Happy af. Finished work early, signed papers for payroll should get paid i think next week, got a raise at work not the best raise in the world but fuck it i'll take it. tomorrow is an easy day cause apparently the AC guy finally came and needs to come back tomorrow morning to fix it. we can't make jerky due to USDA laws due to dust and all that nasty shit so tomorrow is only like a 2 hour work day for us and get paid for the full day. idk if they gonna make us do anything else. Thursday is paid day off and Friday we just making jerky so another easy day. Saturday might have to come in make dog treats extra pay for us if we come in but idk if i can go in due to lack of money in my bank account if someone can pick me up then i can go if not then maybe not idk yet.
got rest of my money from my boss so i can finally say i broke $1k for my car savings. slowly stacking up but will get there eventually. i might actually lose money tbh. my sisters want to go to the big island for christmas. idk if my dad will even want to go anywhere this year for vacation too much financial issues going on this year to be taking a vacation. idk what they did in the big island but i think they took rocks that you are not supposed to take and if you do i think you get bad luck or something until you return the rocks. some Hawaiian stuff people take rocks all the time and ship um back. kind of like that cursed doll when you take a photo of him without asking i think his name is Jim.