Problem Identification

What Is This Plant Problem?

  • Underwater

    Votes: 2 6.3%
  • Overwater

    Votes: 3 9.4%
  • Not Enough Light

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Lack Or Excess Of Nutrients

    Votes: 22 68.8%
  • Other

    Votes: 5 15.6%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
ohhhhhh boy, what ever happend to giving friendly advice and growing the fucking herb? perhaps a new forum is in my near future.


Active Member
hi ya doing...
we need to shill.... ;)...good vibrations...
well i gave her the nutes half the proportions that come in the instructions...

and this morning i went check on her and she was worse..!!!
the new leafs were more pale and more with no strenght at all!!!
i imediatly flush it like its said here in the site...but she's still the same...
im really the bottom line i didnt had any help...the plant is not worse...
look how shes doing:
is she dying? or, she's gonna die?



New Member
That's cuz you're still overwatering. Give it some time to dry out before you reapply. Don't even think about watering/feeding again until you see those leaves pointing up.


Well-Known Member
That seedling is history. Any other care given to it will be a waste of your time. Toss it out and start over. Next time, use a soil which contains less nutrients... and don't give it any nutes until its older.


New Member
That seedling is history. Any other care given to it will be a waste of your time. Toss it out and start over. Next time, use a soil which contains less nutrients... and don't give it any nutes until its older.
BOO!!!... get the fuck outta here with that lame shit.


Well-Known Member
BOO!!!... get the fuck outta here with that lame shit.
Seriously man, this section of the site is not for goofiness. This area is for serious growing questions and answers. I understand that you go around doing this for your own personal amusement... but you're in the wrong place. Go to Toke and talk for some silly conversation.


New Member
Seriously man, this section of the site is not for goofiness. This area is for serious growing questions and answers. I understand that you go around doing this for your own personal amusement... but you're in the wrong place. Go to Toke and talk for some silly conversation.
I'm not gonna sit here and watch you tell dude to pack it up without having something to say about it. You're being a jerk cuz he ain't doing it your way.

Repotting doesn't make a better grower. You either figure out what you're doing wrong or you don't get any bud.... simple as that.


Well-Known Member
I'm not gonna sit here and watch you tell dude to pack it up without having something to say about it. You're being a jerk cuz he ain't doing it your way.

Repotting doesn't make a better grower. You either figure out what you're doing wrong or you don't get any bud.... simple as that.
So thats a "no" then. Ok.

With some luck, this community will not have to deal with your antagonism for very long.

From now on, I will not feed into it by responding to you.


New Member
So thats a "no" then. Ok.

With some luck, this community will not have to deal with your antagonism for very long.

From now on, I will not feed into it by responding to you.
It's not about luck it's about Mary Jane. If you need anything feel free to drop me a p.m. ;-)


Well-Known Member
Look BMW... we have told you what you need to do and you listen to ES's advice to give it nutrients. Now that plant is definitaly on its way out. There is probably no way to save it. If you want to make one last ditch effort before you toss it... then do this. If not then call it quits and start over because there is NO OTHER WAY to save it. Wait a few more days and it'll already be brown and dead.

FIRST... flood that soil. Get the nutrients you just added out of there ASAP. Then spray a misting of plain water onto it underneath the leaves(if some gets on top it will not matter much, so long as the lights aren't really close otherwise u may burn the leaves or burst your lights). Do this and when the leaves have dried.... do it again(probably about 2 hours later). Keep doing that for a day and tell me the results.


Well-Known Member
Dammit, I sure wish ES would leave this fucking forum.

EVERY reply from him, is incorrect bullshit

I'd vote for a permenant ban with an IP address block, but that's harassment.

Potroast should be on it, I'm sure he's seen several bad suggestions from him.

ES- killing other people's plants via rollitup. :finger:


Well-Known Member
Look at all posts from ES, it's all bad advice.

I don't understand, maybe he's totally against cannabis, and is trying to kill everyone's plants??? :roll:


Active Member telling you guys...
im really sad...that this is happening...war against everybody in this one knows the real good thing to do the better plant is just the same or worse...
now the new leave are a mess too...the tip of the new leaves is curling up like the others bad leaves did...and no one here knows what causes that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and i know what you're going to say...start over...toss it away...
bujt it was my only many advices...none of them worked...
now she looks like this:
what you think?



New Member
You guys are like broken records. :lol:

You can never be rid of me. Between the numerous free emails and proxy servers.....:lol: I think I'll stay a while. ;-) Even if Potroast bans this account... I'll be back on in 5 minutes.

It's hilarious that all you guys are saying to flush an already overwatered and deficient plant..... and I'm the one giving bad advice. :lol: All the rep in the world can't make you a good grower. Get wise.


Well-Known Member
Seriously man, I replied to your other thread a couple days ago, and told you to chill out and let it grow.

Then you started a new thread, listened to ES and kept watering, and watering... And adding nutrients...

You have to pick which advice is best, and you can't expect it to grow before your eyes like Jack and the beanstalk.

They'll be more seeds to grow, I know this was your only one.

My diagnosis is you overcared for it and killed it before it had a chance, you repotted it, kept watering what seems to be hourly, and you really need to do a little research and try again.

Sorry for the backtalk to ES, he's been trolling around giving terrible advice, hopefully the'll be a stop to it soon enough :roll:

But really, you acted like it was a newborn that needed constant attention.

Next time, water your soil thouroughly, water running from the bottom of the pot,
and wait for it to feel light when you pick it up, then repeat.

You can't expect it to grow like crazy from the get-go.

I sprouted some seeds a little over a month ago, my journal is linked in my signature, if you look at the dates on the pics you'll get an idea of how long things take.

Along with that, read some information, most people try to grow without reading anything, and are fairly successful, as long as they don't kill the plant with overthinking, overcaring, over manicuring.

Good luck with your ventures, if you would've listened to my advise a week ago, and ran plain water through and waited until it dried, then you might not be in this situation.

It most likely is going to die, it hasn't changed since the last time I saw it, I'd do what was recommended, rinse the soil with plenty of water, and wait at least a week without doing anything

But I told you that a week ago, and look where you are now :roll: