Your savior has arrived

She was abused, shipped from (tax funded) foster home to foster home, and is unable to work due to mental abuse.

We figured it up, she's worth about $1.5 M in public assistance so far.

Can you get Chika filia to pitch in?

Again you have some serious problems that you should probably figure out and not be here on a weed site talking about politics or anything for that matter.
She knows, like her parents she is incapable of the task. Where's the church?
If you were serious which I know you aren't but Ill play along and she was serious about getting help, I can almost guarantee that going to into a church and asking someone for help, would result in positive steps forward. The same may very well be true of a synagogue or mosque for that matter. There are good people that want to help, but only those who actually want the help. No one is going to step up for people who are unwilling to try.
If you were serious and she was serious about getting help, I can almost guarantee that going to into a church and asking someone for help, would result in positive steps forward. The same may very well be true of a synagogue or mosque for that matter. There are good people that want to help, but only those who actually want the help. No one is going to step up for people who are unwilling to try.

So the foster homes failed at teaching perseverance? Where was the church?