Official Presidential Harassment Thread

The waiting is the hardest part...excruciating even...
Dontcha think foggy?
the waiting is the hardest part. waiting to see what trump is going to destroy today. waiting to see how hes going to embarrass the country i love today. waiting to see what he does to degrade human rights today. waiting to see how he sets us back as a nation today. waiting to hear the lies he tells today. waiting for Mueller to get the fuck off of his ass and pour the salt on the fucking orange slug.....
so yeah...the waiting is the hardest part....for us....
you, on the other hand, should be concerned with arrivals....the arrival of the Mueller report, the arrival of more indictments, the arrival of the findings of all those independent investigations into the trump empire....
the arrival of the consequences of his tax cut, his trade war, his trashing of nafta, his trashing of TPP....
280 pages yet he's still in office. What's the hold up?
republicans are the hold up....if they would just admit they fucked up when they picked this foul fuck to be their candidate, kick his ass the fuck out of the country, and hang their heads in shame, we could move forward as a country and get a leader in office who isn't a russian asset...or a fucking hateful, racist, evil piece of fucking shit
Heres one we dont have to wait for anymore...
NBC News reported Tuesday morning that according to both unnamed Republicans and Democrats, the Senate Intelligence Committee has concluded that there is no direct evidence of conspiracy between the Trump campaign and Russia during the 2016 election after conducting 200 interviews over the course of two years
Heres one we dont have to wait for anymore...
NBC News reported Tuesday morning that according to both unnamed Republicans and Democrats, the Senate Intelligence Committee has concluded that there is no direct evidence of conspiracy between the Trump campaign and Russia during the 2016 election after conducting 200 interviews over the course of two years
according to me some names....then i MIGHT bother to even look for confirmation....this is just republicans whistling past the graveyard...with an open grave, and a headstone with trum.....carved in it already
and honestly...this makes very little difference to me...he's done so much shady shit, there are so many ways for him to fall, the only thing to decide is which method to use to put the world out of his misery
President Donald Trump’s approval rating hit 52 percent for Feb. 11, according to a new survey
Heres one we dont have to wait for anymore...
NBC News reported Tuesday morning that according to both unnamed Republicans and Democrats, the Senate Intelligence Committee has concluded that there is no direct evidence of conspiracy between the Trump campaign and Russia during the 2016 election after conducting 200 interviews over the course of two years
totally agree. except for the trump tower meeting about adoptions and manafort give russia GRU polling data, there was NO COLLUSION
enough to get 2 grand juries convened. that requires fairly strong evidence

and the Republicans hiring Steele was the best thing they've ever done
Yea...enough to put papadopoulus in county for 2 weeks and 200hrs community service
These boys aint messin round
Wonder if they have any change back from the 40 million of our taxes?
Yea...enough to put papadopoulus in county for 2 weeks and 200hrs community service
These boys aint messin round
Wonder if they have any change back from the 40 million of our taxes?
So about half the amount Trump has spent of our money playing golf, right?

Remember when he criticized Obama for an occasional loacl golf game and said that if he were President he would be too busy doing the job of POTUS for golf? And now that he is POTUS he spends and average of 2-3 hours per day doing the job.

You're funny.
Yea...enough to put papadopoulus in county for 2 weeks and 200hrs community service
These boys aint messin round
Wonder if they have any change back from the 40 million of our taxes?

they have seized more in assets than Mueller has cost so far. that's not how you bankrupt a casino though.

don't know why you trumptards are so upset. the Nunes memo vindicated trumpf almost 2 years ago
Wonder if mueller can get some of our 1.7 billion cash
Kenya boy gave to iran to kill americans...