Me and a friend have started a indoor grow, its technically all his plants but its at my house, im the one taking care of them over 90% of the time, my friend comes over like 2 times every 2 weeks to come check on them, I cant even water the damn things without him becoming a control freak, its like he is using me to just store them at my house, I dont know what to do, im threatening to rip down the entire op, he is pissing me off to be honest. they are all almost ready for harvest (we have agreed on a 50/50 split) which is not fair I deserve more because if it was not for me the plants would be dead... He belittles me and says I dont know shit even though this is both our first operation, I really cannot take it anymore, any advice on how to get him to stop BEING A CONTROL FREAK, he thinks I dont know shit....
Anyway, here is what the operation looks like:

Anyway, here is what the operation looks like:

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