Official Presidential Harassment Thread


Well-Known Member
This is a place for all those supporters of Trump to come and defend his statement:

"An economic miracle is taking place in the United States, and the only thing that can stop it are foolish wars, politics, or ridiculous partisan investigations.

If there is going to be peace and legislation, there cannot be war and investigation. It just doesn’t work that way."

I'll wait.

You're not worried are you? Like I've said before it's not gonna be republicans or democrats that will determine the next election it will be those in the middle the independents. Keep going left see how that works for you. Everybody's jumping on that new green deal. Or the fact that they're gonna take away private health insurance. Or infantcide that's always a great topic. I'm sure that's all gonna go over great. Don't forget about what happened with Clinton either. People love an underdog. I guess the left forgot how much the republicans paid for that.
You're not worried are you? Like I've said before it's not gonna be republicans or democrats that will determine the next election it will be those in the middle the independents. Keep going left see how that works for you. Everybody's jumping on that new green deal. Or the fact that they're gonna take away private health insurance. Or infantcide that's always a great topic. I'm sure that's all gonna go over great. Don't forget about what happened with Clinton either. People love an underdog. I guess the left forgot how much the republicans paid for that.
Worried? Nope, not me. Donald looks worried though. And you sound worried. Nice way to change the subject into a blather of unrelated topics.

Trump is dirty. How do you think that'll play in Peoria?
You're not worried are you? Like I've said before it's not gonna be republicans or democrats that will determine the next election it will be those in the middle the independents. Keep going left see how that works for you. Everybody's jumping on that new green deal. Or the fact that they're gonna take away private health insurance. Or infantcide that's always a great topic. I'm sure that's all gonna go over great. Don't forget about what happened with Clinton either. People love an underdog. I guess the left forgot how much the republicans paid for that.

Can you even begin to understand the difference between a stain on a blue dress vs. multiple serious investigations that are ending in plea deals, convictions and prison terms?

Do you like Pecker?

Remember that time Trump said he would release his taxes?

Or how about this stunning photo of him posing in front of empty files that divested him from his (lol) "empire"?


Trump supporters are so easy to fool. I wonder if you could trace their genealogy back to see if their progenitors were big consumers of snake oil.
Unfortunately....You will never see a full republican rebuttal on this seems the same double standard that permeate the liberal democratic ideology is strong here and allows only internet bullys to express their hate filled post to berate and moderate others ...and are not held to the same standard of rules and conduct expected of others
Shame really....
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Unfortunately....You will never see a full republican rebuttal on this seems the same double standard that permeate the liberal democratic ideology is strong here and allows only internet bullys to express their hate filled post to berate and moderate others ...and are not held to the same standard of rules and conduct expected of others
Shame really....

You can't rebut facts, idiot.