What are you watching?

Not bad so far, nice work on the artistry, got a little blood and guts, good story so far, course it is the first espisode......

not bad for anime....
I've noticed the home page selections are a bit different when viewed via computer vs the smart TV; alot of the same things but also some different stuff. Not that satisfying of an answer though. This is a neat trick I found: https://www.whats-on-netflix.com/news/the-netflix-id-bible-every-category-on-netflix/

thanks single, funny, i just found that link i think it was last night and was checking it out.. just thought that there had to be a better way to find different stuff on there.. thanks again.
season 9 of Vera just came out on sunday on britbox, they're doing one new episode per week.. i'm excited, love her..
I was lucky to run across a link to the full historical documentary “They Shall Not Grow Old” on a Reddit channel. I live streamed it and did not download. Some members mentioned they got a message from Malwarebytes, but I didn’t have any notifications or problems with my AV software. The quality is very very good, I was surprised.

The voices in the background as narrators are all WW1 veterans from the grave as it were, their comments being spliced into film as required. They were studio recorded in typical fine BBC fashion in 1964 when they were making the documentary series “The Great War”. The other voices and sound effects were masterfully added into the film. In instances where you can see men talking, the producers employed lip readers to actually figure out what the men were saying.

ALL of the film footage and stills are from the 1914-18 era and culled from 600 hours of archived Imperial War Museum film. NONE of the images are by re-enactors or staged. Please sit thru the first 23 minutes of the film. It is typical early 20th century, scratchy monochrome film. The transformation happens at min 24. You will not be disappointed in the breathtaking haunting 3D effect and will have to keep reminding yourself that these were IRL images. The lingering eye contact you make with the men is eerie. This is no half ass colorization of B&W footage either. Truly an outstanding technical achievement. bb.

Just started Marvel TV's The Punisher. I've always loved the comic, and Jon Bernthal does a great job in the role of Frank Castle. He's much smaller than the comic book character, kinda has a Michael Keaton Batman thing going on. What he lacks in size he makes up for in crazy. It's very violent, a la Preacher, and big name stars are just dying off without warning. I like when shows do that, it keeps you on the edge of your seat. Lovin' it so far...


I wonder if Kool-Aid stocks we're significantly affected by this tragedy. There were rumors of sightings of a large, oddly-shaped red man in the camp that day...

This a bit macabre it reminds me of the first time I saw my wife's library.

Her shelves were full of murder books. Not just mysteries but most were true tales of
serial killers like Aileen Wuornos, Ted Bundy, John Wayne Gacy, The Green River Killer Gary Ridgway
and more than a few others.

I asked her if there was something she wanted to discuss when I saw them.
She asked "Why, are you scared?"

My reply, "A lesser man might be, I'm just getting interested."


This a bit macabre it reminds me of the first time I saw my wife's library.

Her shelves were full of murder books. Not just mysteries but most were true tales of
serial killers like Aileen Wuornos, Ted Bundy, John Wayne Gacy, The Green River Killer Gary Ridgway
and more than a few others.

I asked her if there was something she wanted to discuss when I saw them.
She asked "Why, are you scared?"

My reply, "A lesser man might be, I'm just getting interested."


Vernon Geberth would be so proud!