It was anonymous negative rep. Meaning it was a drive-by. Only cowards leave drive-bys.awww ya i guess i could have put that a lil better. he dident juss leave bad rep he talked shit with it"shut the fuck up you faggot i would beat your ass in a heart beat MO FUCKA"thats what the lil punk put on my page. ya i just couldent belive NO ONE.i had that but it dident look rite. thank goodness for i hope NO ONE thinks im bein mean but look back on this thread i was just backing him up untill he called some other dude a homo and HATER.which is ridiculus. why would the guy hate when its this little bitch that cant be a MAN.
The guy had braces? How old is he?
What good is a baseball bat going to do for you? This can go down two ways, both bad for you.
Scenario One: Get caught using a baseball bat on someone and you will go to jail. You will get caught because people beaten with bats end up in the hospital. The hospital is required by law to notify the coppers who will track you down with your bloodstained bat in the back seat of your Impala.
Scenario Two: The bat is taken away and used on you. To get close enough to club another fighter means you have to get very close to them. Close enough for them to drop you and take that shillelagh away. After it's over they claim self-defense because you pulled the bat out.
Where I live, assault with a deadly weapon is a felony. I am assuming you are an adult since you are here. Violent adult felons go to prison.
You are right here. Gangstas!this is pretty smart but then again you have to realize that these are high school kids. They may pretend to be gangster but in reality they are probably insecure teenagers inside(god i know i was/am). With this in mind i think theres a third scenario thats alot more likely.
In this case, a bat is not an equalizer. It is a liability. A fighter swinging a bat may hit the on the first swing. But after that first swing, he's vulnerable and must recover in order to swing again. Meanwhile he's still facing at least two fighters who will take it away from him.third scenario: the three "hardasses" come back to pick on the kid and he pulls out a baseball bat. He takes a couple wild swings at their head and they run off like most people would. Im sorry but you dont get up from a bat from the head.
I can't imagine how I would react if I caught some clown relieving himself on my windshield, especially with two babysitters watching his back. Under that scenario, discretion is the better part of valor. Better to catch the pussy-guy (what kind of punk goes after a man's ride?) alone and teach him a lesson he won't forget, then piss on him. If the babysitters want to pursue the issue, deal with each separately, then piss on them.ive got to say i support the kid in what he did. while it may not be the most macho ganster manly way of taking care of it, he did what he did to take care of the problem. When he saw the kid pissing on his car he took him on knowing his 2 friends were there to back him up. hes not a pussy and hes not afraid of a fair fight. He says his cousin was not told to hit the guy but even if he was i wouldnt have a problem with that. The kid got his face destroyed. his nose is broken and i dont think he would hold up in a fair fight against anyone considering a tap on the nose would probably send him to his knees. I dont see anything wrong with having your boys back you up when you got jumped and cant fight for yourself. Who cares if people want to say you arent cool for doing it. You did what you had to and if they mess with you again i wouldnt tell you to do anything different.
Then I would say it was not the beater that held them off, it was your answer. If they were there to get you, your answer would not have made a difference. Eight guys would have got you. Yeah, you might have connected once or twice before they got their hands on you. But rest assured, they would have got you.Not true, i've stood up to about eight people at one time, with an axe handle I had for just such an emergency. I beat the shit out of a guy who took a swing at my buddy's girlfriend (He was too much of a pussy to do it himself) and they all came to my front porch (I was living with my parents at the time, so that pissed me off to a whole nother level) so I grabbed my axe handle (I called it by a different name, but I can't say that here.) and walked out on the porch and asked them what they wanted. IDK what they were gonna do at first but by the time I got out there there tune was "We just wanted to know why you swung at homeboy" and I told them and asked them if they had a problem with that and he said it was none of my buisiness but everyone else was like "He didn't tell us nothin about that."
thanks for the advice, bat is a bad ideaThe guy had braces? How old is he?
What good is a baseball bat going to do for you? This can go down two ways, both bad for you.
Scenario One: Get caught using a baseball bat on someone and you will go to jail. You will get caught because people beaten with bats end up in the hospital. The hospital is required by law to notify the coppers who will track you down with your bloodstained bat in the back seat of your Impala.
Scenario Two: The bat is taken away and used on you. To get close enough to club another fighter means you have to get very close to them. Close enough for them to drop you and take that shillelagh away. After it's over they claim self-defense because you pulled the bat out.
Where I live, assault with a deadly weapon is a felony. I am assuming you are an adult since you are here. Violent adult felons go to prison.
lol, you ever shot any body?He pissed on your windshield, and you got stomped out. I believe a shooting is in order.
LOL standing on your car pissing on it? sorry i woulda prly grabbed the heat frm the chevy and blasted his ass