What did you accomplish today?

Another option is to fix the screen, put the screen protector on it and a case.

I never liked the idea of buying something sleek looking then wrapping it in ugly plastic and rubber. I been using an iphone since the 3gs, this is the first time I've broke one.

/btw that tool kit you recommended worked like a charm. I got a little lost when I took the bottom off and couldn't see a hard drive. I did some reading online and the hard drive in that notebook looks like a memory card.
Sly, that one.
I never liked the idea of buying something sleek looking then wrapping it in ugly plastic and rubber. I been using an iphone since the 3gs, this is the first time I've broke one.

/btw that tool kit you recommended worked like a charm. I got a little lost when I took the bottom off and couldn't see a hard drive. I did some reading online and the hard drive in that notebook looks like a memory card.
I'm more function over form and have no issue wrapping lovely things in durable packaging. I'm surprised you haven't had an issue with your capacitative touch screen's chips separating from the board.
off road porscheb.jpg
I never liked the idea of buying something sleek looking then wrapping it in ugly plastic and rubber. I been using an iphone since the 3gs, this is the first time I've broke one.

/btw that tool kit you recommended worked like a charm. I got a little lost when I took the bottom off and couldn't see a hard drive. I did some reading online and the hard drive in that notebook looks like a memory card.
You obviously have no Italian senior female relatives. Grandmom, and 3 aunts(her daughters) all had their living room furniture encased in plastic; "transparent corpse bags" as a dear friend calls them
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You obviously have no Italian senior female relatives. Grandmom, and 3 aunts(her daughters) all had their living room furniture encased in plastic; "transparent corpse bags" as a dear friend calls them

Are we related?
I'm not Italian but I remember Grandma's plastic encased furniture - you stuck to it when sweating and "scooting" on it was not an option.
Will you frame them?
yea i will be framing them one puzzle is a anime i love plus the picture is extremely nice as well i've seen people online frame theres and it's a beast. need some art on my walls they are so bland

I love a good puzzle before I had kids my wife and I would always have one on the go. There good to get high as f and do. When we finished them I would give them to my Grandma because she loved them as well. Harder to do with young ones around. We didn’t keep any just picked random ones up from the local market.
Nice yea im tryna get that girl im talking to to like come over and we can do a puzzle together XD but thats wishful thinking. i just like putting things together idk why the more pieces there are the more i am interested in haven't done a 500 piece puzzle before but figure the 1k piece won't last me a while. i can put the lego's that are 2k pieces in just a single day but i try to like space it out so i have something to do when i get home. the lego's piss me off the most because if the pieces fall off i don't remember where they go so i get pissed and just trash it don't want to start all over again. only happened to me once but i trashed it because it gave me bad memories of my last gf since i bought it when i was with her.

idk though this girl got something strange going on. my friend whom is close friends with her knows too but she doesn't want to tell me. i think she likes me but doesn't want to admit it and my friend is keeping me in the dark cause she wants me to do it on my own prolly if i found out i'd get all cocky thats why. i wanted to buy more puzzles but then i need to buy frames as well so im kinda just like trying not to buy so much puzzles at once. i dont want my entire wall to be puzzles either want to set up different types of art. i am thinking of buying the lego millenium falcon i think that one is 7k pieces? maybe more but that shit is expensive. was gonna go old school and hang it from my ceiling with wires.
Like many of you, we've had nothing but rain here lately. Every fucking day. Yesterday was sweet, it was only 66f or so, but the sun came out. I immediately dropped everything I was doing and went on a 90 minute bike ride. I even got to sit in the sun for about 40 minutes, and burned over 1000 calories according to my fitness monitor. I overdid it a little, as I am SO tired today, and have a pinkish hue from the sun. Which will quickly add to the little tan that I had from a similar outing last week. I've had two little naps today, and I'm still tired. Totally worth it. Gonna be 80 and sunny tomorrow, I'm going to go busk downtown for the evening rush hour. People should be in a good mood from the nice weather, and more apt to give me their money. Cha-ching...
exhausted as shit got off work 1 hour early tomorrow is my friday not used to working 5 days straight and having 2 days off in a row. sadly i wont be off really i got a 2 graduation parties to go to one tomorrow night and the other on sunday. i get paid tomorrow as well hopefully gonna try and put that money aside for my car already but then again i still need to pay for rent. seems like i am hired but idk my boss doesn't want me to sign papers so like idk how the hell it will work when it comes to like taxes and all that. im not super worried i believe he wants to see how dedicated i am this time with staying and after a while he will put me on the payroll. if i am correct he is losing money by paying me under the table and he knows it.

not much to do today though tomorrow just got to wash clothes for the party and water my sunflowers. waiting for my damn puzzle to get here likely wont be until next week though sadly.
Like many of you, we've had nothing but rain here lately. Every fucking day. Yesterday was sweet, it was only 66f or so, but the sun came out. I immediately dropped everything I was doing and went on a 90 minute bike ride. I even got to sit in the sun for about 40 minutes, and burned over 1000 calories according to my fitness monitor. I overdid it a little, as I am SO tired today, and have a pinkish hue from the sun. Which will quickly add to the little tan that I had from a similar outing last week. I've had two little naps today, and I'm still tired. Totally worth it. Gonna be 80 and sunny tomorrow, I'm going to go busk downtown for the evening rush hour. People should be in a good mood from the nice weather, and more apt to give me their money. Cha-ching...
We haven’t had measurable rain in 18 days and temps have hovered 100 for the last week. None really in the forecast. If you sit in this sun for “about 40 minutes “ you will probably burn 10,000 calories or possibly die.. good luck busking, bro.