Repirations for slavery

maybe having a black friend has become a trope....but i still have black friends....i don't usually mention them because assholes tell me i'm a racist with a i guess black people and white people aren't allowed to be friends...or at least white people aren't allowed to mention any black friends they may have, or kneejerk liberal assholes will automatically label them racist liars....¿
"I'm not a racist, I have a black friend" (or two or three). It's false logic. It's like saying "I'm not a misogynist, I have a girlfriend".

Racist liars say the same thing a lot. This doesn't mean you are a racist liar but by saying you have black friends doesn't mean you are not one. Suggest that if you don't want to look like a lying racist, don't talk like one.
"I'm not a racist, I have a black friend" (or two or three). It's false logic. It's like saying "I'm not a misogynist, I have a girlfriend".

Racist liars say the same thing a lot. This doesn't mean you are a racist liar but by saying you have black friends doesn't mean you are not one. Suggest that if you don't want to look like a lying racist, don't talk like one.

Take for instance you accusing me of being racist, which I am 100% not. I relayed a part of my history which was growing up as a child in a culture where I was a minority, and ALMOST ALL of my friends were black (go back and "fact check" my post). First you took my comment completely out of context, ignored the point of my statement and used false equivalence to pigeonhole me into being a racist because "that's what liar racists say", which only serves to fit your narrative. It's not proof of anything, it's just a ridiculous accusation you made to control what other people may think of me or my future comments. Its arrogant as fuck.
"I'm not a racist, I have a black friend" (or two or three). It's false logic. It's like saying "I'm not a misogynist, I have a girlfriend".

Racist liars say the same thing a lot. This doesn't mean you are a racist liar but by saying you have black friends doesn't mean you are not one. Suggest that if you don't want to look like a lying racist, don't talk like one.
i get what you're saying...but what if it's pertinent to the conversation? say, someone is telling me what an asshole i am, and how i don't know shit about minorities, that i'm an old white bigot....when about half of the people i consider friends are latino, black, american indians, middle european immigrants.... and most of the people i've ever met and grew to despise are white....i'm just supposed to sit there and not mention any of that, because it might make them think i'm lying? how about they come to our next pig roast? they can be the guest pigs....roasted snowflake...that has to be tender....
i'm just supposed to sit there and not mention any of that

While at the same time groveling at their feet begging forgiveness for shit you had nothing to do with so they can feel better.

Even after you do all that though, they'll still call you a racist.

It's the only card in their deck and the only one they have to play.

There will never, ever be an end for them, so the best bet is to simply not even try so that the status quo will remain the same.

That is how stupid they are: they'd rather attack, insult and alienate people that try to understand and help and add to the problem than yoke that strength and try to change it.
i get what you're saying...but what if it's pertinent to the conversation? say, someone is telling me what an asshole i am, and how i don't know shit about minorities, that i'm an old white bigot....when about half of the people i consider friends are latino, black, american indians, middle european immigrants.... and most of the people i've ever met and grew to despise are white....i'm just supposed to sit there and not mention any of that, because it might make them think i'm lying? how about they come to our next pig roast? they can be the guest pigs....roasted snowflake...that has to be tender....
Actually I don't' recall anyone on RUI calling YOU that. You decided to take up the cause on your on. Only a hit dog hollers and if comments do not pertain to you why comment ? I try to explain to you from a black/brown man perspective and you get all in your feelz and shit
While at the same time groveling at their feet begging forgiveness for shit you had nothing to do with so they can feel better.

Even after you do all that though, they'll still call you a racist.

It's the only card in their deck and the only one they have to play.

There will never, ever be an end for them, so the best bet is to simply not even try so that the status quo will remain the same.

That is how stupid they are: they'd rather attack, insult and alienate people that try to understand and help and add to the problem than yoke that strength and try to change it.
Who here said that anyone needed to beg on knees for forgiveness ? I commented on exactly how reparation's should be done and your reply ?
"I'm just going to ignore."

Dude grow the fuck up
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No worries buddy, one was hear say and the other was an opinion, apologies for not explaining better. Dude got me heated lol
Take for instance you accusing me of being racist, which I am 100% not. I relayed a part of my history which was growing up as a child in a culture where I was a minority, and ALMOST ALL of my friends were black (go back and "fact check" my post). First you took my comment completely out of context, ignored the point of my statement and used false equivalence to pigeonhole me into being a racist because "that's what liar racists say", which only serves to fit your narrative. It's not proof of anything, it's just a ridiculous accusation you made to control what other people may think of me or my future comments. Its arrogant as fuck.
First off, the post of mine that has you all sweaty and angry wasn't directed at you, it was directed at Shrubs. As usual the entitled white guy thinks its all about him.

So, yes, I'm arrogant when talking to shlubs like you. I also thank you for making me look good by comparison.

So, here's what I know about you: you don't have a clue what life is like for black people and women yet went on to say that it's not all that bad. LOL, classic white man-splaining. Your mother did you a disservice when she told you that you were very smart.
i get what you're saying...but what if it's pertinent to the conversation? say, someone is telling me what an asshole i am, and how i don't know shit about minorities, that i'm an old white bigot....when about half of the people i consider friends are latino, black, american indians, middle european immigrants.... and most of the people i've ever met and grew to despise are white....i'm just supposed to sit there and not mention any of that, because it might make them think i'm lying? how about they come to our next pig roast? they can be the guest pigs....roasted snowflake...that has to be tender....
When is false logic ever pertinent? Unless it is a direct quote from somebody who is using said false logic, in which case it is good justification for saying that person sucks at critical thinking.

I don't think you are racist, Shrubs. But you talk like one.
I am racist a HUMAN racist...That's all it boils down to we are all human, different cultures yes race NO!

I know it wasn't directed at me, you quoted him. I'm a lazy stoner, I didn't feel the need to go back through three pages of this crap to find the one that actually made me have the giant eyeroll. It might not have been verbatim, but the sentiment was similar and there was some link I didn't bother clicking on about what lying racists say, top ten I think. Again, lazy stoner and not going to quote it.

I actually just got done all my chores, burnt a big fatty with my wife, who's watching something stupid on tv, so I had a little chuckle at your latest response. No sweating, no frantic, angry typing. I don't know what you envision, but you are way off. this man-splaining thing when someone responds to one your diatribes about "old white men" with a point of view that doesn't involve your race, gender or age? If so, guilty as charged.

You do know you're a hypocrite right? Jacking people for using insensitive terminology while calling people "retards", or telling people to shut up and listen while being the loudest in the room.

I think of myself as having average intelligence, I'm much better with mechanical aptitude type things, and I don't ever remember my mother calling me very smart, that's just not something she would say. Thanks for the concern though, I'll let her know that some random internet bully has her back. Then we'll have a good laugh.


I know it wasn't directed at me, you quoted him. I'm a lazy stoner, I didn't feel the need to go back through three pages of this crap to find the one that actually made me have the giant eyeroll. It might not have been verbatim, but the sentiment was similar and there was some link I didn't bother clicking on about what lying racists say, top ten I think. Again, lazy stoner and not going to quote it.

I actually just got done all my chores, burnt a big fatty with my wife, who's watching something stupid on tv, so I had a little chuckle at your latest response. No sweating, no frantic, angry typing. I don't know what you envision, but you are way off. this man-splaining thing when someone responds to one your diatribes about "old white men" with a point of view that doesn't involve your race, gender or age? If so, guilty as charged.

You do know you're a hypocrite right? Jacking people for using insensitive terminology while calling people "retards", or telling people to shut up and listen while being the loudest in the room.

I think of myself as having average intelligence, I'm much better with mechanical aptitude type things, and I don't ever remember my mother calling me very smart, that's just not something she would say. Thanks for the concern though, I'll let her know that some random internet bully has her back. Then we'll have a good laugh.

You’re whiny
The best way to do it is stop giving aid to israel that they don't deserve or need for a yr and use that money to give reperations, you would actually save more money doing that than giving Israel Aid. Besides think of how much would instantly go into the economy as well as instantly lowering crime but we all know that the govt wouldn't want to give up their favorite scapegoat especially when it comes to law enforcement
The best way to do it is stop giving aid to israel that they don't deserve or need for a yr and use that money to give reperations, you would actually save more money doing that than giving Israel Aid. Besides think of how much would instantly go into the economy as well as instantly lowering crime but we all know that the govt would want to give up their favorite scapegoat especially when it comes to law enforcement
You sound like a dumb racist