This is a completely disembodied smear, because you know you have no argument.
You're getting more shill and less logical every day.
Soon you'll sound just like Trump!
I'm listening to your words and spitting them back at you. I repeat I read an insane unjustified attack on Democrats, practically no criticism of Republicans, you defend Trump's selling out to Putin, you defend tyrants and dictators including Maduro who is in power due to an invalid election, and defend Russian interference on our elections.
So correct the below. Do you not insanely unjustifiably attack Democrats and never (ok, rarely) Republicans?
Do you not defend Trump's selling out to Putin by claiming the Mueller investigation is "a distraction" and not worthy of his mandate to uncover what happened?
Do you not defend Assad, Putin and Maduro?
Is Maduro not president due to an invalid election?
Did you not defend Putin's interference in our election by using the classic bad argument that because the US interfered in their election, what Putin did is justified?
If you don't mean to say these things the put me right. Correct the record.