Guys - you are not going to believe this -
I got into Apex Legends (a video game) because - you know boredom. ON PC with a gamepad (can't do KB/M - long story) but I was on that struggle bus for 20 hours. Only 3 kills and couldn't for the life of me do well, a lot of games wth little to no damage, deadweighting every squad I went near. I was so frustrated.....
So I got a freeware aim trainer on Steam and sat for 5 hours this weekend just practicing my flicks to aim, practice practice practice.
Sat in the game for 30 minutes last night and racked 5 more kills in less than 10 games. It's still kind of sad- but I revived squadmates in clutch situations, landed killshots we needed and actually helped get a damn team win... FINALLY!! I can say I now found the exit to the struggle bus, I'm still on it- but now I need to work on my positioning and fight picking, and I'll be able to hang with the PC boysss...
I'm never going to be a ranked dude, never top tier, always casual - but screw it now I'm learning to pull my own - it's happening FINALLY boooyaaaa
But the team win felt goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood....