Intellectual Dark Web

You’d have made an outstanding nazi
your well on the way to becoming a fascist jackboot yourself buck

pointing out something does not meet any criteria from "ethnic cleansing" does not a nazi make

you lessen the deaths of everyone killed by the nazi by even suggesting it
your well on the way to becoming a fascist jackboot yourself buck

pointing out something does not meet any criteria from "ethnic cleansing" does not a nazi make

you lessen the deaths of everyone killed by the nazi by even suggesting it

"how dare you compare me to a nazi for defending the idea of phasing out cultures who i deem to be less competent!"
"how dare you compare me to a nazi for defending the idea of phasing out cultures who i deem to be less competent!"
using proper definitions of things is the corner stone of proper discourse

Whose we? You and a couple dumb nazis?

Lynn praises ethnic cleansing

You can’t refute that

not any by any definition that ive seen....

Ethnic cleansing
Ethnic cleansing is the systematic forced removal of ethnic or racial groups from a given territory by a more powerful ethnic group, often with the intent of making it ethnically homogeneous. The forces applied may be various forms of forced migration, intimidation, as well as genocide and genocidal rape.Wikipedia
you can moan and scream all you want but it is not ethnic cleansing

it also has got fuck all to do with sam harris you dishonest little jackboot wanna be
using proper definitions of things is the corner stone of proper discourse

you can moan and scream all you want but it is not ethnic cleansing

it also has got fuck all to do with sam harris you dishonest little jackboot wanna be
Always important to use proper discourse when discussing the less competent cultures you want to phase out
Always important to use proper discourse when discussing the less competent cultures you want to phase out
re read the entire thing. he suggests doing nothing

literally nothing to "phase out" if they dont stand on their own 2 feet then its down to them and nature

what sort of fuckwit are you to confuse that with

systematic forcefull removal??

doesnt matter how many threads you chase me through your still wrong
re read the entire thing. he suggests doing nothing

literally nothing to "phase out" if they dont stand on their own 2 feet then its down to them and nature

what sort of fuckwit are you to confuse that with

systematic forcefull removal??

doesnt matter how many threads you chase me through your still wrong
Yeah, no way the Nazis thought the same thing
Hey did ya catch intellectual thought leader candace owens defending hitler?
No, and no one should defend Hitler; he's a piece of shit.... and she's not part of the intellectual dark web so why should I give a fuck?

For your reference;

intellectual dark web all.jpg

Trying to generate some more outrage about unrelated things? Half-wit.

she seems to spend an awful lot of time hanging out with your "intellectual thought leaders!" (nazis) for someone who is not herself an "intellectual thought leader" (nazi)

say, what are your thoughts on phasing out cultures you deem less competent? and how was your ban, nazi boi?
The weasel who cried Nazi.... lol

She's not part of the intellectual dark web, and the people who are certainly aren't nazi's.

8/14 of them are Jewish you bafoon... :D

View attachment 4279973

Where is she on the list? Is she Gad Saad? The Lebanese Jew? Bret Weinstein? The Jewish professor? Maybe she's Maajid Nawaz? The ex-muslim from the UK? Or is she Ayaan Hirsi Ali? The feminist, ex-muslim activist from Somalia? Maybe she's David Rubin? The gay, Jewish, center-right talk show host? :D :D :D :D :D

No one cares about your stupid "nazi game", because you are an idiot and virtually everything you say can be demonstrated to be false.


didn't you morons used to try to say milo couldn't be a nazi because he was jewish (before you guys stopped defending him after realizing he was a pedophile)?


I've never defended Milo, and certainly never liked the guy. So go away with your bullshit.

He is not, never has been, and never will be, part of the intellectual dark web. Your point is moot, and you're an imbecile.
I’ll take your avoidance as a yes
I’ll take your avoidance as a yes
Stupid, and illiterate. Do you get your mom to read posts to you? Did she miss the part where I answered?

...I said "I never defended Milo".

I'll take your avoidance to my question of, "where is she on this list?" as acceptance that you're a complete and utter failure at life and are incapable of even mild rational thought. :)
Stupid, and illiterate. Do you get your mom to read posts to you? Did she miss the part where I answered?

...I said "I never defended Milo".

I'll take your avoidance to my question of, "where is she on this list?" as acceptance that you're a complete and utter failure at life and are incapable of even mild rational thought. :)
But milo is a Jew, so what’s with his nazi iron crosses and sieg heiling?
But milo is a Jew, so what’s with his nazi iron crosses and sieg heiling?
He's not Jewish for starters.... but he is a fucking idiot. So who knows.

In two seconds I found out his real name is Milo Hanrahan.

You silly, silly incompetent.

Lighten up bud, you're fuckin' 10 ply.

He's not Jewish for starters.... but he is a fucking idiot. So who knows.

In two seconds I found out his real name is Milo Hanrahan.

You silly, silly incompetent.

Lighten up bud, you're fuckin' 10 ply.

he calls himself jewish though so he can't be a nazi
He's a practicing Catholic. His grandmother was Jewish. You really can't get anything right, can you?

Does your family tree branch? Is your condition from sister fucking, or are you just naturally talented at being an idiot?