The Politics of Truck Drivers Urinating in Public..

You can also get a sex offense for indecent exposure if the Judge wanted to be a dick about it. For pissing in the open, that is.
Unfortunately I know of that happening to a guy who was on active duty. He got a bad conduct discharge and now has an orange drivers licence. Poor fucker was homeless for years afterward, all from a little too much drinking and pissing in the street. So much love for our people makes me sick
Unfortunately I know of that happening to a guy who was on active duty. He got a bad conduct discharge and now has an orange drivers licence. Poor fucker was homeless for years afterward, all from a little too much drinking and pissing in the street. So much love for our people makes me sick
Man, that sucks. The Judge could easily went a different direction with that and his path in life would have changed. In California, indecent exposure is a registrable sex offense, so let that sink in the next time you think about pissing in public.
Man, that sucks. The Judge could easily went a different direction with that and his path in life would have changed. In California, indecent exposure is a registrable sex offense, so let that sink in the next time you think about pissing in public.
Yeah, it happened in San Diego. It took nearly 10 years for the guy to find someone to help him get his discharge upgraded. Last I knew he was doing much better but that sex offence still stayed. Dogs have more freedom in some circumstances.
3 certain individuals in a transport where stopped in Ontario by mto because the truck was leaking fluids going down 401. Asked to pull in to weigh scale for inspection,the mechanic who had to use the creeper and go under the truck to check brake stroke found shit all over the bottom off the truck like it was undercoating from ziebart but actually shit. He found these guys had a hole cut in the floor of the cab( bunk truck for long haul ) and were taking dookies going down the road. Now that’s messed up.

but.... did it stop the rust?
schuylaar's mix largest dark roast 24 oz, 8 hazelnuts and 2 equals.

not to mention white people smell like sour milk because of our high consumption..we are what we eat/drink.

I smell like Irish Spring soap and diesel fuel this morning, I spilled fuel on myself when I was fueling up this morning. Got some on my work boots, pretty upset about that
I smell like Irish Spring soap and diesel fuel this morning, I spilled fuel on myself when I was fueling up this morning. Got some on my work boots, pretty upset about that

but when that wears off your pores tell the story- you can't smell yourself though..similar to thinking what your voice sounds like until you hear it recorded.
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Delivering these huge slabs of aluminum this morning 42K lbs

Made in USA
How Much Does it Cost to Produce One Ton of Aluminum?
Although the newest smelters can be closer to 12,500 kWh per ton, let’s say most smelters are consuming electricity at 14,500-15,000 kWh/ton of ingot produced. With the LME at $1,300/metric ton, that means electricity should be costing a typical smelter $0.029/kWh.

That's an awful lot of electricity sitting in that trailer...
Empty Gatorade bottles are a truck drivers best friend..when he has to pee! You think mail men and UPS drivers stop at bathrooms all day long? Nope. Piss jugz