My Good Sh!t Has Some Worm Sh!t. Thoughts? Knowledge? Help?

Can you HONESTLY say you've never smoked bug poop?

  • Definitely did! Waste not, want not.

    Votes: 3 21.4%
  • Yeah, probably... Whatever, I'm still here.

    Votes: 5 35.7%
  • I don't know. I suppose maybe?

    Votes: 3 21.4%
  • No, I'd like to think that I haven't... Though admittedly I never really check for these things.

    Votes: 1 7.1%
  • Nope, I certainly never have, and that's a sick question.

    Votes: 1 7.1%
  • Nope, I honestly haven't, because I always thoroughly inspect all my bud under a microscope 1st.

    Votes: 1 7.1%

  • Total voters

Brother Sweetleaf

Well-Known Member
Before harvest, my Grape Stomper OG was infested with worms. I figured that I could maybe work around it, sacrificing 1/3 of the crop, but upon inspecting everything with a microscope, I've learned that pretty much the entire plant had been hit. Nearly every single bud-- even those that looked deliciously perfect during a thorough & detailed inspection-- had at least a piece or two of worm-poo hidden within it. All the common signs are evident on several branches of bud-- you know: brown spots on the branch; the dried, dead browning of the bud; single, super-thin, hair-like strands of webbing, and of course the worms themselves-- but there are also tiny pieces of black bug-poo that are too small to be seen by the naked eye.

Now, if the damage can be seen-- like dried-out bud, or even brown spots of rot on the stalk-- then I think that throwing-away the bud is a wise choice. That's what I did with about 3/4 of my crop; I threw it out (I actually gave it to the birds, who enjoyed dive-bombing worms off the buds).

But what about those remaining buds that-- to the unaided human eye-- seem pretty damn perfect, except that they have obvious bug-crap in them only when you look at it under a microscope??

The choice to throw-away bud that's been infested with bugs & their poo seems to be the wisest choice for anyone concerned with their health... No matter how it can be justified, consuming poop in any way is just gross... That said-- except for when we're dealing with pests & such, we never really look at our bud through a microscope, do we? I mean, honestly, I've been toking herb for over 30 years now, and I've never taken a new bag of bud & checked it out under a microscope. And we also never look at our food under a microscope... But I bet if we did we'd probably all stop eating most of it! On a similar note-- supposedly, the microscopic universe inside of our bed-pillows would gross-out anyone of us. But we all smoke our bud, eat our food, and sleep on our bed-pillows and-- as it turns out-- we're all quite fine.

My point is-- it might be unrealistic or unreasonable to just say that smoking a tiny amount of worm poop is obscenely gross & should be avoided, particularly if tiny amounts of bug poop are, in truth, just par for the course in outdoor-grown bud (or any kind of bud, in general). Like wading in a swimming pool someone has peed in, there is a "dilution factor" that makes it OK (or at least "less than problematic"). So I guess this begs the question, "What ratio of worm-poop to Marijuana is OK for consumption?"

Another question is, "Is there a simple, effective way to clean bug poop from harvested bud?"

Another is, "Is inhaling combusted bug-poo healthier than eating cannabutter edibles made from bud contaminated with bug-poo?"

I know these questions seem gross at face-value here, but anyone who has spent 3 seasons of the year growing outdoor bud all the way into October, only to have it disgustingly infested by worms, understands the desperation and the tragedy of being faced with throwing it all away. The subtext of my posting asks "Can I save ANY of my bud, and how?"

Again, the bud we're talking about here (my remaining bud) appears-- by reasonably close inspection with the naked eye-- to be pretty clean & good-looking. It is only in the microverse (almost like in the Ant-Man movies) that pieces of crap and the occasional strand of webbing can be seen. And in that microverse, it's enough to make me repulsed in disgust. But then when you come up from the microscope & look at the bud again, it looks fine. Yummy, actually.

Consider answering my questions above, and/or please share your thoughts regarding this subject. The bud I'm speaking of is not for others to consume & was grown as my personal stash of head-weed.

Thanks for your time, & thanks for your kind response.


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I assume if you were going to smoke it you already have. If I knew there was caterpillar shit in my weed and I wasn't willing to wash it off, I'd just bite the bullet and buy some. Don't want some funky disease named after me.
Yeah, I smoked it until I just no longer could. My lady finished it off though. She refused to look at it under the microscope, but once you SEE all the waste left behind by insects, you can't un-see it. It's just gross.

I'd like to hear more opinions regarding this topic though. Bugs are a common issue for marijuana growers, and bugs-- like all living creatures-- poop. I know that we all know this... And I also know that it's absurd to believe that all bugs always depart from the cannabis plant so they can "use the bathroom" elsewhere, and I'm sure that nobody here actually believes that. Which means that the bugs *DO* poop on the plant. And yet it seems that very few of us are willing to engage in an open and honest dialogue about this common problem. It seems that very few of us are willing to admit that consuming bug-poop infected bud just COULD be a common occurrence for us all. It's microscopic. Think about it: It's all microscopic-- invisible to the naked eye. To believe that we're NOT consuming something so commonplace-- simply because we cannot see it and refuse to look for it with the affordably-priced tools available to us-- is kinda like "willful blindness".

I've been looking at my bud lately-- INCLUDING some we just bought at a local dispensary-- and the microscopic wirey hairs, the silky strands, the insect husks, the occasional dark brown veg-tips, the black poop encased atop & within trichomes, and the fact that this has been happening SO often, regardless of strain or distributor, is really freaky & kinda scary.

There are indeed "Filth Limits" that the FDA has enforced upon manufacturers of food & consumables, to protect the public from potential health hazards. So then, these are LIMITS, which means that there are certain amounts of nasty things (like rodent droppings & bug parts, for example) that ARE safe and allowed by the FDA. Because it's such a tiny ratio. So... There appears to be no laws or official regulations upon dispensaries regarding insect poop & debris. Is this perhaps because such things are "par for the course", and-- despite our judgements that it's "gross"-- are to be expected?

4 out of the past 5 batches of bud I've bought had bug poop & more on/ in it. Now I'd say that 4 out of 5 makes it kinda common.

What are YOUR honest thoughts on this subject?? REMEMBER: This poop is nearly (or literally) invisible to the naked eye. The silken webbing strands are ALWAYS invisible. But with a cheap, handheld microscope you begin to see just what I'm talking about here.

Thanks for your helpful input, and please take the poll above.
Here, if you buy legal weed, it's regulated by Health Canada. Some LPs have already had to suspend production for quality control reasons. I suspect bug shit would be a no-no for them.
I grow outdoors now, and I accept that the bugs on my plant are shitting, or in the case of leafhoppers and aphids, producing honeydew. However I have seen exactly 0 bugs on the buds except one gnat that got stuck and died. Trichomes and cannabinoids are supposedly for protection from insects, so, if they work at all, wouldn't that prevent bugs sitting on the buds long enough to shit on them? Either way plenty of people wash their buds. Jorge Cervantes has an instructional video about it, where he washes off some powdery mildew. If you're concerned about it just do that.
And yes, I took the poll.
Here, if you buy legal weed, it's regulated by Health Canada... Trichomes and cannabinoids are supposedly for protection from insects, so, if they work at all, wouldn't that prevent bugs sitting on the buds long enough to shit on them? Either way plenty of people wash their buds. Jorge Cervantes has an instructional video about it, where he washes off some powdery mildew. If you're concerned about it just do that...
Thanks for writing, Canadian Jim, and thanks for taking the poll above. Yeah, here in the States, weed is sadly & senselessly still federally Class 1 & Illegal. I'm sure weed has several great defenses against insects, but-- to answer your question-- trichomes & cannabanoids do not prevent bugs from sitting on the buds, from shitting on the buds, from eating the buds or boring tunnels into the stalks, from spinning "invisible" silk threads & webbing around the bud, or destroying an entire crop. If you grow outdoors now, I'm guessing it's been a very recent switch for you if you've seen only "exactly 0 bugs". Alleluia & count your blessings, Friend!

Thanks also for the tip on washing bud. I've seen that very video you recommend: Jorges Cerventes is one of my top (if not THE Top) mentors; I love that guy! I was watching his stuff since he had long, dark, dred-like hair, and always hid his eyes behind dark sunglasses! Youtube has a few great tutorials on washing bud just after harvest. This is awesome to remove insects, living or dead...

Poop, on the other hand, is a different matter. The green of the plant AND the trichomes themselves grow AROUND the poop. I'm not claiming to be an expert on the subject, as I'm here asking questions, picking brains, fishing for knowledge, wisdom, & the experiences of others. That said, I have delved QUITE deep into the matter, and got a bit obsessed over it since it took out my crop & I've really looked closely at it. It's tough to talk fairly & factually about a subject in the microscopic if one doesn't use a microscope. Well, I have, and I do, and I'm telling you guys right now: It's frickin' gross. And bud and trichomes grow to nearly "encase" or latch onto poop and other stuff.

Anyone else use a microscope to inspect their bud??
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Yup! They wash most outdoor now. I can't believe that final product is not negativly effected. But does clean the bug and bird shit off. People say that it helps it to dry and cure better. Idk. Im inside, cause weather in New England sucks for outdoor. So yeah, look into the wash tech. Also look into BT to control the caterpillars/worms while growing.
Thanks for writing, Canadian Jim, and thanks for taking the poll above. Yeah, here in the States, weed is sadly & senselessly still federally Class 1 & Illegal. I'm sure weed has several great defenses against insects, but-- to answer your question-- trichomes & cannabanoids do not prevent bugs from sitting on the buds, from shitting on the buds, from eating the buds or boring tunnels into the stalks, from spinning "invisible" silk threads & webbing around the bud, or destroying an entire crop. If you grow outdoors now, I'm guessing it's been a very recent switch for you if you've seen only "exactly 0 bugs". Alleluia & count your blessings, Friend!

Thanks also for the tip on washing bud. I've seen that very video you recommend: Jorges Cerventes is one of my top (if not THE Top) mentors; I love that guy! I was watching his stuff since he had long, dark, dred-like hair, and always hid his eyes behind dark sunglasses! Youtube has a few great tutorials on washing bud just after harvest. This is awesome to remove insects, living or dead...

Poop, on the other hand, is a different matter. The green of the plant AND the trichomes themselves grow AROUND the poop. I'm not claiming to be an expert on the subject, as I'm here asking questions, picking brains, fishing for knowledge, wisdom, & the experiences of others. That said, I have delved QUITE deep into the matter, and got a bit obsessed over it since it took out my crop & I've really looked closely at it. It's tough to talk fairly & factually about a subject in the microscopic if one doesn't use a microscope. Well, I have, and I do, and I'm telling you guys right now: It's frickin' gross. And bud and trichomes grow to nearly "encase" or latch onto poop and other stuff.

Anyone else use a microscope to inspect their bud??
This is my first outdoor grow, but I said no bugs seen on the bud, not the plant itself. There have been plenty on the plants, especially leafhoppers. Hate those bastards. I inspect the plant in the pot when I bring her inside for her dark period every evening, and all the flies I've seen have been sitting sunning themselves on the leaves. Sorry if I gave the impression that there've been no bugs on the other parts of the plant.
I know that bugs, especially caterpillars eat buds, but that just means the plant's defences are loosing the evolutionary arms race. The best defence against bugs is us, killing them and inspecting the buds for bugs.
Anyway, enjoy your grow, hope you find the answers you're looking for.
Yup! They wash most outdoor now. I can't believe that final product is not negativly effected. But does clean the bug and bird shit off. People say that it helps it to dry and cure better. Idk. Im inside, cause weather in New England sucks for outdoor. So yeah, look into the wash tech. Also look into BT to control the caterpillars/worms while growing.
I thought the same thing as you until a professional here reminded me it takes solvents to separate the THC out. I now wash all my harvested bud. You won’t believe what washes out. The water will be dirty.
I'll definitely be washing my outdoor crop this year. How much I pull will determine whether or not I grow an indoor crop. Bugs or no, the plants are way happier outside in the sun.
Yup! ...Im inside, cause weather in New England sucks for outdoor.
Thanks for the tips, neighbor! (:
...Sorry if I gave the impression that there've been no bugs on the other parts of the plant... Anyway, enjoy your grow, hope you find the answers you're looking for... Bugs or no, the plants are way happier outside in the sun.
Thanks, CanadianJim. I love outdoor grows... There's nothing like the Sun & the rain & the wind & the Earth to grow one's bud! I got creative & designed (in my head & on paper) a little structure to cover in insect netting. I was fortunate enough to have my research end in finding one of a super-fine mesh that's (supposedly) fairly sturdy material, UV-resistant, allows good light & water-penetration, and is big enough to completely surround the entire scrogged plant & the PVC "house" I'm building for it. I'll be using some Frost King Polyethylene 4mil Plastic Sheeting to keep the rain out once flowering begins, & keep the inside-temps a bit warmer so I can maybe leave her outside a week or 2 longer, until maybe mid-to-late October.
...You won’t believe what washes out. The water will be dirty...People, if you see any flies near your indoor plants I’ll promise you there’s fly shit on your bud.
EXACTLY! That's what I'm talking about; thanks for the support HotrodHarley. The stuff on bud that cannot be seen by the naked eye is NASTY! Whatever is washing out that makes the water dirty CAN be seen under a microscope. It's gross (but admittedly interesting. I suggest y'all get one). What's grosser than that though is that some of this stuff is buried & stuck WITHIN the bud itself, since it got there while the bud was still growing around it. It can be seen encased in trichomes that look like sticky "teeth", or within the bud itself when you break it up/ peel it open. Washing succeeds at cleaning dirt & bugs off the surface of the bud. But it fails at removing insect poop, bug husks, hairs, etc that the bud engulfed & grew around.

It happens. It's gross, but it happens. Washing is still awesome & advantageous, no doubt... But it doesn't solve the poop problem. I love the discussion though. :leaf::-D
Oh man. This thread is just gross. You let your lady smoke worm poo? Mine would whack me over the head with a 2 x 4 if I did that. :bigjoint:
Back in the day of Mexican brick weed it wasn't uncommon to find bugs in the bud. I think I mostly found clumps of webbing with a dead spider.
Oh man. This thread is just gross. You let your lady smoke worm poo? Mine would whack me over the head with a 2 x 4 if I did that. :bigjoint:... Back in the day of Mexican brick weed it wasn't uncommon to find bugs in the bud. I think I mostly found clumps of webbing with a dead spider.
:lol: ROFL! Thanks for piping-in, Xtsho. Yes, this thread is gross, but the reality of this problem in our lives, as growers, is even MORE disgusting. The amount of money lost is more disgusting. The amount of time & energy & (dare I say) love poured into our plants only to lose them because of the lifestyles of a frickin' bug is far more disgusting... Before long, people start talkin' aboutcha, sayin' you get your lady high on worm poo. :bigjoint: But yeah-- you get it... You found bug byproducts in your bud before. I seriously think this is WAY more common than most of us realize. It's just not noticeable, and MAY even pose absolutely no health risk whatsoever. It's just that we label it as "gross", even though the microscopic amounts are probably irrelevant. I'm sure there's worse things most of us eat, drink, rub into our skin or whatever than the bug poop on our bud.
I assume if you were going to smoke it you already have. If I knew there was caterpillar shit in my weed and I wasn't willing to wash it off, I'd just bite the bullet and buy some. Don't want some funky disease named after me.
Oh Canada!:clap::clap::clap:
NONE of the content of my many jars was washed. :idea: Use a salad spinner?