Russia Urges US To Publish Full Mueller Report


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Russia Urges US To Publish Full Mueller Report

In addition to virtually every Democrat, not to mention Russiagater, there is one more party that is urging the publication of the full 300+ page Mueller report: Russia itself.

On Thursday, Russia called on the U.S. to publish in full Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s report, saying this was the best way to clear up allegations of Russian meddling in the 2016 U.S. presidential elections.

Robert Mueller arrives at his office in Washington, D.C. on March 27, 2019; source: Bloomberg
“I’d like to read the entire report,” Foreign Ministry spokesman Maria Zakharova said in an interview with Ekho Moskvy radio on Thursday. “Let them publish it in full and at least we’ll find out what it’s based on.”

Russia Foreign Ministry spokesman Maria Zakharova
As Bloomberg notes, President Trump scored the biggest political triumph of his presidency on Sunday after publication of a summary of Mueller’s report showed the 22-month investigation found no evidence of collusion between his campaign and Russian officials during the 2016 election (it was followed by icing on the cake when one day later, his nemesis, "creepy porn lawyer" Michael Avenatti was arrested for extorting Nike).

Separately US intelligence agencies concluded that Russia was behind a hacking campaign aimed at damaging Democratic Party contender Hillary Clinton and boosting Trump’s chances of victory. Even though the Kremlin continues to deny this, it remains unclear to this day why it matters if Russia or someone else was behind a leak that revealed all the dirty laundry of the DNC headed into the 2016 election, which ultimately revealed collusion against Bernie Sanders across the established Democratic apparatus and led to the resignation of former-DNC head Debbie Wasserman-Shultz.

Russian officials, who repeatedly poured scorn on allegations of collusion with the Trump campaign, were delighted by the outcome of the Mueller investigation, even as some said it would do little to ease pressure in Washington on the president over his desire to improve relations.

End of the Russiagate withchunt notwithstanding, relations between the US and Russia have continued to deteriorate in recent months, with the latest geopolitical hotspot Venezuela, now the source of consternation over which superpower will end up backing the ruling regime of the socialist country with the world's biggest oil reserves.

Vladimir Putin eating popcorn


Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
let me explain this to you, since you don't seem to be able to ponder stuff out, for yourself...
if it is proven that Russia interfered with our election process, they win...they have the ability to hack our system, and do pretty much what they want, and we're powerless to stop them. are we willing to start WW3 over it? then wtf do we do? more meaningless sanctions that just bite us in our own asses?
if it's proven that they didn't interfere with our election process, they win, they're the injured, unjustly accused innocent bystanders...which gives them more legitimacy in their European power grab.
Putin was leader of the FSB for a year, then he became a permanent member of the "Security council of the Russian Federation"...the cabinet that advises the president on all security concerns...he is not a stupid person, and he can play a moron like trump just as well as Yoyo Ma can play the cello...
he set this up well, and doesn't give a shit which way it goes, he wins either way....


Well-Known Member
Trump has been tougher on Russia than 10 Obamas. Armed ukrainians, bombed Syria, told Germany to stop buying Russian gas, etc.
You say that with such conviction. As if it were true. Amazing.

But then again, what about the Russian interference in our election? This is not denied by anybody, not even your treacherous Republican party leaders. Apparently not even by Russian government.

Release the report, all of it including evidence. The people of the US paid for that report and deserve to see what's in it.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
Trump has been tougher on Russia than 10 Obamas. Armed ukrainians, bombed Syria, told Germany to stop buying Russian gas, etc.
Germany is buying more Russian gas now than they were when trump "told them to quit it"....
he didn't arm Ukrainians, he approved the sale of arms to the Ukrain government...some of his rich friends get even richer...
trump bombed Syria in conjunction with French and British forces, in retaliation for a chemical weapons's just a "happy" coincidence that Syria is allied with Russia...
the only thing trump is tough on is twitter...his policies are confused, at best pointless, at worst, damaging to our own country...he's a moron, a racist, a hateful, small minded bigot, and i'm ashamed of the idiots in my own country that chose this fucking buffoon to represent us to the rest of the world...


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Well-Known Member
Keep electing democrats and you'll soon be called "comrade." If you really believe trump is working for Russia, I will be laughing at your gullibility for years.
Why did trump tweet out about Wikileaks 10 minutes after Russian spies asked his dumb son to have him do so?


Well-Known Member
You say that with such conviction. As if it were true. Amazing.

But then again, what about the Russian interference in our election? This is not denied by anybody, not even your treacherous Republican party leaders. Apparently not even by Russian government.

Release the report, all of it including evidence. The people of the US paid for that report and deserve to see what's in it.
The Russians had some troll farms and phished posedstas emails. But please keep pushing this moronic conspiracy theory and the green new deal. Trump 2020


Well-Known Member
The Russians had some troll farms and phished posedstas emails. But please keep pushing this moronic conspiracy theory and the green new deal. Trump 2020
^^The village idiot -- you only know a little bit of the story. I actually believe that you don't know the rest. I don't expect you to try to find out more.

Go back to sleep.

The people of this country paid for Mueller's report. We deserve to see all of it and all the evidence that was collected in that investigation. If Trump were innocent and if what you say was the entire story then it would have already been released.



Well-Known Member
^^The village idiot -- you only know a little bit of the story. I actually believe that you don't know the rest. I don't expect you to try to find out more.

Go back to sleep.

The people of this country paid for Mueller's report. We deserve to see all of it and all the evidence that was collected in that investigation. If Trump were innocent and if what you say was the entire story then it would have already been released.

Please keep talking about Russia until the election. Thank you.