Two years wasted on the Mueller Investigation. How will the media discredit President Trump next?


Special counsel Robert Mueller's long-awaited report is more damning than President Donald Trump has publicly claimed, detailing Trump's aggressive efforts to interfere in the Justice Department's Russia probe and declining to rule out that Trump obstructed justice.

Far from the “complete and total exoneration” the president has declared in recent weeks, the report depicts a president who made repeated moves to thwart the investigation into his campaign and presidency, possibly because Trump was trying to hide other, potentially criminal behavior — although Mueller found no evidence of a criminal conspiracy to help Russia influence the 2016 election.
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Special counsel Robert Mueller's long-awaited report is more damning than President Donald Trump has publicly claimed, detailing Trump's aggressive efforts to interfere in the Justice Department's Russia probe and declining to rule out that Trump obstructed justice.

Far from the “complete and total exoneration” the president has declared in recent weeks, the report depicts a president who made repeated moves to thwart the investigation into his campaign and presidency, possibly because Trump was trying to hide other, potentially criminal behavior — although Mueller found no evidence of a criminal conspiracy to help Russia influence the 2016 election.
AG made it pretty clear this morning that obstruction is not being pursued. This is logical given no underlying crime and all document requests being met and no reports of evidence tampering or destruction. Why did dems pretend for two years that there was collusion? Seems like a pretty clear political hit job to me.
AG made it pretty clear this morning that obstruction is not being pursued. This is logical given no underlying crime and all document requests being met and no reports of evidence tampering or destruction. Why did dems pretend for two years that there was collusion? Seems like a pretty clear political hit job to me.
Fool, AG is not congress. He is a stooge planted by individual 1.

Trump is a life long cheating, lying, psychologically hobbled POS. Defending him helps folks whose intellect, character and self worth are corroded with ignorance face another day of fear, insecurity and irrelevance.DygdUZAWwAA7DKF.jpeg Dov9ilnXUAEXrrT.jpeg imrs.jpeg 50634382_2203300886379791_5567738321108467712_n.jpg
All this time, all those lawyers, resources, subpoenas . . . and Mueller couldn't come to a conclusion basically? I thought that was his job. Weird.
We were headed this way all along. .

Mueller quite clearly established Trump attempted to obstruct the investigation. He also quite clearly says in the report that it is Congress's job to decide what to do. Also gave a good reason for doing so: said in the report that he couldn't indict a sitting president so it's up to Congress.

Not sure what you can't understand about that.
AG made it pretty clear this morning that obstruction is not being pursued. This is logical given no underlying crime and all document requests being met and no reports of evidence tampering or destruction. Why did dems pretend for two years that there was collusion? Seems like a pretty clear political hit job to me.
Trump and his cronies lying “materially impaired” the investigation you moron

Why do you keep wasting your time trying to convince us of your hero’s innocence?
AG made it pretty clear this morning that obstruction is not being pursued. This is logical given no underlying crime and all document requests being met and no reports of evidence tampering or destruction. Why did dems pretend for two years that there was collusion? Seems like a pretty clear political hit job to me.

Why did trump and his staff act so guilty for two years?
I think Mueller should have come to a conclusion on obstruction. You disagree. That's fine. I'm not clear about this dick sucking thing tho. When you do it, please describe your technique. Just curious.
Mueller most certainly did come to the conclusion there were attempts by Trump to obstruct of the investigation.

“The President’s efforts to influence the investigation were mostly unsuccessful, but that is largely because the persons who surrounded the President declined to carry out orders or accede to his requests,” the report said.
We were headed this way all along. .

Mueller quite clearly established Trump attempted to obstruct the investigation. He also quite clearly says in the report that it is Congress's job to decide what to do. Also gave a good reason for doing so: said in the report that he couldn't indict a sitting president so it's up to Congress.

Not sure what you can't understand about that.
You knew all along huh? Are you saying Mueller lacked the authority to reach a conclusion on obstruction, but not conspiracy? You must have known that at the beginning of the investigation and voiced that tidbit here?

Seemed like a cop-out to me.
AG made it pretty clear this morning that obstruction is not being pursued. This is logical given no underlying crime and all document requests being met and no reports of evidence tampering or destruction. Why did dems pretend for two years that there was collusion? Seems like a pretty clear political hit job to me.
no underlying crime? then why did Mueller go to the trouble to point out that this report "did not exonerate trump."...?
there were over 100 meetings between trump employs and russians known to be involved in our political system...that doesn't seem like a situation that might merit investigation to you?
if this seems like a warrentless investigation to you, or one that in any way clears trump, then we see things so radically different that we must be from different dimensions.....