Chris Edward
Well-Known Member
Hi all
Got basal skin cancer the Third time. 2 times surgery and the last one with RS hommade oil 12 days and it was gone
Regards from sweden
When I saw your post title, I was going to suggest putting some RSO on band-aids or gauze and putting these over the carcinomas.
Just be careful because if the skin is broken and you put several of these on, it can make you quite high...
I have seen an alcohol tincture from a third and fourth wash of RSO used on a fungating breast tumor and in 1 month the tumor stopped smelling and in 3 months (total) the tumor didn't show up on a PET scan.
If you don't know what a fungating tumor is, don't look it up, you will regret it...
You might want to start taking a small maintenance dose daily, not a lot, but enough to keep it in your system. This may prevent the skin cancer from coming back a fourth time or spreading somewhere else.
The Phoenix Tears (Rick Simpson) website suggests 1-2grams a month, which is 33-66mg a day.
I would suggest building up to this over a few weeks and breaking the dose up over the course of the day.
Don't take 33mg in one go right off the bat or you could be in a lot of trouble.
Even with breaking it several times over the day, just about the time you are coming down from the high from the first dose it will be time for the second one.
Rick wants you to be high all day apparently...