Official Presidential Harassment Thread

Trump contemplates the National Emergency he declared a the border.

“Prime Minister Abe told me ‘there’s only one guest of honor and that’s you’. I’m the guest of honor.”

He then goes on to link his visit with the ascension of the new emperor as being the biggest thing to happen in Japan for “over 200 years”.

He goes on to describe our current trade situation as “unfair”. The sonofabitch knows how to set up a successful state visit. Absolutely everything he says or does is directly related to money. Every goddamned time. Even with North Korea he pictures a future rosy economy. While the populace starves now.
What the fuck is wrong with this dude? What is wrong with anyone who supports a guy who does this kind of shit. These people are broken beyond repair. I copied this below from an article I was reading. Kicking disabled vets away from his bldgs. what a piece of crap

Much has been made over (now President-elect) Donald Trump’s mocking of disabled New York Times reporter Serge Kovaleski last year. Spurred by the widespread outrage at Trump’s cruelty, the Democratic National Committee made disability rights a high-profile theme of its 2016 convention. But for most disability rights activists and disabled people I know, the choice to oppose Trump had relatively little to do with his mockery of Kovaleski — or his alleged description of deaf actress Marlee Matlin as “retarded,” or even his efforts to kick disabled veteran street vendors off public sidewalks near his buildings. None of us were particularly thrilled by these things, mind you, but they didn’t determine our votes.