Green's Wedding Cake, sip, probiotics


Well-Known Member
Alright guys, going to start a new journal, and my latest version and updates on the sip pots, using probiotics! I really need something to drown myself in, and the last thread is almost done. so why not get the ball rolling on this baby!

so for everyone thats new to my journals, I'll tell ya a lil bit about it, and I'll post a link below to the last one! hopefully this one will turn out to be as fun as the last one! and help me keep my mind off everything else so here we go!

let's have some fun with this!
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OK so I'll go ahead start off with the genetics, I'm running the jb cut of wedding cake! supposed to be an amazing strain! around 64 days of flower, from flip of 12/12.

I'm 100% living organics, and recycle my soil every grow! I've had the soil I'm working with now for about 5 years! and my results have only gotten better! but honestly never touched any where near the results that I'm getting using this sip method!

it's basically nothing new, and most comes from knf (Korean natural farming).
the sips actually come from desert growers who had issues with watering, bc it's always so hot! so none of this is new, just seems to have been lost over the years!

so here is some links to my past grow, running gg4, and the same sips!

and here's the link to how I diy my sips! super cheap, and can be customized depending on what the individual person needs!
now I'm going to try and explain the best I can to how these sips work! bc once she's set up and running, the only thing that needs to be done, is adding about a cup of em1, to some water and filling the rez as it runs out! in the beginning it takes about 3 weeks to dry, from topping her off! but as I've learned on my gg4, which is massive and covering a 4x4, she actually drinks her rez dry in abut 4 days!

here's the gg4, 1 plant, harvest is in about 3 weeks!CM190126-190038002.jpg CM190212-190214008.jpg CM190210-185757008.jpg
The cleanest pic I have seen of that cut to date.
lol then u don't wanna see the pic of the one in flower, that I tried to grow in the same soil, but in smart pots one of my worst grows to date! it's embarrassing! I really don't even wanna post it! lmfao, but screw it, why hide!

this was my best attempt at taming her without the help of the sip and probiotics!CM190212-190138005.jpg
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OK so now, I'm going to try my best to explain how I think these things work so well! I'm not a scientist, or a biologist, I didn't create these methods, so I don't have all the facts! what I do have is my experience, and what I've been able to observe!

but the way it works so well, from what I've come to understand is from a few main things...

1 would be the sip itself, most soil growers have the main issue of over or under watering! the sip solves that and perfects it! this allows the soil to drink as much as it wants when ever it wants!CM181107-231223001.jpg

2 is the top is dominated by a fungus, called mycelium! which grows on top of what is basically cow shit! it also creates an environment very similar to the rain forest! at any time if you peal back the trash bag, you can see water dripping from the top of the bag! it stays super moist 24/7! so moist, any plant grown in a regular method stays this moist it would kill the plant, but not with this method, and the magic starts here!
but make sure you never top water or you could be looking at a fungus gnat problem, I've been there and done that!CM181112-144203001.jpg

3 the bottom is dominated by bacteria, which is what em1 is, it's effective microorganisms! basically life! this is where I believe most of the magic happens! em1 is the gas that makes the car run! It fills the a sip with tons and tons of life! without out it none of this works! I fill the rez with around a cup of em1, and the rest water! most hydro guys, the first thing they will say is what about an air stone! well em1 is anaerobic! if you add an air stone you are going to kill off life that's in the em1! this part I have verified, don't do it, if your following this exactly the way I do it! also make sure you expand your em1, if not then it can be very pricey! but 3/4 cup can be expanded into 1 gallon!CM181113-200141004.jpg

4 is where it all comes together! neither the top or bottom is perfect for any plant by them selves, but the middle is a perfect breeding ground, for what I'd assume to be billions of types of microscopic life! this creates one of the most important parts of this entire system! with the top being fungal dominated, and the bottom being bacteria dominated! the middle is the life of the party, literally!!!

the last part, which I believe plays the biggest role, in the super fast growth I've been getting, is the water roots! once the lady is big enough she stretches her roots right into the resovior! just like hydro, but it's living organics!

this method has taken my skills as a grower, and put me to shame! I couldnt grow this well with all the money in the world!

best part is, anyone can do this, and it's super easy! and way cheaper than any other method I've ever found! especially over time! bc nothing is wasted, and everything gets reused or recycled!
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OK so now, I'm going to try my best to explain how I think these things work so well! I'm not a scientist, or a biologist, I didn't create these methods, so I don't have all the facts! what I do have is my experience, and what I've been able to observe!

but the way it works so well, from what I've come to understand is from a few main things...

1 would be the sip itself, most soil growers have the main issue or over or under watering! the sip solves that's and perfects it! this allows the soil to drink as much as it wants when ever it wants!

2 is the top is dominated by a fungus, called mycelium! which grows on top of what is basically cow shit! it also creates an environment very similar to the rain forest! at any time if you peal back the trash bag, you can see water dripping from the top of the bag! it stays super moist 24/7! but make sure you never top water or you could be looking at a fungus gnat problem, I've been there and done that!View attachment 4281531

3 the bottom is dominated by bacteria, which is what em1 is, it's effective microorganisms! basically life! this is where I believe most of the magic happens! em1 is the gas that makes the car run! it fill the a sip with tons and tons of life! without out it none of this works! I fill the rez with around a cup of em1, and the rest water! make sure you expand it! if not then it can be very pricey! but 3/4 cup can be expanded into 1 gallon!View attachment 4281532

4 is where it all comes together! neither the top or bottom is perfect for any plant by them selves, but the middle is a perfect breeding ground, for what I'd assume to be billions of types of microscopic life! this mix creates one of the most important parts of this entire system! with the top being fungal dominated, and the bottom being bacteria dominated! this method has taken my skills as a grower, and put me to shame! I couldnt grow this well with all the money in the world!

best part is, anyone can do this, and it's super easy! and way cheaper than any other method I've ever found! especially over time! bc nothing is wasted, and everything gets reused or recycled!

Well put my dude. Can't wait to see this WC flower!
and that's basically how it all works! nothing else to it! helps to start off with a good living soil, but from what I've found, bc of the amount of life that this things breeds! the life will correct any and everything on its own! it's kind of amazing! I had no idea when starting to experiment with these, that the life would take over like it has! but it's hard to believe without seeing it for yourself! even tho my soil has gotten way off, from all the years of adding stuff and never getting it tested, somehow these sips have corrected everything on their own! it really is impressive!!

as I've said many time before, I don't grow these ladies mother nature does, only thing I do is make sure they have water! I honestly think if 20 years from now if I was still growing and I had never discovered this, I don't think my garden would have ever looked this beautiful!

over the last few months I've Been working on building as many of these as I can! I plan to only run these from here on out!
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and that's basically how it all works! nothing else to it! helps to start off with a good living soil, but from what I've found, bc of the amount of life that this things breeds! the life will correct any and everything on its own! it's kind of amazing! I had no idea when starting to experiment with these, that the life would take over like it has! but it's hard to believe without seeing it for yourself! even tho my soil has gotten way off, from all thr years of adding stuff and never getting it tested, somehow these sips corrected everything on their own! it really is impressive!!

as I've said many time before, I don't grow these ladies mother nature does, only thing I do is make sure they have water! I honestly think if 20 years from now if I was still growing and never discovered this, I still don't think me garden would look this beautiful!

over the last few months I've Been working on building as many of these as I can! I plan to only run these from here on out!

but what about my water pH bruh???? ROFL :lol::lol::lol::wall::wall::wall::wall:
so I guess it's time to catch you guys up on the life of this wedding cake, that this entire grow is going to be about! after this post, I'll look up the dates and stuff, for when what was done, that way I'm giving accurate information about it!

here's where she was cloned, this is the only non organic thing in my entire garden! but it's just so easy and simple, plus it gives me 100% clones every time! so I ignore the fact it isn't organic lol!CM181212-005312002.jpg

and here is when she was planted into some soil! I'll get u guys some dates soon!CM181228-003059002.jpg
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but what about my water pH bruh???? ROFL :lol::lol::lol::wall::wall::wall::wall:
lol, I'm sure you already know! but good point!


lmfao, I don't own anything to check, or adjust ph! and em1 sits at around 3.5 for ph lol! it's magic! don't ask how it works! but take all your pens, and ph down and ph up! and trash it!
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OK I slightly lied, I do have ph test strip that go from 2-5 lol only made for testing the ph of my em1, when I'm expanding it! bc it's alive, and it's anaerobic, when expanding it, I actually ferment it for about 2 weeks, you can Google for much better info on this, but 3/4 em1, 3/4 of molasses, and a gallon of water, turns into a gallon of em1! really cool shit. in the pic below u can see a batch fermenting! that cap on top is a burping cap, if you use a regular cap, and seal it, and forget to burp it, it will explode! CM181112-143526001.jpg
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well dam i was looking for more pics of this lady, and it appears I've been so occupied with my gg4 baby, I haven't taken any other pics, besides these two recent ones, I'll post em below! I'm sorry about that! but I must say I've been very busy lately and just had a lot of stuff going on, also appears I can't catch a break lately! but I'm going to turn all that around! well at least ima try...

I did also top this lady again just a few hours ago, I haven't built the scrog yet, and was trying to buy myself some time, bc once they are acclimated to the sips, the growth really takes off! CM190209-204415001.jpg CM190212-155130001.jpg
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I feel like I'm leaving a ton of crap out, but can't place my finger on it! @ShLUbY you been following my last 3 journals on these things, what the hell am I forgetting to share????
also appears I haven't been able to catch a break lately! but I'm going to turn all that around! well at least ima try...

I feel you there. that was my 2017 and 2018.... 2019 is gonna be a different story. already off to a great start. feel like this year is gonna be a win bongsmilie

I feel like I'm leaving a ton of crap out, but can't place my finger on it! @ShLUbY you been following my last 3 journals on these things, what the hell am I forgetting to share????

I don't know man, seems complete enough for tonight to me lol. I saw you put up the 1st post an hour ago and now there's like 30 so I'd say you're off to a good start ;)