What did you accomplish today?

Did some trimming last night gorilla glue had the chop nothern light next weekend and maybe a Tangie’matic the week after so glad to be grow again. Don’t know why I stopped.
Today I’m cleaning up the Mrs is sick and the place is falling apart, the world would stop spinning if she wasn’t around. I have to do dish’s/kitchen, laundry, vacuum/mopping, cars, smoke some weed and do the animals chickens, horse and move the sheep into the top paddock.
It’s time for coffee a bacon and egg sandwich and I’ll get these animals sorted. Come back get the kids going and start on the house choirs. Luckily the grandparents are taking the kids out for lunch so I can get on top of things
Did some trimming last night gorilla glue had the chop nothern light next weekend and maybe a Tangie’matic the week after so glad to be grow again. Don’t know why I stopped.
Today I’m cleaning up the Mrs is sick and the place is falling apart, the world would stop spinning if she wasn’t around. I have to do dish’s/kitchen, laundry, vacuum/mopping, cars, smoke some weed and do the animals chickens, horse and move the sheep into the top paddock.
It’s time for coffee a bacon and egg sandwich and I’ll get these animals sorted. Come back get the kids going and start on the house choirs. Luckily the grandparents are taking the kids out for lunch so I can get on top of things

Love those guys...

Had a good laugh. i went outside to take a smoke and i see someone who looks familiar so i kinda wait to see until she passes by closer to take a good look and YUP it is my ex gf lmfao. thinking to myself wtf is this cunt doing in the neighborhood she lives a long ways from my house. i think she was going to her friends house either that or my other ex gf's house who lives up the road. either way i get a good chuckle out of it. pretty sure they both let themselves go badly since i dated the 2 but me i actually lost some weight.
Had a good laugh. i went outside to take a smoke and i see someone who looks familiar so i kinda wait to see until she passes by closer to take a good look and YUP it is my ex gf lmfao. thinking to myself wtf is this cunt doing in the neighborhood she lives a long ways from my house. i think she was going to her friends house either that or my other ex gf's house who lives up the road. either way i get a good chuckle out of it. pretty sure they both let themselves go badly since i dated the 2 but me i actually lost some weight.
It’s always a victory when you see an ex and your looking better hahahaha, especially when they look at you and they know it then it’s double hahahahaha
got some costco chicken bake. prolly the only thing i like from costco besides the pizza which is hit or miss. sometimes it tastes decent other times i like it only cause it's cheap. i mean it's alright but the dough tastes like cardboard.

my dad came home and is working on the room. apparently he just gonna shove the cabinet it hide the back that doesn't really have much tiles since really nobody will see it anyways and is now cutting the hole for the sink. once that is set were just going to install it, put up the sink at the same time and then the side panels for the wall. if possible can already start laying down the floor so tomorrow we have an easy day. all we got to do is empty out the room cut the padding and start laying the boards down and as we get towards the closet cut those pieces. it's clip on floor boards not super thick or hard to install. if it took us less then 5 hours to do our living room it should only take 1-2 hours since the living room we did from scratch removing the old boards and padding. that way they can start bringing shit over at least. if anything we can always put the base cove on looks cheap and out of place but it's something for now. then later put the wood ones in.
@ANC will be happy with me, I changed out half the water in my aquarium this afternoon. Nitrates were at the dangerous level. I'll probably need to do it again in about a week when all the crap settles after vacuuming the gravel. Made my beer run early thinking we were going to get dumped on but so far it has been pretty light. Not warm out there though. Ribs and corn on the cob for dinner after watching the NHRA qualifying on the DVR.
Yeah, well done, now make a habit of doing the same thing, same time every week, unless you are overstocked, this will keep your fish happy and growing well.
If you don't you get stunted tiny brain damaged stupid fish.

Anything less than 50% and you are just fucking around.

You can work out the ratios if you repeat a smaller portion over a few weeks.
@ANC will be happy with me, I changed out half the water in my aquarium this afternoon. Nitrates were at the dangerous level. I'll probably need to do it again in about a week when all the crap settles after vacuuming the gravel. Made my beer run early thinking we were going to get dumped on but so far it has been pretty light. Not warm out there though. Ribs and corn on the cob for dinner after watching the NHRA qualifying on the DVR.
Do you use the water for plants

or just "flush it".:bigjoint:
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made a make shift lid for my compost bin out of cardboard so i can toss scraps at the surface and let the juices drip down to moisten it up as well as allow the worms to surface to feed more often instead of staying down. after i made the lid which is just a big piece of cardboard nothing special dont have newspaper around but that would of been better; i tossed the bin tried to move all the old scraps to the surface and i must say DAMN!!! those mfers went to work on the mangoes. that shit is almost completely gone in i think a day only? found a few pieces but a SHIT load of poop surrounding where the mangoes were. at this rate i need to feed these fuckers about half a pound a day to keep up.

i mostly try to feed soft and sweet things so it composts faster like melons and what not but we really dont eat a lot of fruits in this house. we usually only eat banana's thats about it.
When was the last time you been to the drags at Sonoma? Me and Rudy usually go, but haven’t the last 2 years. We’ve been known to go down to Pomona to catch the winter nationals and finals.
Maybe this summer we all go catch the Sonoma nationals? Might be wishful thinking on my part right now but maybe?
That all depends on how my wife is doing, she is dealing with some medical issues that have basically made her couch bound and I'm her at home care. It sucks but I know she would do it for me if the shoe was on the other foot. I'll be so happy when she gets mobile again so we can sleep in our own bed again.
That all depends on how my wife is doing, she is dealing with some medical issues that have basically made her couch bound and I'm her at home care. It sucks but I know she would do it for me if the shoe was on the other foot. I'll be so happy when she gets mobile again so we can sleep in our own bed again.
I'm going through some of the same. My wife isn't bed ridden, but she is only good for one trip to town a week. And when she has to get out more often, like last week when her cousin died, she pays the price for it. She is pushing pretty hard for me to stop working so I can be around to help more, but I'm just too young to take that step. Nine more years til full SS for me.
My wife gets hers this year, me next. We live on my military retirement and disability. We have no extra money but we have food and beer and I make our own smokes because taxes on them here are ridiculous. I couldn't tell you how many Dr's we have been to over the past 5 years. Edit: I'm taking my SSI at 62, I'm not waiting for the full payment. I know what the longevity in my family is so I'll take the reduced payments.
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My wife gets hers this year, me next. We live on my military retirement and disability. We have no extra money but we have food and beer and I make our own smokes because taxes on them here are ridiculous. I couldn't tell you how many Dr's we have been to over the past 5 years.
My wife retired a little over two years ago, then started SS last year at 65. She was rich and famous when she was working, and still makes twice as much in retirement as I do working. Her retirement is golden, but it will end when she dies. And like I have said many times, only two things scare me. Being old and poor and a woman with a gun.

There is no cure for her disease, so she hasn't been to a doctor in a couple of years. But everyday is an adventure in pain management. CDB drops and aspirin is doing the trick for now.
That was part of the reason I started growing. I also wanted to mess with the city council in my redneck town and establish the first legal grow for recreational weed. They pulled the fees out of their asses when they first established medical grows. Those are changed now...lol.
I'm trying to talk my wife into getting her card. She is trying to get by with just the CDB for now.

There is no home grow in Florida medical. {you can buy edibles, concentrates and the like} It's going to be a while before we get rec.
I'm trying to talk my wife into getting her card. She is trying to get by with just the CDB for now.

There is no home grow in Florida medical. {you can buy edibles, concentrates and the like} It's going to be a while before we get rec.
CDB sounds military to me ... think uniforms and bulldozers