Joe Biden announces he is running for president in 2020


Well-Known Member
Yep, Biden was involved in some legislation that didn't age well. He's since made noises to say he's changed and maybe he has but I'm skeptical that anybody could change that much It's been known to happen -- Senator Byrd, for example. But I wouldn't disagree with anybody who writes him off in the primary over his record. Bernie hasn't done anything and Biden has done too much. Still, if either win the nomination, they get my vote in the fall.

Vote Democrats in.
like he's changed about touching kids and doesn't understand why we don't understand that's just 'his way'..yeah, the way of a pedo.

PS bernie gave old uncle pedo his platform.


Well-Known Member
like he's changed about touching kids and doesn't understand why we don't understand that's just 'his way'..yeah, the way of a pedo.

PS bernie gave old uncle pedo his platform.
Not that I believe either but from you post, you set a lower standard for believing the worst of somebody than I. If Biden is a pedo then by your standard, Sanders is a rapist.


Well-Known Member

Didn't age well? THAT'S your excuse?!


If that were the extent of it your whitewash might fly. The problem is that it is part of his long standing policy which included the 1996 omnibus crime bill, prison for profit and laws against marijuana.

You're a complete idiot.

Vote for politicians who represent We the People.
Bernie voted for that bill though


Well-Known Member

Didn't age well? THAT'S your excuse?!


If that were the extent of it your whitewash might fly. The problem is that it is part of his long standing policy which included the 1996 omnibus crime bill, prison for profit and laws against marijuana.

You're a complete idiot.

Vote for politicians who represent We the People.
he can't- his tribalism won't let him..he has to see what the others think first before he'll commit.


Well-Known Member

Didn't age well? THAT'S your excuse?!


If that were the extent of it your whitewash might fly. The problem is that it is part of his long standing policy which included the 1996 omnibus crime bill, prison for profit and laws against marijuana.

You're a complete idiot.

Vote for politicians who represent We the People.
Medium did a very similar piece on your beloved Bernard. It's substantially longer though. If you object to @Fogdog verbiage of many of Biden's positions not aging well, how do you explain Bernie's problematic positions.

October 2, 2000: H.R. 3088: To amend the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 to provide additional protections to victims of rape. Alternate Title: Victims of Rape Health Protection Act.

Basically, the Bill helps Rape Victims find out of their attacker has a disease.

Bernie was one of 19 people to vote against it.

November 1990: NRA supports Bernie’s first campaign for the House of Representatives:

A few days before Election Day in 1990, the National Rifle Association sent a letter to its 12,000 members in Vermont, with an urgent message about the race for the state’s single House seat.Vote for the socialist, the gun rights group said. It’s important.

December 1, 1987: Bernie says in a local interview that he despises Democrats, and that a JFK speech once made him sick. He also cracked on Jesse Jackson and Walter Mondale.

September 21, 2006: Bernie votes for the Community Protection Act of 2006. It was authored by James Sensenbrenner of Wisconsin, Republican. Its purpose? To restore the Secretary of Homeland Security’s authority to detain dangerous aliens, to ensure the removal of deportable criminal aliens, and combat alien gang crime.

December 14, 2012: "); background-size: 1px 1px; background-position: 0px calc(1em + 1px);">The day of Sandy Hook, Senator Sanders continues to defend liability protection for Gunmakers on the Thom Hartmann Show.

During his 2012 reelection campaign, Sanders ran against a Republican who "); background-size: 1px 1px; background-position: 0px calc(1em + 1px); font-family: medium-content-serif-font, Georgia, Cambria, "Times New Roman", Times, serif; font-size: 21px; font-style: italic; letter-spacing: -0.063px;">opposed the F-35 as a waste of resources.

#VettingBernie, aka a Timeline of Sanders Bull@#$%

I could go on and on, but you get the idea. Is this sort of thing okay because it's your guy?

I having a hard time getting past all the shit Joe has said and done. How do you do it so easily?



Well-Known Member

Didn't age well? THAT'S your excuse?!


If that were the extent of it your whitewash might fly. The problem is that it is part of his long standing policy which included the 1996 omnibus crime bill, prison for profit and laws against marijuana.

You're a complete idiot.

Vote for politicians who represent We the People.
At the time those bills were enacted, they were popular with the public and characterize what was considered at the time the norm. Looking back, many people not afflicted with your dysfunction that distorts thought, the bills should never have seen the light of day.

Too funny that you want to paint me defending or "excusing" him, I'm not and never did agree with the "tough on crime bills of those days. At his prime he enacted a seriously large number of bills with bipartisan support that are seen as odious today. He's trying to cast himself as a changed man and I'm not buying it. It's why I'm probably not going to vote for him in the primary.

Republicans still support those measures and want to go extend them. If you want to see legal reforms, vote Democrats in.


Well-Known Member
At the time those bills were enacted, they were popular with the public and characterize what was considered at the time the norm. Looking back, even without your dysfunction to distort thought, the bills should never have seen the light of day.

Too funny that you want to paint me defending or "excusing" him, I'm not and never did agree with the "tough on crime bills of those days. At his prime he enacted a seriously large number of bills with bipartisan support that are seen as odious today. He's trying to cast himself as a changed man and I'm not buying it. It's why I'm probably not going to vote for him in the primary.

Republicans still support those measures and want to go extend them. If you want to see legal reforms, vote Democrats in.
But you defend him and hold him up as a better alternative to Bennie.

I'm just pointing out your chronically poor judgement.


Well-Known Member
But you defend him and hold him up as a better alternative to Bennie.

I'm just pointing out your chronically poor judgement.
Where did I say I defended him. I said exactly the opposite. I am merely pointing out that at the time, those bills were not seen as extreme by the voting public. You have lost your perspective and often invent history.


Well-Known Member
So Biden voting for the bill is unforgivable but Bernie voting for the very same bill was principled

You fucking hack
Cult leaders are always right. They always have a good reason for what they do even if they are doing things that they would call bad if others did them.


Well-Known Member
Cult leaders are always right. They always have a good reason for what they do even if they are doing things that they would call bad if others did them.
If Sanders voted against it, you'd be here crying about him voting against violence against women

Let's be honest at least while you're lying..


Well-Known Member
If Sanders voted against it, you'd be here crying about him voting against violence against women

Let's be honest at least while you're lying..
Speaking of honesty... where do you stand on people who make fallacious and unsupported claims that suit their purposes but will not ever discuss the underlying factuality of those claims? Would you support a person like that?
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Well-Known Member
Did you even read the piece or are you purposefully dumb?

I mean, I'd go into it, but that wasn't the point of posting it. Travis is a very experienced propagandist..
What an interesting tactic. Just accuse anybody who disagrees with you as dumb. Where have I seen this before?

The three of you have done more to discredit the left than Trump has.