Stoner Pets or Strange Pets


Well-Known Member
Rocky 1 1/2yr (yellow) and Rambo 1yr (black) snoozing after a long day at the beach. We just rescued Rambo last week he had 1 week left. It was good cause rocky needed a buddy and they were instantly best friends.

el shaggy

Well-Known Member
Stormy is a stoner cat.

I'd love to get a small snake, they feel so great meandering through your fingers. And snakes are very cool.


Well-Known Member

Meet Dewey. She just loves to nibble on leafy trimmings and take "showers" in my hair while I watch TV. Turn-ons include the vacuum cleaner and fresh oranges.


Well-Known Member
I discovered (thanks to Gypsybush) the macro setting on the cam, so I can actually capture the brilliance of her colors. She's huge too, I have a hard time convincing people that she's a parakeet! Everyone thinks they only come in budgie size.
It's hard to get a shot of both her and her tail!

It's time to clip her wings but I just hate doing it!!


Well-Known Member
Very nice birds, beautiful. I just gave my birds to a rescue place down here. They became too much for me, and the Umbrella, Ozzie, started hurting me pretty bad. Once I saw the place that he would be living I knew I had to give them my Amazon as well. I miss them and I am sad, but, I know it was a better home than mine.
Good luck with your birds. I enjoyed your pics.


Well-Known Member
I've had to do that before and have gotten birds because of that. It's hard, but you gotta do what you gotta do! Hero, this one..

can do some serious damage. He was abused and is very neurotic. We've had him for a couple years and he's just now starting to realize we won't hurt him. He finally lets us love on him, rub his neck and occasionally pick him up. Leaf trimmings seem to help, and as you can see he's got a full chest of pinfeathers finally!
Here's the other family..
