Why are moderates pretending to be progressive?

Its quite laughable that he talks as if he's accomplishing somthing with his lying spam-posts. It's like Trump's tweets only from an Authoritarian Left perspective.
The only thing he has accomplished is to lose his daughter and make himself a disgrace to the human race. Oh yeah, I sure do trust him when he talks about We The People. Tty doesn't give a fuck about anybody but himself.
I dont think weed is addictive.
But for sure they will find a way. All these fools that pressed for full legalization thinking they would be the next weed millionaire are in for a surprise
I've been expecting the price to drop for years and I have not been disappointed. Lower prices discourage thugs, scammers and profiteers, plus it becomes more affordable for those who really need it.
The only thing he has accomplished is to lose his daughter and make himself a disgrace to the human race. Oh yeah, I sure do trust him when he talks about We The People. Tty doesn't give a fuck about anybody but himself.
When you have no argument you resort to ad hominem. It sure happens a lot...
Are we sure tty is a progressive and not just another far right troll. He seems like a perfect fit with some right wing militia morons.
Be sure. Just because I don't like, trust or respect the misbehavior of the establishment Democratic party is no reason to think I'm somehow a conservative. If you've been paying attention- as opposed to pushing your own manufactured narrative- you'll find plenty of evidence that I'm against corruption in BOTH parties. I'm just not brainwashed enough to think that establishment Democrats give a fuck about anything but their own paychecks.

By the way, do you help your community?

I'm feeding the homeless this weekend with the local chapter of Democratic Socialists of America.

What have you done for your fellow citizens lately?
The only thing he has accomplished is to lose his daughter and make himself a disgrace to the human race. Oh yeah, I sure do trust him when he talks about We The People. Tty doesn't give a fuck about anybody but himself.
He has his uses. I wouldn't have believed how strongly Russian fake news and propaganda affects some people if it weren't for his shining examples in the form of his stupid posts.

That Rachel Maddow fake story, for example. I was amazed at how many obviously Russian funded sites blossomed with the same story right after she highlighted how Trump bought (or parroted) Putin's line about "no involvement in Venezuela" in spite of all the evidence. Also in spite of what his own staff have said publicly. So, Maddow has a mean little schadenfreude moment, laughing at Trump, Putin, Bolton and Pompeo. The Russian propaganda machine tells all the little leftists about Maddow supporting Bolton and regime change.

tty angrily attacked me for pointing out that Maddow said no such thing. It was all there in the video they used to claim she did. Anybody who objectively listened to her could tell she said nothing like what tty and his thought guides were saying.

In this case, tty is a dupe, not a liar.

Back to my point, I never would have believed anybody could be so stupid as to take Russian propaganda as fact. tty proved me wrong. I'll own that.

You actually think this advances your case.
Hey Tty, what are the Progressives' view on the exploitation of women? Like, where do they stand on abusing disadvantaged women and forcing them to sell their bodies to strangers while their abusive, repugnant, disgusting, corpulent pimp waits in the parking lot and then collects 75% of their money? Is that Progressive?
Are we sure tty is a progressive and not just another far right troll. He seems like a perfect fit with some right wing militia morons.
He's not a progressive.

He's Authoritarian Left. He parrots right wing propaganda because he hates Democrats just as much as they do. Left meets right. There is an effort by the alt.right to woo those tards too.