California to demand Trump's Taxes


Well-Known Member
It seems that if Trump wants to be on the ticket next year in California, he must show his tax returns for the last 5 years.

The state Senate voted 27-10 on Thursday to require anyone appearing on the state's presidential primary ballot to publicly release five years' worth of income tax returns. The proposal is in response to Trump, who bucked 40 years of tradition by refusing to release his tax returns prior to his election

This bill matches a similar one being offered in New York, so if ass wipe wants to run in Cali and NY, he better fork over his returns, or it ain't happening.

Just goes to show you that you can run, but you can't hide forever.
On the ballot, he should be impeached and sent to prison. His presidency makes me question whether certain people who apparently are so stupid that in their stupidity they voted for someone who has caused great harm to America should be able to vote in the first place.
It seems locally people have lost their minds as well. Now local trumpkins are taking building inspectors and health department people to court over the 4th amendment. They should have no right to inspect for fire and health code violations. No kidding. This is Appalachia. One local eatery my wife and I stopped at when we first moved back about 15 years ago we stopped frequenting. We ordered and was waiting for our food and I needed a straw. I went to the counter to get one and observed the lady working the grill reach down the back of her pants and scratch her azz and go back to prepping the food. We left and never went back. Yeehaw!
I think ALL the states should adopt this rule. It will deffinately keep him off the ticket because he is doing any means necessary to not have his taxes revealed. I think three or four other states are doing this as well, but I can't remember which ones. An article I read a few weeks ago.
i'm all for this, but don't understand how these type of laws will stand on constitutional grounds, being there's zero requirement to release any amount of taxes if running for the president outlined in the us constitution..
It only applies to a primary, not the election for president.

There will be no Republican primary in California at all, so it's yet another shallow, worthless, empty display to appease people that don't know any better.
I think ALL the states should adopt this rule. It will deffinately keep him off the ticket because he is doing any means necessary to not have his taxes revealed. I think three or four other states are doing this as well, but I can't remember which ones. An article I read a few weeks ago.

18 other states have done the same
we just need a few swing states to join the pact.....just a couple more states and the republicans are thru...
14 states and the District of Columbia have joined a movement to bypass the Electoral College and join the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact, in which member states pledge to give all their Electoral College votes to the winner of the popular vote.
You guys keep on with this as if there's actually going to be a republican primary.

There isn't.

It's all lip service that has no basis in reality. Stop being Fox News viewers.
You guys keep on with this as if there's actually going to be a republican primary.

There isn't.

It's all lip service that has no basis in reality. Stop being Fox News viewers.
OK, legal guru, tell us

What happens at the RNC when Trump shows up and only 30 states had him on their ballot when they ran their primary?
OK, legal guru, tell us

What happens at the RNC when Trump shows up and only 30 states had him on their ballot when they ran their primary?

First off, nimrod, only one shit-for-brains idiot (Bill Weld) has even claimed to be running against Trump for the nomination. He announced April 16th. He's done literally NOTHING since.

Secondly, he's not going to make it. In order to even qualify, he'll have to have backing, which he doesn't have.

So what's going to happen, if anything at all for that idiot, he'll have one rigged debate with Trump which he will lose badly. His polling numbers will then be so horrific, he will lose whatever (if any) backing he has, run out of money and then he will withdraw from the race leaving Trump running unopposed.

So there will never be any Republican primaries at all, anywhere. In order to have a convention that even matters, you have to have an opponent. Trump will not have one.

So the whole damn thing is completely pointless.

But do keep on spewing a bunch of bullshit based on wishful thinking.

The GOP have FIRMLY attached themselves to Trump now. They will never allow anything to get in the way of that, let alone some dipshit nobody's ever heard of.
First off, nimrod, only one shit-for-brains idiot (Bill Weld) has even claimed to be running against Trump for the nomination. He announced April 16th. He's done literally NOTHING since.

Secondly, he's not going to make it. In order to even qualify, he'll have to have backing, which he doesn't have.

So what's going to happen, if anything at all for that idiot, he'll have one rigged debate with Trump which he will lose badly. His polling numbers will then be so horrific, he will lose whatever (if any) backing he has, run out of money and then he will withdraw from the race leaving Trump running unopposed.

So there will never be any Republican primaries at all, anywhere. In order to have a convention that even matters, you have to have an opponent. Trump will not have one.

So the whole damn thing is completely pointless.

But do keep on spewing a bunch of bullshit based on wishful thinking.

The GOP have FIRMLY attached themselves to Trump now. They will never allow anything to get in the way of that, let alone some dipshit nobody's ever heard of.
Now, now, all I did was give you respect by calling you guru. I apologize if that set you off. If you prefer, I'll call you teacher.

So, teacher, I hope you can help me understand something.

There are 2400 or so delegates. In order to be nominated Trump must get more than half of them to vote for him in the RNC. Delegates are awarded to a candidate through the primary system in most if not all states. In the first ballot all delegates are bound to the popular vote in the Republican primary in that state. If Trump isn't on the ballot of a primary in that state, how can he be allocated any of the nominees?
There are 2400 or so delegates.

There are exactly 2,472

In order to be nominated Trump must get more than half of them to vote for him in the RNC.

That's true.

Delegates are awarded to a candidate through the primary system in most if not all states.?

Wrong. Completely.

If there is only one person running, there are no primaries held. The GOP will simply hold the convention where they all boast about how much they love their president and want to help him get reelected. The entire state delegate system at that point becomes moot.

You can not have a primary in a state without an opponent seeking the nomination. Trump will not have an opponent, ergo no primaries will be held, ergo everything you've said is completely and totally pointless.

But again, do keep on living on wishful thinking. That's how Trump got elected to begin with.

And just to take that one step further for you, there's this little factoid: No incumbent president in the history of the United States has ever lost a primary challenge.

So again, keep dreaming. It's what you're best at.