cash

You are very misguided and entrenched with your own ignorance but are entitled to it, so enjoy. Looks like you found good company with these bigoted self righteous and hateful people loathing in their pity and believing that they have an upper hand as they worship pornhub and find zero meaning in this life.

That’s a whole lot of projecting. Missguided much better describes Trump supporters who claim to strive to be like Jesus. Pitiful is having to derive your life’s meaning and morals from a rather messed up and absurd fictional account of historic events. Especially in the age of information you can do so much better.

Your response underlines my point being a christian takes a serious effort to suppress one’s integrity, as well as why some politicians rather not come out as atheists. Wouldn’t want people to think they are hateful porn addicted baby killers who don’t think life is worth shit... yet you label others bigoted. You’re kind of right though, technically I’m very bigoted towards irrational intolerant beliefs. Doing good in the name of Nazism doesn’t make Nazism any less evil.
intolerance toward those who hold different opinions from oneself.

I'm not the one who claims others beliefs are false or fictional...You are. You are the bigot. Enjoy the bed you made. I'm done, got nothing else for you or any bigots.
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intolerance toward those who hold different opinions from oneself.

Im not the one who claims others beliefs are false or fictional...You are. You are the bigot. Enjoy the bed you made. Im done, got nothing else for you.
If Christians are so tolerant then why do they insist on taking rights away from women who don't hold their beliefs about their right to make their own health choices.
intolerance toward those who hold different opinions from oneself.

Im not the one who claims others beliefs are false or fictional....

So the other 4199 religions on the planet are not false either? :-? And the belief there is no god is not false either. You do know what monotheism means right?

Claiming other’s irrational intolerant beliefs are false/fictional isn’t bigotry... Sticking to your own beliefs obstinately and *unreasonably* and have no tolerance for any conflicting opinions of others... that is, and that describes you and your religion much better than it does me. Difference is I’m honest, my tolerance simply does not extend to something as intolerant Christianity.
If Christians are so tolerant then why do they insist on taking rights away from women who don't hold their beliefs about their right to make their own health choices.
Same goes for same sex marriage. Seen Ellen Page at Colbert?.. heartbreaking. Opposing that isn’t love, is not based on rational decisions, it’s intolerance and hate even towards something that conflicts with their own poorly founded beliefs. Justifying that and keeping it in power by calling it a religion of love that also sucked in good people just makes it worse.