Curing my skin cancer

Hi all
Got basal skin cancer the Third time. 2 times surgery and the last one with RS hommade oil 12 days and it was gone

Regards from sweden

When I saw your post title, I was going to suggest putting some RSO on band-aids or gauze and putting these over the carcinomas.
Just be careful because if the skin is broken and you put several of these on, it can make you quite high...

I have seen an alcohol tincture from a third and fourth wash of RSO used on a fungating breast tumor and in 1 month the tumor stopped smelling and in 3 months (total) the tumor didn't show up on a PET scan.
If you don't know what a fungating tumor is, don't look it up, you will regret it...

You might want to start taking a small maintenance dose daily, not a lot, but enough to keep it in your system. This may prevent the skin cancer from coming back a fourth time or spreading somewhere else.

The Phoenix Tears (Rick Simpson) website suggests 1-2grams a month, which is 33-66mg a day.
I would suggest building up to this over a few weeks and breaking the dose up over the course of the day.
Don't take 33mg in one go right off the bat or you could be in a lot of trouble.
Even with breaking it several times over the day, just about the time you are coming down from the high from the first dose it will be time for the second one.
Rick wants you to be high all day apparently...
when we made rso in oregon few yrs ago, you didn't really get high, it was a funny feeling at first, then after bout a day, you could smoke all you wanted and you wouldn't get high as you were saturated. Wanted to comment, out there, heard lots of stories, believe few, but what i did see with my own eyes was when people could rub it actually on the spot, it would cure it or kill it or whatever, but it would go away. Seen multiple times, and not moles or anything, melanoma. Made me a firm believer in that, I also suspect thats why the rubs and topicals seem to help as many as the cbd oil, and I hear of cbd oil suppositories and also putting between toes at night to help with leg cramps, etc. But what i seen with my own eyes was the rso paste curing the melanoma.
Thanks for sharing your experience, we need more of this to help people get access to medicinal cannabis in Ireland and other countries too im sure. I watched a piece of propaganda on RTE (irish tv station) where they said that curing peoples cancer with cannabis oil was bogus, like it was a ridiculous thought, and it started boiling my blood what they were doing...

Congratulations on being cancer free, long may it last.

Cannabis works on cancer, I have seen it firsthand...
I know I am preaching to the choir on this one...
I have PET Scan images to prove it but it wouldn't be appropriate to post them here.

There must be some sort of ulterior motive for why Ireland is resisting.
I know...
There are a lot of Big Pharma companies in Ireland and the Irish government is protecting it's GDP.

Soon, when they see how GW pharma has been pulling their patents from the EU and US and hopefully they will change their minds.
However greed is strong motivator.
GW realizes their days of keeping cannabis in private hands is coming to an end and from the look of it, they are pulling back their pharmaceutical patents to retool them for private sector application.

For a while there I thought they were going to do to cannabis what they have done to insulin, but seeing so many patent applications being pulled recently gives me hope.
when we made rso in oregon few yrs ago, you didn't really get high, it was a funny feeling at first, then after bout a day, you could smoke all you wanted and you wouldn't get high as you were saturated. Wanted to comment, out there, heard lots of stories, believe few, but what i did see with my own eyes was when people could rub it actually on the spot, it would cure it or kill it or whatever, but it would go away. Seen multiple times, and not moles or anything, melanoma. Made me a firm believer in that, I also suspect thats why the rubs and topicals seem to help as many as the cbd oil, and I hear of cbd oil suppositories and also putting between toes at night to help with leg cramps, etc. But what i seen with my own eyes was the rso paste curing the melanoma.

What strain did you make the RSO out of?
You would smoke it, like dab it or in cart?
Have you ever eaten it?

I am curious because I have had one of those RSO "stories" you speak of and the stuff I made it with (Diablo strain 18% THC) knocked me on my ass for 3 days.
I didn't have a seizure for 3 weeks though, which was nice.
I did the same on my nose but it took 5 weeks to shrink it to nothing
The video I made is what got my GP to sign my license.

Since then..
stage 4 recurrent colon cancer with metastasis to my liver
survivor now gong on 9 years from diagnosis.:idea:
dont like sayin it but ..people need to know..
not all oil works the same for everyone.
they have to find one that works best for them
The same strain will help kill tumors in one person with colon cancer but for some reason the same strain wont help the next person with the same cancer,,and is why I constantly switch it up
they have been studying this here in cannada for 25 some odd years but they wont tell you that
they are not allowed.

That is awesome that you made a video and your GP responded positively instead of just brushing you off.

Back before CBD was legal I asked my GP about cannabis for seizures he was like "why? so you can get high?"
I was like "no, I want CBD, it's not psycho-active."
He still refused.
What strain did you make the RSO out of?
You would smoke it, like dab it or in cart?
Have you ever eaten it?

I am curious because I have had one of those RSO "stories" you speak of and the stuff I made it with (Diablo strain 18% THC) knocked me on my ass for 3 days.
I didn't have a seizure for 3 weeks though, which was nice.
Came from Genesis, so I assume it was either shishkaberry, blueberry, or blackberry. You can't or we didn't even try to smoke rso, lol, , just rice grain size right smack on tongue, 2-3 times a day. When I say it made you feel funny, for a minute or two, lol, you wasn't sure you was trippin a lil. I have a huge tolerance, maybe that made a diff, but the 2nd or 3rd day of eating it, any killer herb I had access to did nothing to me, so I put it up while i did the rso, I was really just being a guinea pig to try it. Took a few days when I quit before smoking any meds were normal to me. I give some to a friend and he thought you could smoke it, and went I went to visit him, he hadn't ate it, just tried to smoke rso, lol, and he had it smeared everywhere. Ive never heard of anyone smoking it, hear of people smoking meds and taking rso. jme
EVERYONE IS DIFFERENT in how they react to oil

Some people dont get high . Others get floored.
Same goes with strains. Some strains will kill tumors in one individual and not another but ...a different strain will work for them

point here being that a MAGIC BULLET like chemo and or radiation is NOT A FIX but a method to prolong? your life.

Try many strains and ingest as much as you can...and keep building...and dont stop until something works..once up to speed ..its easy...
even if it doesn't work
it BEATS OUT CONVENTIONAL TREATMENT which puts ya in the grave faster than fat usually and makes oncologist RICH!
well its what we have to offer after all.. PPPHHHTTT
EVERYONE IS DIFFERENT in how they react to oil

Some people dont get high . Others get floored.
Same goes with strains. Some strains will kill tumors in one individual and not another but ...a different strain will work for them

point here being that a MAGIC BULLET like chemo and or radiation is NOT A FIX but a method to prolong? your life.

Try many strains and ingest as much as you can...and keep building...and dont stop until something works..once up to speed ..its easy...
even if it doesn't work
it BEATS OUT CONVENTIONAL TREATMENT which puts ya in the grave faster than fat usually and makes oncologist RICH!
well its what we have to offer after all.. PPPHHHTTT

You are totally right, chemo is poison meant to keep someone alive until the point that either the cancer gives up or the person does.
If the world governments gave the same leniency to cannabis as they do the poisons used by chemo, we would see a lot more people overcoming cancer and not wasting away because of it.

I hate to be this way, but there is too much money in chemo, so they have no incentive to stop.
Sadly making $9 USD a gram off cannabis isn't worth these people's time when they are dealing with medications that cost a few dollars to produce and can be sold for $30,000+ USD a gram.

Brand name Ativan costs $1,947.00 USD per 60 pill bottle, each pill is 1mg, so this costs $32.35 USD per milligram. There are 1,000 milligrams in a gram, so 1,000*32.45= $32,450 USD per gram.

I could rant on and on about cancer and cannabis for days, the whole topic just pisses me off.
But I will won't...
EVERYONE IS DIFFERENT in how they react to oil

Some people dont get high . Others get floored.

I sent some oil I got for free to a lady that works with my wife that was diagnosed with MS... the reason I sent it was because it had no effect on me.
So, I told her it doesn't do anything... apparently I was wrong. She is now a permanent oil user.

I have two people in my life at the moment with skin cancer, so I am planning a kinda large grow, to have enough good flower to make medicine. I reckon I only need like 2 pounds for the two of them
I sent some oil I got for free to a lady that works with my wife that was diagnosed with MS... the reason I sent it was because it had no effect on me.
So, I told her it doesn't do anything... apparently I was wrong. She is now a permanent oil user.

I have two people in my life at the moment with skin cancer, so I am planning a kinda large grow, to have enough good flower to make medicine. I reckon I only need like 2 pounds for the two of them
Great news, it will work but it is a big planning same u say it take alot of good quality of green like 50-100 gram, to get 5-10 ml of good RH oil
Good thing with skin cancer is same chris Edwards say if it not deep you not get High from the treatment. Good for people that not know and dont want to know. RH apply plaster Thats it
This is my treatment on a what the hospital call sun skin damage ☺️ Not cancer they say. I give it a try with RH oil


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Yeah, my 300W lights produce about 300g in 60 days over 0.72m I was thinking of vegging out a few girls indoors and throwing them outside to get some sun grown weight in there too.
To put this into perspective, you probably get about 7mg from a whole joint. So this is a lot for a newb.

I worded that incorrectly...
By "trouble" I meant that at that dose for someone without a built up tolerance, they would probably end up flat out for a while and they may either may like it or it could scare the hell out of them.

Cannabis won't kill you.

But too much THC, too fast will probably trigger an anxiety attack which for some people can feel like a heart attack, especially when you are dealing with the 18-20% THC strains that are mostly standard these days.

Sorry about that.