Official Presidential Harassment Thread

maybe to some delusional libtard's...

It was pretty obvious that he will win...

You had to be pretty stupid to support that war deep state sponsored whore kIllary..

It's showing now that trump isn't much better than she is, at least in your lets go to war agenda
i did not like Hillary...but i wasn't stupid enough to vote for trump out of spite. a man whose whole past reads like a sleaze manual....a man with the morals of....well, a trump...i can't think of an animal amoral enough to insult with a comparison to trump.
you're argument is that you didn't like a woman, who may or may not have done some questionable things, who had been investigated by her own government and cleared by them. so you decided to vote for trump instead, vote for a man whose every campaign speech was full of lies, hate, racism.....and bullshit. at this point in the game, i have to assume that anyone who still supports trump is a racist, is stupid, is hateful, and afraid of the rest of the world. frightened little people trying to hide in the dark, while the rest of the world passes us by.
i say annex alabama, move all these fuckers in, and let them close their borders....who the fuck would want in, anyway?
i did not like Hillary...but i wasn't stupid enough to vote for trump out of spite. a man whose whole past reads like a sleaze manual....a man with the morals of....well, a trump...i can't think of an animal amoral enough to insult with a comparison to trump.
you're argument is that you didn't like a woman, who may or may not have done some questionable things, who had been investigated by her own government and cleared by them. so you decided to vote for trump instead, vote for a man whose every campaign speech was full of lies, hate, racism.....and bullshit. at this point in the game, i have to assume that anyone who still supports trump is a racist, is stupid, is hateful, and afraid of the rest of the world. frightened little people trying to hide in the dark, while the rest of the world passes us by.
i say annex alabama, move all these fuckers in, and let them close their borders....who the fuck would want in, anyway?
Actually I just assume that anyone who supports Trump at this point just hates black and brown people and that may be their only principal
I love fairy tales ...please continue with this one ?

whats a fairy tale??
killary isn't backed by saudis and deep state??
Trump hasn't become deep state bitch regarding foreign affairs??
Trump diidnt sell hes rhetoric to middle class/working class americans?
Tel me I wanna know you holly Straight fact's dude!
9-11 wasn't inside job?
i did not like Hillary...but i wasn't stupid enough to vote for trump out of spite. a man whose whole past reads like a sleaze manual....a man with the morals of....well, a trump...i can't think of an animal amoral enough to insult with a comparison to trump.
you're argument is that you didn't like a woman, who may or may not have done some questionable things, who had been investigated by her own government and cleared by them. so you decided to vote for trump instead, vote for a man whose every campaign speech was full of lies, hate, racism.....and bullshit. at this point in the game, vote for a man whose every campaign speech was full of lies, hate, racism
i say annex alabama, move all these fuckers in, and let them close their borders....who the fuck would want in, anyway?

I usually ignore your insulting post to me, coz your SJW gang is too strong here, but when you have some sane moments like this is , I will try to answer..With my bad Russian bot English..
I'm not American, neither Russian , so my side of view is how 80% of world seeing you.. Not media , but ordinary people living in other countries..
Your last elections was battle of two Evils, And you had to decide which is less evil, And I think you choose very well..

your hate toward that man is fascinating, I cannot believe that ordinary AMERICAN can be so narrow minded, so brainwashed.. He isn't any better or worse as a Person that typical American Man is.. So your mass hysteria and hate toward him is for studying.. I adore watching clips on YT when libtards and other mindless idiot's are confronted by squatting slav, or info wars.. FACTS makes you go insane!

" vote for a man whose every campaign speech was full of lies, hate, racism"

How old are u 6 ?? Every politician LIES! EVERY
He is racist ? how ?? Give me three examples..

"i have to assume that anyone who still supports trump is a racist, is stupid, is hateful, and afraid of the rest of the world. frightened little people trying to hide in the dark, while the rest of the world passes us by"

And you made all those conclusion's by your self???? Woooow!!!
Google your rhetoric a little, its mix of communism and fascism..

Herbert F. Cooperprije 2 godine
Okay, I've got to be honest. I'm from NZ and I have been following the 2016 US election from start to now. And I've noticed that Trump supporters are extremely educated. They know exactly why they support Trump and they can back their political stances with valid arguments. This black guy is a legend. Blacks who support Trump end up being level headed like this man here. But blacks that support Hillary end up in that fascist BLM movement."

YT comment
maybe to some delusional libtard's...

That comment right there makes you lose all credibility.

It was pretty obvious that he will win...

He lost. By 3,000,000 votes.

You had to be pretty stupid to support that war deep state sponsored whore kIllary..

You mean the one that helped get us out of it?

George W. Bush started two wars, pal. Obama and Hillary tried like hell to get us out of both of them.

It's showing now that trump isn't much better than she is, at least in your lets go to war agenda

You are so clueless it's not funny. Really. It isn't funny at all. It's sad, and typical of the vast majority of republicans. You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about at all.
I usually ignore your insulting post to me, coz your SJW gang is too strong here, but when you have some sane moments like this is , I will try to answer..With my bad Russian bot English..
I'm not American, neither Russian , so my side of view is how 80% of world seeing you.. Not media , but ordinary people living in other countries..
Your last elections was battle of two Evils, And you had to decide which is less evil, And I think you choose very well..

your hate toward that man is fascinating, I cannot believe that ordinary AMERICAN can be so narrow minded, so brainwashed.. He isn't any better or worse as a Person that typical American Man is.. So your mass hysteria and hate toward him is for studying.. I adore watching clips on YT when libtards and other mindless idiot's are confronted by squatting slav, or info wars.. FACTS makes you go insane!

" vote for a man whose every campaign speech was full of lies, hate, racism"

How old are u 6 ?? Every politician LIES! EVERY
He is racist ? how ?? Give me three examples..

"i have to assume that anyone who still supports trump is a racist, is stupid, is hateful, and afraid of the rest of the world. frightened little people trying to hide in the dark, while the rest of the world passes us by"

And you made all those conclusion's by your self???? Woooow!!!
Google your rhetoric a little, its mix of communism and fascism..

Herbert F. Cooperprije 2 godine
Okay, I've got to be honest. I'm from NZ and I have been following the 2016 US election from start to now. And I've noticed that Trump supporters are extremely educated. They know exactly why they support Trump and they can back their political stances with valid arguments. This black guy is a legend. Blacks who support Trump end up being level headed like this man here. But blacks that support Hillary end up in that fascist BLM movement."

YT comment
ask the "gang"...i'm not a member...we agree on a lot of things...but when we disagree, i don't just back down, i defend my position until it's proven to me that i'm wrong...if i don't feel that it's been proven, i don't back down....

as far as you not believing that i can feel as strongly as i seem to about me, i do feel that strongly...the fear of prison is the only thing that stops me from violence...i'm just old enough to be a Patriot...a person who actually loves their country...and i see trump as the biggest threat we've faced in my lifetime. he is EVERYTHING wrong with my country, embodied in one foul, disgusting, fucking piece of shit person....he has no ethics, shitty bad morals, hates anyone not white, thinks women exist only to be subservient to men, is a hypocrite that courts religious zealots while cheating on his wife, his taxes, his entire life....i sincerely think that everything he does is geared to serve trump, and he couldn't not possibly care less about the country he's fucking over to get what he wants...
as for your three examples...
he separates families at the border, for one reason, alone. to make it less attractive for people to come to our country for aid and refuge. someone who doesn't hate anyone different from themselves wouldn't order such a thing.

his statement that there are very fine people on both sides of the issue, when asked about the conflicts between protester "antifa" and "proud boys" side of the "issue" is promoting racism, hate, isolationism...and using violence to try to frighten their opponents into giving up....those are NOT "very fine people".....

Trump’s real-estate company tried to avoid renting apartments to African-Americans in the 1970s and gave preferential treatment to whites, according to the federal government.

Trump treated black employees at his casinos differently from whites, according to multiple sources. A former hotel executive said Trump criticized a black accountant: “Black guys counting my money! I hate it. … I think that the guy is lazy. And it’s probably not his fault, because laziness is a trait in blacks.”

In 1989, Trump took out ads in New York newspapers urging the death penalty for five black and Latino teenagers accused of raping a white woman in Central Park; he argued they were guilty as late as October 2016, more than 10 years after DNA evidence had exonerated them.

In 1989, on NBC, Trump said: “I think sometimes a black may think they don’t have an advantage or this and that. I’ve said on one occasion, even about myself, if I were starting off today, I would love to be a well-educated black, because I really believe they do have an actual advantage.”

He uses the gang MS-13 to disparage all immigrants. Among many other statements, he has suggested that Obama’s protection of the Dreamers — otherwise law-abiding immigrants who were brought to the United States illegally as children — contributed to the spread of MS-13.

In December 2015, Trump called for a “a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States,” including refusing to readmit Muslim-American citizens who were outside of the country at the time.

Trump said a federal judge hearing a case about Trump University was biased because of the judge’s Mexican heritage.

In June 2017, Trump said 15,000 recent immigrants from Haiti “all have AIDS” and that 40,000 Nigerians, once seeing the United States, would never “go back to their huts” in Africa.

Trump called Obama (who was editor in chief of the Harvard Law Review) “a terrible student, terrible.

Trump falsely claimed that President Obama “issued a statement for Kwanzaa but failed to issue one for Christmas.”

He is quick to highlight crimes committed by dark-skinned people, sometimes exaggerating or lying about them (such as a claim about growing crime from “radical Islamic terror” in Britain). He is very slow to decry hate crimes committed by whites against dark-skinned people (such as the killing of an Indian man in Kansas last year).

He called Puerto Ricans who criticized his administration’s response to Hurricane Maria “politically motivated ingrates.”

He has retweeted white nationalists without apology.

After David Duke, the former leader of the Ku Klux Klan, endorsed him, Trump was reluctant to disavow Duke even when asked directly on television.

In the 1990s, Trump took out advertisements alleging that the “Mohawk Indian record of criminal activity is well documented.” At the time, he was fighting competition for his casino business.

Trump has trafficked in anti-Semitic caricatures, including the tweeting of a six-pointed star alongside a pile of cash. He has also been reluctant to condemn anti-Semitic attacks on journalists from his supporters, and he echoed neo-Nazi conspiracy theories by saying that Hillary Clinton “meets in secret with international banks to plot the destruction of U.S. sovereignty in order to enrich these global financial powers, her special interest friends and her donors.”

In a White House meeting with a Korean-American intelligence analyst briefing him on Pakistan, Trump wondered aloud why she was not working on North Korea policy.

Trump once referred to a Hispanic Miss Universe as “Miss Housekeeping.”

......3 didn't seem like enough...if i had more time i would have made it 300.....
he's a piece of shit...pure and simple...that's all he's ever been, and all he ever will be...

i did not like Hillary, or Bernie...but either one of them would have been better than trump... they all do lie....but not for fun...not because they're unable to tell the truth if they wanted to...they may make amoral choices, but they're choices...they could make better choices, but didn't...trump can't make the decent choice if he wanted to, because there is no decency in him...see the difference? one way, you have someone who is at least aware of what's going on around them, and will try not to destroy the status quo....controlled change is a good thing, destroying the infrastructure of the financial and commercial world with nothing to replace it with is fucking insanity....
And I've noticed that Trump supporters are extremely educated. They know exactly why they support Trump and they can back their political stances with valid arguments. This black guy is a legend. Blacks who support Trump end up being level headed like this man here. But blacks that support Hillary end up in that fascist BLM movement."
man, you've been watching different news than i have...the typical trump supporter is an uneducated mouth breathing dumbass.....the people you've been seeing are hand picked individuals, who do not represent the average trump voter. trust me, i'm from here....i'm from the south...i'm from trump country....i speak to these people every day....they are not well educated, erudite, enlightened people...that is simply the facade you've been shown.....
and that is the truth...please feel free to check the statistic, yourself....
I usually ignore your insulting post to me, coz your SJW gang is too strong here, but when you have some sane moments like this is , I will try to answer..With my bad Russian bot English..
I'm not American, neither Russian , so my side of view is how 80% of world seeing you.. Not media , but ordinary people living in other countries..
Your last elections was battle of two Evils, And you had to decide which is less evil, And I think you choose very well..

your hate toward that man is fascinating, I cannot believe that ordinary AMERICAN can be so narrow minded, so brainwashed.. He isn't any better or worse as a Person that typical American Man is.. So your mass hysteria and hate toward him is for studying.. I adore watching clips on YT when libtards and other mindless idiot's are confronted by squatting slav, or info wars.. FACTS makes you go insane!

" vote for a man whose every campaign speech was full of lies, hate, racism"

How old are u 6 ?? Every politician LIES! EVERY
He is racist ? how ?? Give me three examples..

"i have to assume that anyone who still supports trump is a racist, is stupid, is hateful, and afraid of the rest of the world. frightened little people trying to hide in the dark, while the rest of the world passes us by"

And you made all those conclusion's by your self???? Woooow!!!
Google your rhetoric a little, its mix of communism and fascism..

Herbert F. Cooperprije 2 godine
Okay, I've got to be honest. I'm from NZ and I have been following the 2016 US election from start to now. And I've noticed that Trump supporters are extremely educated. They know exactly why they support Trump and they can back their political stances with valid arguments. This black guy is a legend. Blacks who support Trump end up being level headed like this man here. But blacks that support Hillary end up in that fascist BLM movement."

YT comment
Sorry, not my gang either. I represent the Lollipop Guild.
I usually ignore your insulting post to me, coz your SJW gang is too strong here, but when you have some sane moments like this is , I will try to answer..With my bad Russian bot English..
I'm not American, neither Russian , so my side of view is how 80% of world seeing you.. Not media , but ordinary people living in other countries..
Your last elections was battle of two Evils, And you had to decide which is less evil, And I think you choose very well..

your hate toward that man is fascinating, I cannot believe that ordinary AMERICAN can be so narrow minded, so brainwashed.. He isn't any better or worse as a Person that typical American Man is.. So your mass hysteria and hate toward him is for studying.. I adore watching clips on YT when libtards and other mindless idiot's are confronted by squatting slav, or info wars.. FACTS makes you go insane!

" vote for a man whose every campaign speech was full of lies, hate, racism"

How old are u 6 ?? Every politician LIES! EVERY
He is racist ? how ?? Give me three examples..

"i have to assume that anyone who still supports trump is a racist, is stupid, is hateful, and afraid of the rest of the world. frightened little people trying to hide in the dark, while the rest of the world passes us by"

And you made all those conclusion's by your self???? Woooow!!!
Google your rhetoric a little, its mix of communism and fascism..

Herbert F. Cooperprije 2 godine
Okay, I've got to be honest. I'm from NZ and I have been following the 2016 US election from start to now. And I've noticed that Trump supporters are extremely educated. They know exactly why they support Trump and they can back their political stances with valid arguments. This black guy is a legend. Blacks who support Trump end up being level headed like this man here. But blacks that support Hillary end up in that fascist BLM movement."

YT comment
Why does somebody from Croatia think of social justice as a derogatory? Are you afraid of justice?

I guess one of those mass murderers from the 90's might fear social justice. Are you one of them?
with all the distraught comments about trump and the current political landscape, it's only a matter of time before RIU losses valued members to suicide. Don't be embarrassed to seek professional help.
I suggest you aim the pistol barrel in your mouth. Towards your brainstem. Wrap a couple of bath towels around your head first.
I usually ignore your insulting post to me, coz your SJW gang is too strong here, but when you have some sane moments like this is , I will try to answer..With my bad Russian bot English..
I'm not American, neither Russian , so my side of view is how 80% of world seeing you.. Not media , but ordinary people living in other countries..
Your last elections was battle of two Evils, And you had to decide which is less evil, And I think you choose very well..

your hate toward that man is fascinating, I cannot believe that ordinary AMERICAN can be so narrow minded, so brainwashed.. He isn't any better or worse as a Person that typical American Man is.. So your mass hysteria and hate toward him is for studying.. I adore watching clips on YT when libtards and other mindless idiot's are confronted by squatting slav, or info wars.. FACTS makes you go insane!

" vote for a man whose every campaign speech was full of lies, hate, racism"

How old are u 6 ?? Every politician LIES! EVERY
He is racist ? how ?? Give me three examples..

"i have to assume that anyone who still supports trump is a racist, is stupid, is hateful, and afraid of the rest of the world. frightened little people trying to hide in the dark, while the rest of the world passes us by"

And you made all those conclusion's by your self???? Woooow!!!
Google your rhetoric a little, its mix of communism and fascism..

Herbert F. Cooperprije 2 godine
Okay, I've got to be honest. I'm from NZ and I have been following the 2016 US election from start to now. And I've noticed that Trump supporters are extremely educated. They know exactly why they support Trump and they can back their political stances with valid arguments. This black guy is a legend. Blacks who support Trump end up being level headed like this man here. But blacks that support Hillary end up in that fascist BLM movement."

YT comment
Did you have to put down that piglet you were slaughtering to type that?