I go into my grow room at trim time the same way I came into this earth.. Naked and crying!
I have a suit I wear, I used to use disposable gloves but now I use marigolds , the resin peals of easier straight after or worst case they go in the freezer overnight and then the hash comes off easy.
I found its all about the way you sit and the height . I used to sit cross legged but legs go dead soon and if you stand up quick needing a piss your likely to buckle and go face first into plants.
I wear a mask when I remember, not so much for the allergies but so my nose isn't full of stink when I come out, otherwise I wander around my house thinking everything stinks of my crop.
I put up my hood, stink clings to hair otherwise.
I have a tray for branches fresh cut. A pot for fan leaf, a pot for trim, a bucket for trimmed buds and a bucket to sit on. Plus a bucket for piss since I wont leave the room with the same clothes on and don't want to strip naked and run to the toilet.
Tried lots of scissors but found the £shop sell packs of 3 for have a guess!! when clogged up I switch scissors. Eventually I clean them all with a blade, they last a long time and have a nice point to get in close.
I fucking hate trimming but at least it gives me a close and clean trimmed product.