Dude, do you have the plug on the high-high nitrate shit??? I hear if you flush it and inject the lettuces they get you even more turnt!!
I inject nitrogen straight into my plants. It's like they're on an IV drip of pure nitrogen solution. I sure hope nobody dies from nitrogen toxicity.
I inject nitrogen straight into my plants. It's like they're on an IV drip of pure nitrogen solution. I sure hope nobody dies from nitrogen toxicity.
I think the sticks that they used to tie weed on in Thailand back in the day had nitrogen in themI don't think I've ever even experienced real marijuana. We young kids sure do love nitrogen and getting knocked out though for a fact
The way I see young people talk about garbage chemical weed these days, "Bro that shit knocked me out instantly", calling unflushed bud "gas", etc, is it safe to say the effect the modern day pot smoker seeks is nothing more than the effects of nitrogen poisoning?
It's a serious thought. I've toked the hardest purps, chems, Ogs around for hours straight, deep into the morning, and nothing ever knocked me out. Yet that's how the dispensary kids rate the "high" these days. In fact I've never met an "Indica" that wouldn't wake you back up when you smoked more. Even the ladies can hang for a few hours before giving up and nodding off.
These kids today ain't getting high, I know for a fact. I've smelled what they smoke. They are getting knocked out from low oxygen in the blood! And the internet grow community thinks it's acceptable to not know what the fuck they are doing?
How many have to die before the internet growers come out of their denial about ferts in plants? Anyone willing to nitrate test their bud? See what comes back blue? I wonder if they got a phosphate field test?
some people will believe anything. Your welcomes to believe whatever you want. BUT the truth, based on science is, this story is utter HORSESHIT... maybe a bit cowshit too. Either go back to ocholl and actually learn something or at least own up to your ignorance.
But you know, we can't win a battle of wits against an unarmed opponent.........
The article isn't bullshit, but OP linking it to unflushed cannabis related deaths (has there ever been one??) is total bullshit.
So his bud doesn't taste like "made in China". Cannabis should improve breathing, not cause respiratory harm. Not everyone is a walking talking farm animal who can't perceive these things. Unflushed bud is no different than being sold a burger with spit on it. I'd rather eat the spitburger honestly but the responsible party deserves their teeth knocked out either way. You cant claim ignorance anymore. Too many people have told you it ain't right,regardless of your own beliefs.
I dont care if you mistake the smell of unflushed bud, analogous to burning pcp or a well used meth pipe, with "gas" or "sweet" terpenes as many do, smoking the shit clogs you up, if youre actually a fully evolved human it's unavoidably noticeable. Coincidentally the stuff is "harsh" after , impossible to cure into a valuable end-product, degrades into dust quickly, and the high is never good either, but the Pavlovian placebo npc people of course won't notice if they didnt even notice their terps and flavs are shot to shit.
There is nothing else to the debate. Just a bunch of unqualified growers who don't even smoke and sell to walking talking farm animals as evidence that it's acceptable to sell tainted harmful low grade product as medicine.
Feed the bare minimum,maybe you'll have enough terps to disguise the lab chemical taste. All you farm animals out there can go argue with Jorge about it.
You have no reason to believe that some asshole on the internet knows for a fact the last wax he bought from a delivery service (Purple Dream) was grown with Pure Blend Pro (because you can fuckin smell it), but you can't say you don't believe Jorge, thats just sacrilege to the Cannabis grower religion!
I agree completely and have already posted everything you said on page 1.
Just sounded like you disagreed with the article.
Otherwise, blast this fuckface into oblivion.
LOL! Sorry this kind of stupidity just sets me off. Makes you wonder sometimes how the human race survived this long......
My sweet corn is dangerous. It's very dark green after nitrate applications.