Ukrainian President Zelensky Address to Congress

Illegal not the same thing it's undocumented

Again. The USA signed the agreement in 1948, and if you are a refugee fleeing persecution, it doesnt matter how you get into the country, you have a right to an immigration hearing.
The illegal entry statute may conflict with our asylum law, the asylum law trumps the illegal entry statute due both to its long-standing and widespread acceptance, and that the illegal entry statute was never intended to prevent people from seeking asylum.

Read where it says the Asylum Law, tRumps Illegal Entry Statute.

Thats USA Law too. Not International Law. Your argument doesnt hold water. You dont like the law? Have it changed.
We signed the agreement in 1948. Just like we signed the agreement in 1994, that in Ukraine would give up their nukes, we would defend them against invasion.

The people that signed the agreement should honor their agreement.
The people that did not sign the agreement are under no obligation to do anything unless you believe other people can make all of your agreements for you.

I did not sign any of those agreements, did you? Hey didn't the same "we" you refer to that signed those agreements, lock you up for years? Guess they didn't defend your rights against invasion very well.
The people that signed the agreement should honor their agreement.
The people that did not sign the agreement are under no obligation to do anything unless you believe other people can make all of your agreements for you.

I did not sign any of those agreements, did you? Hey didn't the same "we" you refer to that signed those agreements, lock you up for years? Guess they didn't defend your rights against invasion very well.

The people elected the officials that made the agreement. We would have chaos id we didnt adhere to our agreements. Like it or not we elect officials to represent us. You dont like it, vote to change the Constitution.
We would have chaos id we didnt adhere to our agreements.
You mean if we lie? Well, if somebody lies, then yes, chaos, because, then if somebody
always lies to you, you have to eventually stop listening to them. It's really kind of like
the boy who cried wolf, after awhile, what they say just becomes more noise pollution, chaotic.
Illegal not the same thing it's undocumented
dude...grow the fuck up...have just one epiphany in your entire life...
we NEED those people, and they need to get out of their countries that treat them worse than cattle.
99% of them are just people trying to find better lives for them and their families. the drug dealers and psychos already come and go as they wish, the border doesn't even exist for them, just for those that try to do things the right way, only to have the door slammed in their faces by frightened children.
don't be a frightened child.
The people that signed the agreement should honor their agreement.
The people that did not sign the agreement are under no obligation to do anything unless you believe other people can make all of your agreements for you.

I did not sign any of those agreements, did you? Hey didn't the same "we" you refer to that signed those agreements, lock you up for years? Guess they didn't defend your rights against invasion very well.
Yes Rob STOP signs and speed limits apply to you too.....
And they also didnt want women to vote, and only let land owners vote, and owned slaves.

Those are good points. Some founding fathers were hypocrites.

By "giving" money to Zelensky to ostensibly fight a proxy war isn't Biden in some way making you work for the benefit of others?

Isn't that at least a form of soft slavery, or do you not intend to pay for the add'l. burden all those billions Biden is funneling out of the country?

When people like Biden (an old time drug warrior himself) held you in prison didn't THEY make you work against your will to benefit them?

I think there's alot not being discussed about where that money is coming from and who is spending it on what.
dude...grow the fuck up...have just one epiphany in your entire life...
we NEED those people, and they need to get out of their countries that treat them worse than cattle.
99% of them are just people trying to find better lives for them and their families. the drug dealers and psychos already come and go as they wish, the border doesn't even exist for them, just for those that try to do things the right way, only to have the door slammed in their faces by frightened children.
don't be a frightened child.
You're right,we need to get a rational immigration and citizenship policy in place pronto,this country was built on immigration and a lot of Americans forget that,I mean look at the open arms on the statue of liberty and what the open arms symbolize. Who would embark on such a treacherous journey filled w/terror and death were they not fleeing from a absolutely hopeless shithole. Fresh and hungry new citizens,hungry to improve their lives are the lifeblood of this country and would gladly fill many of the agricultural jobs that no existing Americans want to do and who knows just one of these people just might be the next innovation pioneer.
Those are good points. Some founding fathers were hypocrites.

By "giving" money to Zelensky to ostensibly fight a proxy war isn't Biden in some way making you work for the benefit of others?

Isn't that at least a form of soft slavery, or do you not intend to pay for the add'l. burden all those billions Biden is funneling out of the country?

When people like Biden (an old time drug warrior himself) held you in prison didn't THEY make you work against your will to benefit them?

I think there's alot not being discussed about where that money is coming from and who is spending it on what.

The vast majority of the American people think the USA should aid Ukraine. If you dont, you are in the minority. Almost 60% of Americans support USA aiding Ukraine. Also like I said. The USA promised Ukraine we would protect them from invasion, if they would give up all of the nukes, and they did. If we dont keep out word, then our word is shit to the rest of the world. If you dont believe we should keep our word, the I guess you think its ok to go back on out agreements, and I would think you would also go back on your agreements, making you a liar, and someone not to be trusted. When I give someone my word, I break my neck to keep it. Also in prison, al you have is your word. If you are known to be a liar, you might get your ass beaten daily, or suffer bullying, and all kinds of shit. They would also most likely label you a rat, if you dont keep your word.
We waited to long to help Europe during WW2, we need not make that mistake again. Bottom line id Russia invaded a free country, and the USA in 1994 romised Ukrain that if they would give up their nukes, we would protect them from invasion. And you have no evidence that any money is being stolen. All you have is.. I THINK.
If Russia would take over Ukrain, Poland or som othe r Europen country would most likely be next, or another old USSR country. Puttin has already said he wants to rcngifure the old USSR. And the free world int gonna let that happen. Ukraine is the door step to Europe. If they get their foot in the door, its going to destabilize Europe, really throwing economies for a loop.
Putin is also committing genocide, and must be held accountable. He needs to be in prison, and made inconsequential on the worl stage. Hes murdering innocent women, and children. And yes, I have friends in Ukraine.
I have a friend that is one of the worlds most respected guitar pedal makers. His company is called Analogman. His company is in the USA, but many in his family live in Ukraine. He has pedals that are in such demand theres a 5 year wait for them. They are all handmade. So he keeps me informed about whats going on, from them, and they say Putin is having innocent people murdered and tortured. Raped, and their natural resources stolen. So I know from my friend what his family, and friends are enduraing in Ukraine. And the fucking punk Putin, needs to have his head cut off, and his balls stuffed in his mouth as far as Im concerned.

I was glad to work in prison. I worked in the kitchen, and had access to food. Most all of the guards would give you food that was left over. When we would have baked chicken left over, those that worked in the kitchen got to have the excess. Also I love pinto beans. When we would have beans, I would fill up a container and take it back with me to eat. Sometimes I could get so many beans I could eat on them for 3 days. Some may not like beans, but beans are good for you, and most of the food in prison isnt good for you, and is loaded with fat, and high glycemic carbs. I could drink all the coffee I wanted whle in the kitchen.
I was assistant baker, they wanted me to be the fulltime baker but I said no.
Working in prison can often have side benefits. Plus I had access to the cooler, and could drink all the milk I wanted, and have access to whatever else may be in there.
I didnt do any work that directly helped the prison. I baked. Ithelped the prisoners. Also we would make Cinnamon rolls. 3000 at a time. I could get 15-20 excess rolls, and take them back, and give them to my friends. Some that worked in the kitchen would sell theirs. But I gave mine away. They were worth at least $1 of commissary. Also some real long timers work for Unicor. They make furniture, and can actually make a great deal of money. I believe back then they could make up to $15 an hour, when I was making 11 cents an hour.

And many that cut grass, or did landscaping were actually glad to be able to get out from behind the fence and work. It give them a sense of freedom. Also if they were doing something like directing traffic, someone may throw them a joint, or whatever. Cigarettes. Tobacco. But you had to be a low level nonviolent offender to be able to go and work outside the fence. And those that helped with the garden, had access to all the veggies that were grown. You can be assured they were glad to be able to work in the garden, and have access to fresh vegetables.