Problem Identification

What Is This Plant Problem?

  • Underwater

    Votes: 2 6.3%
  • Overwater

    Votes: 3 9.4%
  • Not Enough Light

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Lack Or Excess Of Nutrients

    Votes: 22 68.8%
  • Other

    Votes: 5 15.6%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
hoenstly dont do a poll for something like this it really limits what results you'll get back for answers, honestly one looks like you need more light two, are you fertilizing it?
especially in the stage its in with its delicacy you shouldn't apply nutes not for the first 3-5 weeks depending on the soil you buy typically your plants will let you know when they need food. what i suggest doing is getting yourself a bigger pot as you will need one to finish your plant and dont fert get some new soil and start a new plant as for this one i would honestly not even bother
but if you choose to bother
i suggest again getting a bigger pot transplanting it up to the first set of true leave i'd clip the nasty dying yellopw ones tehy are injured and dont provide any help for the plant essentially wasted energy roots will come form the stock, if your fertilizing it STOP its way too young to even consider at this point it could also be the PH of your soil so keep tabs on that.


Active Member
ive taken my soil from my grandmother house she has a bag of it...and in the bag it says:

maximum humidity : 50%
organic matter: > 45%
nitrogen: 1.3%
phosphate : 1.2%
potassiun : 1.0%
calcium: 0.9%
magnesium: 0.3%
ph: 5.5 - 6.5

ive got two 15w cfl


Well-Known Member
okay i suggest using the 23W cfls rather than 15's cause theres alot less light getting to the plant, i use 23 cause when i flower i almost double my light output for cfls moving each plugged cfl from a 23w to a 45w. 15 are jsut too weak.


Well-Known Member
i only have that soil...what can i do?
I had the same problem. So I did some testing with a couple of different soils... and what I came up with was 45% Miracle Grow Moisture control soil from Home Depot, 45% sandy dirt from my backyard and 10% vermiculite. No more nute burn.


New Member
You washed all the nutes out of the soil. If you had listened to me 5 days ago when you started the other thread it would be growing by now.


New Member
Give em a light feeding of nutes. What kind of nutes you got?.... Well...... whatever brand... go like 25% of label strength and then let the planter lose some weight before you do it again.


New Member
Why do you need to "clean" the soil? Your plants already deficient as it is. Look how light green the leaves are. That fucked up leaf is a phosphorous deficiency. All you gotta do is feed it some nutes. FEED IT SOME FUCKING NUTES! :lol:


Well-Known Member
I'll just say this one more time and hope for your sake that you don't listen to E S ...

Its nute burn. The soil has too much in it for seedlings.


New Member
I'll just say this one more time and hope for your sake that you don't listen to E S ...

Its nute burn. The soil has too much in it for seedlings.
Yeah right Einstein... The cotyldons are yellow cuz the plant is getting too many nutes. :lol: Look... obviously the plant is getting water or the leaves would be sagging. If it can take up water it can take up nutes.... but there are non to be had.

GS... your skills are weak my fiend. Stop "helping" this guy for the plants sake.


Active Member
again, my soil is:

maximum humidity : 50%
organic matter: > 45%
nitrogen: 1.3%
phosphate : 1.2%
potassiun : 1.0%
calcium: 0.9%
magnesium: 0.3%
ph: 5.5 - 6.5

ive got two 15w cfl

should i flush it or give it some nute?


Well-Known Member
As others have suggested, that isn't enough light... but thats not why your plant is sick. You can try flushing but its hard to flush out time released nutes. Your best bet is to start over with a weaker soil.