Donald trump's culture of cruelty

No Muslim ban, only folks (regardless of religion) coming from specific Anti-American Countries who support, and train Ji-Haters and the like. Try watching some Fox News, instead of that CNN, MSNBC, ABC, and CBS and get a better feel for the real deal. Less propaganda, more facts.

Of all the sources you've named above, only Fix News has won a lawsuit by claiming they're an entertainment provider and are not attempting or required to report facts.

You've been had, fool.

Lugenpresse... In reverse.
No Muslim ban, only folks (regardless of religion) coming from specific Anti-American Countries who support, and train Ji-Haters and the like. Try watching some Fox News, instead of that CNN, MSNBC, ABC, and CBS and get a better feel for the real deal. Less propaganda, more facts.

Wait, so you're saying also ban Americans too? Last time i checked a lot of the 'terrorist' acts were done by Americans. If you want less bullshit and more facts then I would say, like buck said, YouTube might be a better start. But 30% of you won't see it that way.
Wishing ill on others is a sign of poor character.

You have no idea what my financial picture looks like. I like it that way.

Shut, your post doesn't even make sense.

Meltdown, snowflake?

Bank to your safe place- err, burger grill.
working the grill is pretty complicated for some people. Washing up, cleaning toilets and mopping the floors is more his speed.
I love it, that all you Libtard Snowflakes are melting and generally freaking out. Trump kicked Hillary's ass, thank God. That bitch would have taken us straight into WW3 to please her Big Money backers. Hillary the Money Whore, has been sucking the Corporate Dick since the 90's. The truth is we are approaching 120 days with Trump in office, and the sky isn't falling yet. But ignorant facist Liberals are breaking windows, and burning cars. All while demanding you see things their way, and only their way. Calling everyone who doesn't agree with them Nazi's, and Facist. Funny, too funny. Prediction, in another 120 days, and for the 1200 days after that, the sky still will not fall. I love that Trump is telling Congress to get off their lazy Corporate Dick Sucking Asses, and get some work done. Come 2018, the Republicans will decimate the Dem's again. Because the Dem's are so far out of touch with the Average American. #MAGA Make a snowlfake melt.
Why are you obsessing on Clinton? Trump is president now. Not that anybody would notice, he hasn't done anything of note yet. He's even continuing Obama's foreign policy on Syria. All the way down to launching missiles in retaliation Assad to crossing the line on using poison gas. Which is what Obama legally went to Congress for informed consent to do. Trump didn't know about the Constitution and didn't consult with Congress but everybody agrees that Obama should have been given the go-ahead to launch, so, why not just carry on?
Doesn't have to, Trump's going to have the DEA grab all that Cartel Money and use it. Their stash houses, tractor trailer rigs, and planes can barely hold it all anyway. Once that wall is complete imports will fall off. Then the prices for domestic can go back up. Who needs brick packed shit weed anyway ? No one.
50 billion. Umm, no, the DEA and local police forces keep Cartel money for whatever it is they do with it. The wall will cost $50 billion. And billions more to staff and maintain it. Trump will borrow that money from China, which is what he's talking about right now with the Chinese government. Generations of US taxpayers will pay for that wall assuming it ever gets built.

Did you think Trump was going to make America Great Again? LOL. More like Make America's Debt Greater Again. You were shagged.

Now here's an idea that Trump will think is YUUUUUGE! Solve two problems at the same time!

Nuclear dump
Few things scare people away like nuclear waste.

Clayton Industries' bid includes storing nuclear waste 100 feet below a chain-link fence at the border, the Mercury News reported.

The Pittsburgh-headquarted firm's plan also suggests that money already collected by the Department of Energy for nuclear power use could help pay for the wall.
50 billion. Umm, no, the DEA and local police forces keep Cartel money for whatever it is they do with it. The wall will cost $50 billion. And billions more to staff and maintain it. Trump will borrow that money from China, which is what he's talking about right now with the Chinese government. Generations of US taxpayers will pay for that wall assuming it ever gets built.

Did you think Trump was going to make America Great Again? LOL. More like Make America's Debt Greater Again. You were shagged.

Now here's an idea that Trump will think is YUUUUUGE! Solve two problems at the same time!

Nuclear dump
Few things scare people away like nuclear waste.

Clayton Industries' bid includes storing nuclear waste 100 feet below a chain-link fence at the border, the Mercury News reported.

The Pittsburgh-headquarted firm's plan also suggests that money already collected by the Department of Energy for nuclear power use could help pay for the wall.

There is a reason 30% of people still like him.... Apparently part of that % is him...
Oh, you Snowflakes have gotten all triggered. lol 2018 & 2010 say good bye Libtard Dem's you're going the way of the dinasour. Get used to a Trump Presidency. Hell will freeze over before Killary " Corporate Rod Smoker" Clinton gets that office. She's a two time loser, to Obama & Trump. How funny is that ? That pretty much says it all, and the fact that the Dem's think she's their best candidate. Well that's completely laughable.

Go President Trump !!! #MAGA :)

Do you want my glasses for a few mins so you can see your bullshit clearly?
Carrier battle groups don't do invasions; they supply airpower and a platform for covert ops.

It will be interesting to see what they do.

I was on a destroyer that was part of a carrier task force during operation Paul Bunyan- we just steamed up and down the coast for a couple of weeks as a show of force then went back to Pusan and got drunk on shitty Korean beer
Putin approves the degree of brainwashing that has occurred with that person.

How DARE you, traitor!! Would you like to sample some delicious foods that I had prepared just for you? How about a nice evening stroll along the historic Bolshoy Bridge?
What about helping me arrange this houseplant that just happens to be haphazardly placed in front of this fourth-story window?

You Libtards make me laugh with all this Putin BS. Obama, Hillary, and Rice ran one hell of a con job on all of you, and cleaned up in the process $$. Obama was the NWO Mus-churian Candidate. Put in place, as a puppet and nothing more. Divide and weaken from within (much more cost effective) that a straight forward war. Stimulus Package to increase National Debt. Allow exodus of good jobs to slave labor countries to weaken dollar, and throw more U.S. Citizen into poverty. Increase unemployment. Increase dependance on food stamps, and government assistance. Ramp up the racial divide, and flood the country with illegal aliens (unskilled labor) to be exploited by the rich, and further weaken the job market. Yep, Obama pretty much checked off all their goals, and the Muslim Brother Hood salutes him. Thank God he's now only a foot note in history " Worst President in 100 years " .

exodus of good jobs to slave labor countries

like in china, where trump and ivanka make all their shitty clothes, instead of ohio textiles?

to weaken dollar

listen to your supreme emperor, ya dumb fucking racist.

Screenshot 2017-04-13 at 9.44.14 PM.png

you are just so fucking dumb. all trump supporters are fucking dumb. and racist.

and they hate being called dumb and racist.

if you simply stopped being dumb and racist, we'd stop calling ya dumb and racist. but you're too dumb and racist to do that.
You Libtards make me laugh with all this Putin BS. Obama, Hillary, and Rice ran one hell of a con job on all of you, and cleaned up in the process $$. Obama was the NWO Mus-churian Candidate. Put in place, as a puppet and nothing more. Divide and weaken from within (much more cost effective) that a straight forward war. Stimulus Package to increase National Debt. Allow exodus of good jobs to slave labor countries to weaken dollar, and throw more U.S. Citizen into poverty. Increase unemployment. Increase dependance on food stamps, and government assistance. Ramp up the racial divide, and flood the country with illegal aliens (unskilled labor) to be exploited by the rich, and further weaken the job market. Yep, Obama pretty much checked off all their goals, and the Muslim Brother Hood salutes him. Thank God he's now only a foot note in history " Worst President in 100 years " .

Wipe the drool off your chin, your rabid racism is foaming at the mouth again.

If tell you to check your facts but you simply don't know how- which is why you stare at Faux Spews so long you memorize the tripe they sucker you with.

Do you even know the difference between talking points and logical argument? Clearly not.
Wait, so you're saying also ban Americans too? Last time i checked a lot of the 'terrorist' acts were done by Americans. If you want less bullshit and more facts then I would say, like buck said, YouTube might be a better start. But 30% of you won't see it that way.
Like the vast majority of American terrorism is domestic terrorism.

Something the right wants to both keep using AND deny knowledge of.