Femal Vs. Male Growers

Personall I think ladies grow better cause there just more motherly and all...

NOBODY caught the fact that I was GENTLY pointing out the sexism dripping all over the place (stereotyping women as motherly dish-washers) with my picturing boys washing dishes & shit, so I may as well come out & say it... you're sexist pigs, the lot of you. :D

I'll be sexist for a minute- men tend to be better with technical things- and indoor growing ain't NOTHING but a bunch of science and math.
men are better because we're more competitive. I completely agree, I'm a sexist. The only reason I bought the dishwasher was to stop having to pay my gf to do the washing up when it was my turn. It was costing me too much money.

Women are happiest when you're giving them money. Fact.
men make chicks think it's harder then it is. thereby keeping them out of the garden. if they did learn how to grow they would be better than all of us.
IF AND IF a women knows how to grow then odds are that they will probbably be better then there male counterpart....

This is a fact!

Why do you think kids do better generally in life when they are raised by a single mother instead of a single father?

Same for plants..

I would gladly pay some female to grow my plants cause in all honesty they would probbably yeild more...

Idk how some mythical power or something lol.
right..sooo you want a girl..who can beat you...i guess thats cool..

Not quite- I want a girl who can kick just as much ass as I can. Foofy, namby-pamby women who are consumed with being all 'girly' and well liked are boring as batshit.

Without giving too much away, I've spent about the last 10 years with one of the smartest women on earth, who has more letters after her name than your average brain surgeon.

Smart women make the world go around. It's a real plus if they've got a nice rack, too (and does she ever. :lol: ).

Did I mention she's an asskicking gardener? She is! However, after 10 years in a grow op, Il have a thing or two to teach her, particularly about cloning.
good point about single parents...but remember nothing beats a team ..man an women...same could be said for plants...

Oh, come on. Are you telling me that a man and a woman, both pathetic alcoholics, are better parents than a pair of sober women or men? Hope not, 'cos I sure won't buy it.

The best parent is a loving, supportive parent- and it doesn't matter how many of those a child has (more the merrier!) nor what gear is hanging between their thighs.