Rooftop Greenhouse Grow Amsterdam

Looks so tasty. You are Growin 2 of my favorites, broccoli and cauliflower. I had a hell of a time cutting up my cauliflower head yesterday morning. That monster was a beast to chop apart! Do you grow carrots? . I like to dip my carrrots in peanut butter as a snack. I hate the inconsistency of store bought veggies. One week they are sweet and tasty, the next week they are flavorless. It’s frustrating.
Looks so tasty. You are Growin 2 of my favorites, broccoli and cauliflower. I had a hell of a time cutting up my cauliflower head yesterday morning. That monster was a beast to chop apart! Do you grow carrots? . I like to dip my carrrots in peanut butter as a snack. I hate the inconsistency of store bought veggies. One week they are sweet and tasty, the next week they are flavorless. It’s frustrating.
I did last year but haven't got round to it this year. never had much luck with carrots to be honest. my gosh, the broccoli was soooooo sweet. Worlds apart from the bitter after tasting stuff you buy in the shop.
How’s the watermelon over there? I imagine it being quite difficult riding one home on your bicycle. They are tasting spot on right now over here. The cantaloupes are also exceptional right now.
lots of watermelon available. Yin 1 requested one when we were at the supermarket the other day (sitting in our fridge waiting for the 30c temps we get this weekend). Wouldn't try bothering growing them here though tbh....
B99B1F0F-F1BA-494B-A689-CBB0FC15EDA4.jpeg Cheers mate! Enjoy the nice warm weekend! I’m eatin this bowl of seedless watermelon all day long.believe it or not it’s from Walmart and it’s damn good. Usually their produce sucks .but this area seems to get the Bomb ass watermelon hook up.
Your cauliflower is coming in strong, very nice formation!
Do you have a good recipe for flavoring it in the oven? Like with a bit o crustiness to it. And Brussels sprouts as well.
if I eat brussel sprouts I eat them with bacon and onions.
for cauliflower I tend to go for a cheese sauce made from old cheese (3years ripened). I do like cauliflower bhajis they are the bizz!!! I like Indian food though.

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We had Brussels sprouts with fried sausage and onions just the other night. It was so good my daughter asked if we can have Brussels everyday :).
This watermelon was a freebie from Walmart. The last one I showed you was from a farm in North Carolina/ Georgia. This one here is from a farm in Missouri. Getting these watermelons into my apartment is a bitch. They roll all around my car from one side to the other and then into my cart across the parking lot , pass the apartment building and up 2 flights of stairs. That’s how much I LOVE watermelons. 88FC1FB8-7D96-4557-8BF1-8414EAAFAD23.jpegHow do you do it?
Cut it open and WOW! Look at the color. This might be the best yet!
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Those seeds were a real problem. We use to play games with them as kids. There was the one stupid fucking game where you count the pips one by one . after you have all them .you say one pip at a time and say Rich man, poor man, begger man, Theif. Rich man, beggar man, Theif, rich man , begger man, Theif... poor man. until the final seed you get the answer. And that is the type of man you will marry. But your supposed ed to say it in order. So fucking dumb. 14F7BC77-9550-446E-9E65-4008B77B8BCA.gif
Those seeds were a real problem. We use to play games with them as kids. There was the one stupid fucking game where you count the pips one by one . after you have all them .you say one pip at a time and say Rich man, poor man, begger man, Theif. Rich man, beggar man, Theif, rich man , begger man, Theif... poor man. until the final seed you get the answer. And that is the type of man you will marry. But your supposed ed to say it in order. So fucking dumb. View attachment 4363113
hehe, like the petals you pull of a daisy.....she loves me, she loves me not.....