Howard Schultz for president?

Conspiracy theory?! I look at the record, and it shows that unions have been systematically crushed, while Democrats have taken billions from those with a vested interest in dismantling them.

Perhaps you have a better explanation? Mine is, 'follow the money'. Yours is, 'but don't look at the evidence!'
Oh and yes you are creating a conspiracy theory to justify your belief in spite of what the Democratic Party say it is for. They said they want to invest in higher paying jobs. You say "oh that's what they are saying but they really don't mean it." You've just spun yet another fake conspiracy theory. Your theory presupposes you are being lied to. Cynic.
You're right. You don't know what I stand for because you keep trying to tell me what I stand for instead of listening.

That doesn't make me anything; it makes you incompetent to debate.
I'm listening to your words and spitting them back at you. I repeat I read an insane unjustified attack on Democrats, practically no criticism of Republicans, you defend Trump's selling out to Putin, you defend tyrants and dictators including Maduro who is in power due to an invalid election, and defend Russian interference on our elections.

You have to tell me what you stand for and how that tied in to being a "Progressive". From what you've said thus far, I'd say you are fascist.
True, if you don't look at the facts you can make up your mind however you like. You are wrong but that never stopped you from forming an opinion. I've explained myself already but you haven't. Yes, unions have been busted. Do you recall who busted the air traffic controllers union that started all this? Would you care to take a look at who is in power in states that have a "right to work law"? Who appointed the justices that recently hamstrung California's teacher's union? From five miles out, you make up your mind. If one takes a closer look, you are simply wrong about the facts.
I just gave you some facts. You're the one spinning like a top.

Look, the evidence is obvious; Democrats and Republicans are both totally corrupt. That's why I don't support either party, preferring instead to discuss policy- which you don't- and individuals- which you trash for reasons having nothing to do with their political positions.

You're the perfect useful idiot for those who want things to stay as they are.
I'm listening to your words and spitting them back at you. I repeat I read an insane unjustified attack on Democrats, practically no criticism of Republicans, you defend Trump's selling out to Putin, you defend tyrants and dictators including Maduro who is in power due to an invalid election, and defend Russian interference on our elections.

You have to tell me what you stand for and how that tied in to being a "Progressive". From what you've said thus far, I'd say you are fascist.
This is a completely disembodied smear, because you know you have no argument.

You're getting more shill and less logical every day.

Soon you'll sound just like Trump!
I just gave you some facts. You're the one spinning like a top.

Look, the evidence is obvious; Democrats and Republicans are both totally corrupt. That's why I don't support either party, preferring instead to discuss policy- which you don't- and individuals- which you trash for reasons having nothing to do with their political positions.

You're the perfect useful idiot for those who want things to stay as they are.
What you gave me was a five mile out view: "Unions were busted. Therefore Damn Democrats" I gave you a closer up look at details behind your high level view and showed you wrong.

Deal with it.

What you believe is irrelevant. You jump now to "Democrats busted unions, so they are corrupt." Your train of faulty logic never stops. Nope, Democrats did not bust unions, Republicans did and I pointed out specific actions taken by Republicans that did in fact bust unions.
Abandoned conduct = pro establishment propaganda

Oh look, no argument, just insults.

Anyway in response, not really, just anti Bernie. The only job he has ever had aside from politics was when he was writing rape fantasy columns. Sounds like quite the political establishment. I'll give you some anti-establishment credit though. You're clearly opposed to the notion of holding steady employment which definitely lends some credit to your implications that you oppose establishment.
This is a completely disembodied smear, because you know you have no argument.

You're getting more shill and less logical every day.

Soon you'll sound just like Trump!
I'm listening to your words and spitting them back at you. I repeat I read an insane unjustified attack on Democrats, practically no criticism of Republicans, you defend Trump's selling out to Putin, you defend tyrants and dictators including Maduro who is in power due to an invalid election, and defend Russian interference on our elections.

So correct the below. Do you not insanely unjustifiably attack Democrats and never (ok, rarely) Republicans?
Do you not defend Trump's selling out to Putin by claiming the Mueller investigation is "a distraction" and not worthy of his mandate to uncover what happened?
Do you not defend Assad, Putin and Maduro?
Is Maduro not president due to an invalid election?
Did you not defend Putin's interference in our election by using the classic bad argument that because the US interfered in their election, what Putin did is justified?

If you don't mean to say these things the put me right. Correct the record.
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Oh look, no argument, just insults.

Anyway in response, not really, just anti Bernie. The only job he has ever had aside from politics was when he was writing rape fantasy columns. Sounds like quite the political establishment. I'll give you some anti-establishment credit though. You're clearly opposed to the notion of holding steady employment which definitely lends some credit to your implications that you oppose establishment.
Useful idiot is a description.

Then there's your utterly irrelevant drivel.

You never have anything useful to add.
What do you mean when you say you are "Progressive"?
Howard Schmutz is just another 'centrist' billionaire who's so sure he knows how to fix the country better than anyone else.

If this is what people do when they have billions of dollars, maybe we shouldn't let people have so much money.

Howard Schmutz is just another 'centrist' billionaire who's so sure he knows how to fix the country better than anyone else.

If this is what people do when they have billions of dollars, maybe we shouldn't let people have so much money.

So being a Progressive is being against Billionaires?

Is that all?
against people calling off work an hour before shift. :cuss:
I'm for never killing butterflies
I understand the population of Monarch butterflies is on the rebound. I remember seeing them migrate by the thousands when I was a kid, and then wondering where they all went...
WTF are you for- or against, for that matter?
C'mon man

Progressive means being against billionaires and that's it? You keep saying you are Progressive, that Warren is not, that Manchin is not but Bernie, who falls in between in terms of supporting progressive issues is. You aren't making any sense.

Oh and let's throw in your claim that Obama is to the right fo Ronald the homophobic dog whistling school lunch cutting, trickle down economics Reagan.

Is this where people who support Bernie are going to? That to support Sanders means that facts are not true if you don't want them to be? That any lie is justified because "Bernie 2020?

No way he gets my vote in the primary.

Oh, and I'm for leftward progress. I'm for leaders who accomplish work toward that end. Not the Russian funded propaganda machine that Bernie has become.
True, if you don't look at the facts you can make up your mind however you like. You are wrong but that never stopped you from forming an opinion. I've explained myself already but you haven't. Yes, unions have been busted. Do you recall who busted the air traffic controllers union that started all this? Would you care to take a look at who is in power in states that have a "right to work law"? Who appointed the justices that recently hamstrung California's teacher's union? From five miles out, you make up your mind. If one takes a closer look, you are simply wrong about the facts.
the more i read his posts the more i'm convinced tyy is a russian bot....
the more i read his posts the more i'm convinced tyy is a russian bot....
They make more intelligent posts. Tty is an unstable, useful idiot of Putin who has too much ego and too little intelligence to ever realize he is being used. Just another symptom.
They make more intelligent posts. Tty is an unstable, useful idiot of Putin who has too much ego and too little intelligence to ever realize he is being used. Just another symptom.
True. Anybody who would say that Obama was to the right of Ike and Reagan has simply lost his mind.
They make more intelligent posts. Tty is an unstable, useful idiot of Putin who has too much ego and too little intelligence to ever realize he is being used. Just another symptom.
Russia Is Attacking the U.S. System From Within...
