Ukrainian President Zelensky Address to Congress

Biden has no authority to release people from pot crimes. Especially State Convictions. He has ZERO jurisdiction over state crimes. The MORE ACT would do away with both Federal, and State nonviolent marijuana convictions.
He basically did all he could unilaterally do when he did away with past Federal Marijuana possession convictions. Which helped about 7-8000 people. Anyone ever convicted of possession in a National Park, or any federal facility, got their conviction expunged. While nobody is in Federal Prison for Possession, they still had their Federal Conviction expunged. Which is a huge roadblock for getting a job, security clearance, and many other things. Yopu cant enter Canada with any type of marijuana conviction. Same for most places in Europe. Now these people can now travel freely.

The reTHUGliKKKLANS are the ones holding up weed laws. It takes 10 reTHUGliKKKLANS to pass the MORE ACT in the Senate, and they dont have 10 reTHUGLIKKKLANS to back it. Its already passed the House.
The MORE ACT would do away with ALL NONVIOLENT Marijuana convictions. Even if you were guilty of selling a million pounds. As long as it was nonviolent, the MORE ACT would totally expunge that conviction.
Biden is also on record as saying he would sign the MORE ACT. But Schumer hasnt brought it to a vote in the Senate because he cant get 10 reTHUGliKKKLANS to back the legislation.

I wonder what ever happened to the Obama Era 400 sitting in the Senate..did they expire? Why aren't they brought to vote?
Pardons dont need Senate approval. If anything went to the Senate it probably died when McConnell took over the Senate.
President Barack Obama on Wednesday commuted the sentences of 214 federal prisoners who were incarcerated on drug charges. The White House said the announcement meant Obama had commuted 562 sentences, more than the past nine presidents combined.
Of that group, 67 had been given life sentences, meaning that up until Wednesday they were living behind bars believing they would die there.
As part of the Obama administration’s clemency initiative, the president had shortened the sentences of dozens of individuals in 2016, including in March and in June. The White House said the 214 number was the highest number of commutations announced in a single day since at least 1900, according to Buzzfeed News. Obama has now commuted more sentences than any president since Calvin Coolidge.
The USA promised Ukraine we would protect them from invasion, if they would give up all of the nukes, and they did. If we dont keep out word, then our word is shit to the rest of the world

The USA is an inanimate legal fiction. It can't speak. Some people pretending to represent you, may have said things to some people far away that you and I will never meet and that you and I had no input on.

My word is good, but I never gave my word. Did you? I never even meet Zelensky or Biden, although I do know somebody who emigrated from Ukraine.

I was glad to work in prison.

If you were in prison for cannabis crimes, somebody went against their word to you. Isn't the USA supposed to be a "free country" ?

Do you think Zelensky and Biden want you to be free ?
Yes I do think Biden wants me to be free. I also have no evidence Zelensky wants me to not be free. I personally like Zelensky from what Ive seen of him, and from what my friends family in Ukraine says about him. I think hes got bigger balls than 99% of any other leaders in the world. Most leaders would have looted the treasury, and fled the country, vs staying there and fighting. Zelensky is a true patriot, and leader.
And like said. I have a friend from Ukraine, and he is one of the most respected guitar pedal effects builders in the world, and his family keeps him informed about whats going on in Ukraine. And he tells me what they say. I also have a friend who adopted 2 children from Ukraine. Im 100% behind Zelensky, and the Ukranian people. Im 10000% against fucking Putin, and his invading ass. He should be hanged from the highest tree, and stopped at all costs. He has threatened all of Europe that he will unleash nuclear weapons. He needs to be stopped in his tracks. Sooner, rather than later, and before he gets a chance to invade other countries. Hes already on record as wanting to reassemble the old USSR, and this means invading other free countries.
And I agree that we should keep out word to protect Ukraine. They got rid of their nukes for us, to make Europe a safer place. They sacrificed their safety on our word we would protect them. They kept their word, so we should keep ours.

AND FREE, DOESNT MEAN YOUR ARE FREE TO DO ANYTHING YOU WANT TO DO. Youre not free to rape, pillage,, and burn. Youre not freet to shoot a firearm in the city limits. Youre not free to keep farm animals where I am within the city limits. Youre not free to go into a grocery store, and take any product you want without paying for it. Freedom comes with limits.

Biden has also already said he will sign the MORE ACT, which will totally get rid of all my marijuana convictions. It will get rid of everyones marijuana convictions that were nonviolent. Even if you sold a million pounds a day, as long as it was nonviolent.
People elect officials to represent them. Like it or not, thats the way it is. Do I agree with everything they do? NOPE. But nobody agrees on everything 100% of the time.
If one cannot be trusted to their word, on a signed agreement, there would be no world wide trade, because nobody could trust each other.


Biden signing the MORE ACT will allow me to freely travel to any country I wish, because I will no longer have a record. As of now, there are few countries I can enter with a felony conviction. No less 4 felony convictions. I have no other felonies either. All of mine are marijuana related. All nonviolent. No firearms were ever found.

And yep a rat told on me. 3 times Ive been to prison because of a rat. But I also realize I was going against current law, and knew the consequences. Do I agree that weed should be illegal? NOPE, but again, I knew that I was breaking established law, and I also know people are obligated to break bad laws. Why do you think weed is now becoming more accepted?? Because they now realize they cant lock everyone up for it. But things arent going to change quickly.
Things are the way there are, and like it or not, people have to live in the circumstances they are given. How you wish things were, may not be reality. And its also a fact that for decades, the Majority of the American People, were against marijuana. Thats a fact. They didnt want it legal. But now the majority does want it legalized. Though people disagree what legalized means. That too will have to be sorted out, and not everyone is going to agree with what finally happens. Youre never going to make 100% of people happy.
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Youre never going to make 100% of people happy.

If peaceful people got to do what they want to do as long as it wasn't keeping other peaceful people from doing the same, there'd be no need for trying to make 100% of people happy. It's called minding our own business.

You get to make yourself happy, I get to make myself happy. If helping people in Ukraine or Russia makes you happy. you should go there and do it. Will you be heading off to kill some Ruskies ?

Anyway, I think Putin , Biden and Zelensky are not the type of people to mind their own business and have no use for any of them. I believe none of them want other people to be free, that's what the evidence says too. Biden says alot of things, especially if his teleprompter tells him to. Zelensky is a better actor, but I think Biden is funnier, in a silly inept kind of way.

Sorry, you feel like it was okay for you to be held a prisoner and now you think it's wonderful if the bad people that harmed you are promising to "forgive you" with a pardon. I'd tell them to stick their pardon up their ass. They're the ones who did something wrong, not you. If I kicked you in the nuts and threw you in a cage, then years later said I might "pardon you", you wouldn't buy that bullshit would you?

If the world would be a safer place with less political maniacs having access to nukes, are you actively trying to get the USA to give up nukes?

The USA is the only nation / state to use nukes and they fried them up some women and children real good when they did it. I guess Japanese babies are dangerous ?
If peaceful people got to do what they want to do as long as it wasn't keeping other peaceful people from doing the same, there'd be no need for trying to make 100% of people happy. It's called minding our own business.

You get to make yourself happy, I get to make myself happy. If helping people in Ukraine or Russia makes you happy. you should go there and do it. Will you be heading off to kill some Ruskies ?

Anyway, I think Putin , Biden and Zelensky are not the type of people to mind their own business and have no use for any of them. I believe none of them want other people to be free, that's what the evidence says too. Biden says alot of things, especially if his teleprompter tells him to. Zelensky is a better actor, but I think Biden is funnier, in a silly inept kind of way.

Sorry, you feel like it was okay for you to be held a prisoner and now you think it's wonderful if the bad people that harmed you are promising to "forgive you" with a pardon. I'd tell them to stick their pardon up their ass. They're the ones who did something wrong, not you. If I kicked you in the nuts and threw you in a cage, then years later said I might "pardon you", you wouldn't buy that bullshit would you?

If the world would be a safer place with less political maniacs having access to nukes, are you actively trying to get the USA to give up nukes?

The USA is the only nation / state to use nukes and they fried them up some women and children real good when they did it. I guess Japanese babies are dangerous ?

Yep we used nukes because we were attacked. We didnt use them for offensive purposes. And in the long run, saved millions of lives. Bottom line is if you dont want nuked, dont attack us on our own soil.

Making yourself happy, has limits.
Yes I do think Biden wants me to be free. I also have no evidence Zelensky wants me to not be free. I personally like Zelensky from what Ive seen of him, and from what my friend family in Ukraine says about him. I think hes got bigger balls than 99% of any other leader in the world. Most leaders would have looted the treasury, and fled the country, vs staying there and fighting. Zelensky is a true patriot, and leader.
And like said. I have a friend from Ukraine, and he is one of the most respected guitar pedal effects builders in the world, and his family keeps him informed about whats going on in Ukraine. And he tells me what they say. I also have a friend who adopted 2 children from Ukraine. Im 100% behind Zelensky, and the Ukranian people. Im 10000% against fucking Putin, and his invading ass. He should be hanged from the highest tree, and stopped at all costs. He has threatened all of Europe that he will unleash nuclear weapons. He needs to be stopped in his tracks. Sooner, rather than later, and before he gets a chance to indade other countries. Hes already on record as wanting to reassemble the old USSR, and this means invading other free countries.
And I agree that we should keep out word to protect Ukraine. They got rid of their nukes for us, to make Europe a safer place. They sacrificed their safety on our word we would protect them. They kept their word, so we should keep ours.

AND FREE, DOESNT MEAN YOUR ARE FREE TO DO ANYTHING YOU WANT TO DO. Youre not free to rape, pillage,, and burn. Youre not freet to shoot a firearm in the city limits. Youre not free to keep farm animals where I am within the city limits. Youre not free to go into a grocery store, and take any product you want without paying for it. Freedom comes with limits.

Biden has also already said he will sign the MORE ACT, which will totally get rid of all my marijuana convictions. It will get rid of everyones marijuana convictions that were nonviolent. Even if you sold a million pounds a day, as long as it was nonviolent.
People elect officials to represent them. Like it or not, thats the way it is. Do I agree with everything they do? NOPE. But nobody agrees on everything 100% of the time.
If one cannot be trusted to their word, on a signed agreement, there would be no world wide trade, because nobody could trust each other.


Biden signing the MORE ACT will allow me to freely travel to any country I wish, because I will no longer have a record. As of now, there are few countries I can enter with a felony conviction. No less 4 felony convictions. I have no other felonies either. All of mine are marijuana related. All nonviolent. No firearms were ever found.

And yep a rat told on me. 3 times Ive been to prison because of a rat. But I also realize I was going against current law, and knew the consequences. Do I agree that weed should be illegal? NOPE, but again, I knew that I was breaking established law, and I also know people are obligated to break bad laws. Why do you think weed is now becoming more accepted?? Because they now realize they cant lock everyone up for it. But things arent going to change quickly.
Things are the way there are, and like it or not, people have to live in the circumstances they are given. How you wish things were, may not be reality. And its also a fact that for decades, the Majority of the American People, were against marijuana. Thats a fact. They didnt want it legal. But now the majority does want it legalized. Though people disagree what legalized means. That too will have to be sorted out, and not everyone is going to agree with what finally happens. Youre never going to make 100% of people happy.
I otoh think Putin would benefit from a fucking.
Yep we used nukes because we were attacked. We didnt use them for offensive purposes. And in the long run, saved millions of lives. Bottom line is if you dont want nuked, dont attack us on our own soil.

Making yourself happy, has limits.

Actually the Japanese attack on Hawaii was instigated and known about beforehand by USA "officials" to get a public outcry and gain acceptance for the USA entering WWII.

Also, it's ironic because the USA overthrew an existing Hawaian government when it stole Hawaii, about 50 years before. I guess that is an acceptable attack?

Nuking Japan didn't save millions of lives either, they were defeated and trying to surrender, but if Russia and the USA get into a nuclear war over the violence going on in Ukraine, millions of people, if not billions could die.

Bottom line is if you get put in a cage for weed, get fried in a nuclear weapons war or somebody puts you on the hook for billions of dollars of hush money for Zelensky, you're probably not free.

If you like Zelensky and Ukraine so much, will you be sending them some of your own money or going over to kick some ass, after Biden "lets" you have a gun?
Actually the Japanese attack on Hawaii was instigated and known about beforehand by USA "officials" to get a public outcry and gain acceptance for the USA entering WWII.

Also, it's ironic because the USA overthrew an existing Hawaian government when it stole Hawaii, about 50 years before. I guess that is an acceptable attack?

Nuking Japan didn't save millions of lives either, they were defeated and trying to surrender, but if Russia and the USA get into a nuclear war over the violence going on in Ukraine, millions of people, if not billions could die.

Bottom line is if you get put in a cage for weed, get fried in a nuclear weapons war or somebody puts you on the hook for billions of dollars of hush money for Zelensky, you're probably not free.

If you like Zelensky and Ukraine so much, will you be sending them some of your own money or going over to kick some ass, after Biden "lets" you have a gun?

My wife and I have sent the Ukrainian Red Cross $500, and we also give them $50 a month through a credit card.

Also I was going to join the US Military in 1980, but I flunked the eye test. When I was in 2nd grade, when we got the Smallpox Vaccination, I scratched mine, and then rubbed my eye, and its permanently damaged my eye. My right eye. My sighting eye. Its also caused strain on my left eye, and damaged it. I cant see shit up close, unless I have 3.00 magnification glasses. I spent a week in the hospital when I got the vaccine in my eye. I also had to use a warm cloth on my eye for 2 years after the infection, because it made my eye produce alot of mucous overnight, and would glue my eye shut, and the only way I could open it, was a warm compress. It gave me conjunctivitis. So my eyes are to fucked up to go into a combat situation. If they would let me go into some type of support, I would do that in a heartbeat.

Donate to the Ukrainian Red Cross here.

You also can show zero evidence Biden sent Ukraine Hush money. All the money sent was done so on a Bipartisan basis. Im sure the reTHUGliKKKlANS are helping Biden hide something.

Also it is unsubstantiated conspiracy theory Roosevelt knew Japan was going to attack Pearl Harbor. He though Japan may attack the Philippines, but had no knowledge Japan would attack pearl Harbor.
Historians classify this as bullshit.

  1. Pearl Harbor advance-knowledge conspiracy theory - Wikipedia
    WebPearl Harbor advance-knowledge conspiracy theory. Various conspiracy theories allege that U.S. government officials had advance knowledge of Japan 's December 7, 1941, attack
My wife and I have sent the Ukrainian Red Cross $500, and we also give them $50 a month through a credit card.

Also I was going to join the US Military in 1980, but I flunked the eye test. When I was in 2nd grade, when we got the Smallpox Vaccination, I scratched mine, and then rubbed my eye, and its permanently damaged my eye. My right eye. My sighting eye. Its also caused strain on my left eye, and damaged it. I cant see shit up close, unless I have 3.00 magnification glasses. I spent a week in the hospital when I got the vaccine in my eye. I also had to use a warm cloth on my eye for 2 years after the infection, because it made my eye produce alot of mucous overnight, and would glue my eye shut, and the only way I could open it, was a warm compress. It gave me conjunctivitis. So my eyes are to fucked up to go into a combat situation. If they would let me go into some type of support, I would do that in a heartbeat.

Donate to the Ukrainian Red Cross here.

You also can show zero evidence Biden sent Ukraine Hush money. All the money sent was done so on a Bipartisan basis. Im sure the reTHUGliKKKlANS are helping Biden hide something.

Also it is unsubstantiated conspiracy theory Roosevelt knew Japan was going to attack Pearl Harbor. He though Japan may attack the Philippines, but had no knowledge Japan would attack pearl Harbor.
Historians classify this as bullshit.

  1. Pearl Harbor advance-knowledge conspiracy theory - Wikipedia
    WebPearl Harbor advance-knowledge conspiracy theory. Various conspiracy theories allege that U.S. government officials had advance knowledge of Japan 's December 7, 1941, attack

I can't tell you how I know Roosevelt knew since I gave my word I'd never tell and I'm not the kind of guy to break that promise.

So, if the Hawaiian people got Putin to help them retaliate for the USA stealing their island and sticking their nose into Ukraine, say he gave the Hawaiians a Nuke, would you be okay with them launching it at Wasjington D.C. to "save millions of lives" if the USA won't surrender it's claim over Hawaii? Fair is fair, right?

Bi-partisian acceptance of a UKRAINE [roxy war could be evidence of uni-party membership, ignorance or both.
By the international standards of 1898, it was as legal as any other annexation of a small country by a larger one. The two nations most interested in Hawaii at the time, Great Britain and Japan, accepted the annexation as legal. The British had done much worse a hundred times or so building their empire. The Japanese hoped to do so in the future. The British didn’t hold a grudge, but the Japanese did. They were still hoping to acquire Hawaii as spoils of war as late as 1942.

One needs to remember that the Old Rules that controlled foreign relations in the 19th Century were not the rules of today, when we have international laws that are to be followed. It is a routine matter for anti-establishment types in the United States to morally denounce pretty much every detail of American history for hideous crimes that either didn’t happen, didn’t happen the way they’are described in the scolding narrative, or were considered more or less acceptable at the time by everyone who didn’t lose something on the deal.

So, yes, the United States did hustle Hawaii out of its sovereignty in 1898. In the age of coal-fired naval vessels, someone was going to pick up control of the islands from the native rulers. McKinley was finally convinced that Hawaii needed to be under American control and not anyone else’s.

Several decades later, Franklin Roosevelt was in the White House. People who believed annexing foreign nations to be an immoral act were in charge of the United States. However, Hawaii had enough American population that, unlike the Philippines, it was a territory on the way to statehood rather than a commonwealth scheduled for independence.

When the nations that still believed in playing by the Old Rules, Germany, Italy, and Japan, organized themselves for a new round of empire-building, the Roosevelt administration opposed them as best it could. Eventually, it came down to fighting a world war, and the Japanese who remembered losing Hawaii and the Philippines to the United States decided to get revenge by attacking both archipelagos. Meanwhile, Roosevelt had already stipulated that the United States would seek a permanent end to empire-building as a condition for peace.

The President of the United States of America and the Prime Minister, Mr. Churchill, representing His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom, being met together, deem it right to make known certain common principles in the national policies of their respective countries on which they base their hopes for a better future for the world.

First, their countries seek no aggrandizement, territorial or other;

Second, they desire to see no territorial changes that do not accord with the freely expressed wishes of the peoples concerned;

Third, they respect the right of all peoples to choose the form of government under which they will live; and they wish to see sovereign rights and self government restored to those who have been forcibly deprived of them.

In 1946, the Philippines became fully independent. In 1959, Hawaii became the 50th American state.
Third, they respect the right of all peoples to choose the form of government under which they will live; and they wish to see sovereign rights and self government restored to those who have been forcibly deprived of them.

I'm all for peaceful self government, right down to the peaceful individual.

Choosing who will govern you is not an act that embraces freedom if your choice is foisted on other peaceful persons who don't share your choice and desire self governance.

So the USA stole Hawaii and it gets all pissy that Putin is trying to free territory that once was part of the Russian / Soviet influence?

Is that what we have here? The USA, the only country to use nukes on women, children and babies, is trying to pick a fight with Russia using Ukraine as the bait?
My wife and I have sent the Ukrainian Red Cross $500, and we also give them $50 a month through a credit card.

That is a kind thing to do. Thank you.

Are you comfortable that your donation is going for the things you'd like it too? I'm curious as most of the charitable work I've done is local or direct and not international.
Russia aint peaceful dude. Russia isnt trying to free anything, territory, or anyone. The Ukranian people want Putin out of there, and Ukraine became a free country when the USSR was dissolved, and we convinced Ukraine to give up their nukes, in trade for us protecting them from invasion. PPutin wants to put the old USSR back together, and if hes not stopped now, hes going to invade someone else, because he knows he wont get any resistance. Outin has no right being in the territory, and has committed WAR CRIMES, and should be hanged if its at all possible.

And the USA isnt trying to pick a fight with anyone. Ukraine asked for our help PLUS we promised them for protection against invasion.


And the USA only used Nukes because we were attacked first. 24 days after we droppd the last bomb, Japan surrendered. In the end, dropping as horrible as it was saved potentially millions of lives, and years more time in a war.

Putin attacked a free country. Ukraine wants them out. USA is obligated to help them. Putin is a war criminal. Putin aint trying to free anything. Putin is going against all norms of the treaty that was signed when the USSR was dissolved.

All of your obfuscation wont change the fact Ukraine wants Putin out of there. The USA has an obligation to defend Ukraine, whether you like it, or not. Putin is a war criminal, and almost 75% of the American People agree with defending Ukraine.. Everything else is just smoke and mirrors, and whataboutism.

Get over it. 75% of the American People agree with defending Ukraine. End of story. You may not like it, but suck it up buttercup. You are in a very small minority. I had thought it was about 60% of the USA wants USA to defend Ukraine, but with further research, the research says 75%.
Its true as of this moment most dont want direct troops on the ground ccombat involvement, but 75% do agree that we should do everything possible to arm Ukraine.
75% vs 25%. The American people greatly support our efforts in Ukraine, even if you dont like it.
Putin attacked a free country. Ukraine wants them out. USA is obligated to help them. Putin is a war criminal. Putin aint trying to free anything. Putin is going against all norms of the treaty that was signed when the USSR was dissolved.

So, if I offered to arbitrate peace negotiations between the interested parties and everyone agreed, would you say Putin gets out of the parts of the Ukraine that weren't in their domain historically if the USA gets out of Hawaii..
...Would that be a fair offer?

Or is the goose gonna get world bennies the gander isn't ? I think there's the crux of the biscuit!
That is a kind thing to do. Thank you.

Are you comfortable that your donation is going for the things you'd like it too? I'm curious as most of the charitable work I've done is local or direct and not international.

Yes Im happy with the Ukraine Red Cross. One of the main reasons we picked the Ukranian Red Cross was because it was listed in Forbes Magazine as one of the most trusted places to donate money.

Most of the charitable work Ive done was giving to my wifes family in the Philippines.
20 years ago when we were first married, and she first came to the USA, she came from a very poor village on the island of Panay, in the mountain jungle. He parents lived in a bamboo hut, had to walk almost 1/2 a mile to get fresh water. No electricity, though some of the more prominent people of the village did have electricity, and even a TV.
So I sent her family money, she has 4 brothers, and 2 more sisters, and her brothers built her mom and dad a concrete block house, with a tin roof, and, I got them electricity, and a TV. An electric stove. I also gave the village $500 so they could dig a well for fresh water, and nobody had to walk 1/2 a mile to the mountain river. I also paid their monthly electric bill, and sent them $500 a month to live on. Which is alot of money in the Philippines. Especially 20 years ago. They have both passed now, but we both still send her family money every month, and are putting her niece through nursing school so she may one day come to the USA as a nurse recruit.
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So, if I offered to arbitrate peace negotiations between the interested parties and everyone agreed, would you say Putin gets out of the parts of the Ukraine that weren't in their domain historically if the USA gets out of Hawaii..
...Would that be a fair offer?

Or is the goose gonna get world bennies the gander isn't ? I think there's the crux of the biscuit!
More whataboutism.

The Hawaii Admission Act was enacted by Congress in March 1959, and in June, a vote for statehood was put to the Hawaiian populace. With extraordinarily high turnout, over 90% of voters were in favor of statehood.