Greenpoint seeds!!

Fillet mignon, or frozen OnCor, there's a niche market for most if you know where to find it. I prefer top end fare at low end costs in both the food and weed biz.
Oh yes its good stuff. Only use the gel or slime from it. No outter skin. Mix with little water or coconut water in blender to get it good a chopd. But its only good for like 10-15 mins after u chop it from plant. So have ducks in order b4 u chop it of plant. Also ive broke a branch on accident. Cut end at angle dipd it in gel then straight into cloner. Wirks well. Not the fastest but usually 10-12 days u wil get roots. Another favorite for cloning and a boost to ur plant if u mix with water b4 u feed plant is willow tree branches. Cut the ends off of branches. Like a foot off each branch but newset growth. Chop branch tips up in bucket. Put water in with them and mix bucket couple times daily. After a day or 2 drain sticks out and water in bucket is full of the good stuff u want. Coconut water, aloe gel, willow branches all have lots of goodies for plants. All 3 got muliple uses. Google it ud b surprised.
solid advice here
I harvested an OBS the other day, first one actually. It was at the back of the room, went thru a fungus gnat invasion early in flower and was mostly neglected. It came off the rack yesterday and I packaged it up for a client, but decided to try it first. I took 2 tiny hits off the pipe at noon, and I'm still really high. Straight to the face and still feeling it nearly 3 hours later! Sure glad I saved a clone! Except for the counterfeit Wedding Cake, I haven't been disappointed yet!
OBS was my favorite GPS strain as far as quality smoke goes.
Great terps -- tangerine, lemon, burnt rubber, stinky socks, and even pine.
I'm growing a plant from the pine pheno now because its momma was super frosty. :weed:
Killed 3 males today ughhh...Unfortunatly my dreamcatcher was again a male, so far all have been male...I have one small seedling going that just popped major mutant leaves, planted another one and have only 3 seeds left...It hasnt been nice to me thus far...I think 2 or 3 of them never popped

Waiting for 2 tomahawks to sex, im a cry if its both males...

BarnBurner Re Run, it stretched last night, im very excited to be re running this plant, first female i grew turned out to be a keeper
A68B11F9-C34E-428C-8900-25215CFCFBB7.jpeg 162FF6DE-3D9D-4680-BCCE-21EE7CA4D83D.jpeg
Killed 3 males today ughhh...Unfortunatly my dreamcatcher was again a male, so far all have been male...I have one small seedling going that just popped major mutant leaves, planted another one and have only 3 seeds left...It hasnt been nice to me thus far...I think 2 or 3 of them never popped

Waiting for 2 tomahawks to sex, im a cry if its both males...

BarnBurner Re Run, it stretched last night, im very excited to be re running this plant, first female i grew turned out to be a keeper
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I dig the personal scrog frame.
Ok.. my Cowboy Kush are up and going...
Alone with my Genius Granddaddy..she’s now a mum...springing back after the chop up...View attachment 4367992Still waiting on my Eagle Scout... they are still tryingView attachment 4367993
I’m giving them 2-3 more days... if they don’t pop I’m moving on... I’m running out of time...Bison Breath it is...though if nothing else I’d rather my ES be male...just pop baby...