Well-Known Member
Just started Marvel TV's The Punisher. I've always loved the comic, and Jon Bernthal does a great job in the role of Frank Castle. He's much smaller than the comic book character, kinda has a Michael Keaton Batman thing going on. What he lacks in size he makes up for in crazy. It's very violent, a la Preacher, and big name stars are just dying off without warning. I like when shows do that, it keeps you on the edge of your seat. Lovin' it so far...
Both seasons are good, and different enough not to be rinse and repeat.
Jon Bernthal always seems to do a good job of playing his character, loved his role in Fury.
I also remember that the comic book character was much larger, and he worked out in his apartment a lot, doing shit like one handed push ups with a full rack of plates on a bar in the other hand.