Portable a/c for sealed co2 (split or window a/c not option)


Active Member
Hi guys I'm looking to seal up my room for co2 n get rid my intake/exhaust looking for a good dual hose portable a/c for my basement room, I have co2 bottle and regulator and picked up a harvest master controller cheap, going run my carbon filter scrubbing the air in room , anybody have any experience with dual hose a/cs (I know split or window would be better but it's not an option ) this is the 1 I'm thinking Whynter ARC-14S 14,000 BTU Dual Hose Portable Air Conditioner, Dehumidifier, Fan with Activated Carbon Filter plus Storage bag for Rooms up to 500 sq ft https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0028AYQDC/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_.LgSCb64HFWR3
Hi guys I'm looking to seal up my room for co2 n get rid my intake/exhaust looking for a good dual hose portable a/c for my basement room, I have co2 bottle and regulator and picked up a harvest master controller cheap, going run my carbon filter scrubbing the air in room , anybody have any experience with dual hose a/cs (I know split or window would be better but it's not an option ) this is the 1 I'm thinking Whynter ARC-14S 14,000 BTU Dual Hose Portable Air Conditioner, Dehumidifier, Fan with Activated Carbon Filter plus Storage bag for Rooms up to 500 sq ft https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0028AYQDC/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_.LgSCb64HFWR3
I got that model in my home, works good, should be the ticket.
I purchased a window unit on craigslist. Removed the front. Removed the fan from the evaporator (it was sharing an axle with the condenser fan). Pulled out the evaporator as much as I could (be careful not to pinch or break a line). "Installed" the window ac so the condenser was outside of my grow area and the evaporator was inside, then walled it off and sealed it up with foam insulation. So my hot side was now outside the grow area and the cold side was now inside (just a evaporator hanging w/ parachute cords, a fan and some ducting to direct the air). Installed a separate fan for the evaporator. At night I have 0 CO2 loss.

The evaporator fan needs to have enough force to actually blow through the evaporator or it will ice up quick-like.

You will also have a condensation problem if you don't find a way to deal with it. I have my air blowing through the evaporator, through ducting down into a bucket. Water collects in the bucket (which I then use to top off). I also recycle my dehuey water. I rarely have to add water to my rez.
Thanks info guys another problem is the part the world I'm in they don't have dual hose portable ac units here (NZ/Australia ) and probably going pay an arm n leg to ship 1 over
I purchased a window unit on craigslist. Removed the front. Removed the fan from the evaporator (it was sharing an axle with the condenser fan). Pulled out the evaporator as much as I could (be careful not to pinch or break a line). "Installed" the window ac so the condenser was outside of my grow area and the evaporator was inside, then walled it off and sealed it up with foam insulation. So my hot side was now outside the grow area and the cold side was now inside (just a evaporator hanging w/ parachute cords, a fan and some ducting to direct the air). Installed a separate fan for the evaporator. At night I have 0 CO2 loss.

The evaporator fan needs to have enough force to actually blow through the evaporator or it will ice up quick-like.

You will also have a condensation problem if you don't find a way to deal with it. I have my air blowing through the evaporator, through ducting down into a bucket. Water collects in the bucket (which I then use to top off). I also recycle my dehuey water. I rarely have to add water to my rez.
hey man i was askign about something like this before as i have an old window unit. can i fust wall it off with my interior wall if i am not using C02, without the modifications? i just need to cool my basement for like 2-3 months of summer. my grow area is in a room in the basemetn. i was gonna literall make a window in the interrio wall so it pulls from the main basement and blows int the grow area. would this work? i had even considered building a box around the back as i've seen others do and fun vent ducting fromt he basement window to the box i built but if that isnt necessary then i dont wanna do that. please advise.
All you need to do is put the cold section where you want it cooled and the hot section where you don’t. You can also leave the ac in your grow area and run ducting from the hot side out of your grow area. Or put the ac on the outside and run ducting on the cold side into your grow area. I’ve seen people use air conditioners when camping in tents like this. I would use a small duct fan and insulated ducting to increase efficiency. If you don’t run co2, you don’t need to take it apart and separate it and seal it up and all like I did.
All you need to do is put the cold section where you want it cooled and the hot section where you don’t. You can also leave the ac in your grow area and run ducting from the hot side out of your grow area. Or put the ac on the outside and run ducting on the cold side into your grow area. I’ve seen people use air conditioners when camping in tents like this. I would use a small duct fan and insulated ducting to increase efficiency. If you don’t run co2, you don’t need to take it apart and separate it and seal it up and all like I did.
thanks my man!!!! see i have asked this many places and instead of simply answering like you did everyone wants to tell me it won't work and to get a mini-split unstead of realizing clearly i cannot get a mini split lol
thanks again!!!! good karma coming your way :)