The US cuts all Aid to Guatamala, Honduras and El Salvador


Well-Known Member
Our Great Humanitarian Leader Trump ordered the State Dept. yesterday to cut all direct assistance to what is known as the Northern Triangle, money that funded programs put in place by Obama (could that be the reason?) designed to help eliminate the root causes that are the engine for the migration that is such a sore spot for Trump and his Nationalist supporters.

This should work out well, right?

Fucking pig.
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The only way to stop the flood of legal refugees and illegal immigrants seeking jobs is to find ways to end their need to do so.

I'd sign up to support diverting Trump's 60 billion demand for wall money into funding programs in Central America and Mexico that would build up those countries.

Instead, Trump. Build a wall and tear down the economies of everybody else.

661 days, 10 hours, 56 minutes
Which will have the effect of more refugees fleeing to the U.S. border, which will help validate his claim that the problem is getting worse.

It's easier to create a problem than find one. Trump is the master at it.
> create a problem

How much do you pay off your neighbors with the hope they'll never rob you?
How much do you pay off your neighbors with the hope they'll never rob you?

I live in a very nice neighborhood in one of the top 25 small cities to live in in the United States.

I don't have to worry about my neighbors robbing me. We all have everything we want.

Don't judge me based on that demilitarized zone of a trailer park you live in.
Wouldn't it be easier for any people who want to give aid to people to borrow the money themselves and send it to them ?

I mean it's not like I should be taking a gun to my neighbors and force them to pay for my ideas is it ? Cuz if that's a good idea, I'm going to @TacoMac neighborhood and steal his 1975 Monte Carlo and put some shiny rims on, put in a rebuilt 454 motor and live in it outside the metal shop, until I can get a section 8 apartment.
The only way to stop the flood of legal refugees and illegal immigrants seeking jobs is to find ways to end their need to do so.

I'd sign up to support diverting Trump's 60 billion demand for wall money into funding programs in Central America and Mexico that would build up those countries.

Instead, Trump. Build a wall and tear down the economies of everybody else.

661 days, 10 hours, 56 minutes

Why wait? Send your money now. Who's stopping you from going there and acting on your ideas?
Wouldn't it be easier for any people who want to give aid to people to borrow the money themselves and send it to them ?

I mean it's not like I should be taking a gun to my neighbors and force them to pay for my ideas is it ? Cuz if that's a good idea, I'm going to @TacoMac neighborhood and steal his 1975 Monte Carlo and put some shiny rims on, put in a rebuilt 454 motor and live in it outside the metal shop, until I can get a section 8 apartment.
Right wingers threatening the left is not new
The right always threatens violence fortunately most are pussies in real life
> create a problem

How much do you pay off your neighbors with the hope they'll never rob you?
I realize you are not very bright and as a result you are stupid. I love my country, but we do have some in power that totally fucks this country up.
USA government has always had a hand in fucking up other regions of the world unfortunately. I guess this derives from bullshit thinking like "The Law of Divine Manifestation".
We caused these problems with our knowing and sometimes convert policies.
There was the CIA’s Guatemalan coup d'état covert operation to overthrow Guatemala’s democratically elected president in 1954. Drastically changing the landscape and government.
In 1970, socialist Salvador Allende had been democratically elected president of Chile, USA thought best to remove and replace. The CIA helped install Augusto Pinochet as president.

We also can claim intervention in El Salvador's civil war in the 1980s. It seems we have policies to this date that hurts the economy and destabilize this region. Needless to say a good time is not had by all.
1988 Nicaragua was devastated by hurricane. The whole world considered it a international humanitarian crisis, but because Ronald " Bedtime for Bozo " Reagan was busy trying to destroy the Sandistas with illegal gun trade, no humanitarian aid for Nicaragua, which tossed the country into poverty and helped the Contra war ( Can you say Oliver North ?)
Let us also not forget Reagan and his aid to Montt that completely wreak Guatemala. That war killed over 250,000. Hell that shit was so bad Clinton had to issue an apology for our policies. I could go on and on, but I said in the beginning, you are not very bright.
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