Bernie Sanders 2020


Well-Known Member
In other words, you have no proof, and you just levied another unsubstantiated claim against an actual progressive you simply don't like
Are you fucking serious? You just ginned up a so called anti-Semitic comment out of one that wasn't and accused me is anti-Semitism because I "defended her" and not long ago said that Nancy Pelosi was an ally of Trump's who gives him everything he wants because he said something that wasn't horrible about her and now you are asking for proof about something that is fairly obvious to anybody with a shred of intellectual honesty? Damn, Curtis, you are something else.

What does it feel like to be such a piece of shit? Are you in competition with Tty to see who can be the sleaziest person possible?

Show me a source that claims that this was an anti-Semitic attack. You won't. Coward.


Well-Known Member
Are you fucking serious? You just ginned up a so called anti-Semitic comment out of one that wasn't and accused me is anti-Semitism because I "defended her" and not long ago said that Nancy Pelosi was an ally of Trump's who gives him everything he wants because he said something that wasn't horrible about her and now you are asking for proof about something that is fairly obvious to anybody with a shred of intellectual honesty? Damn, Curtis, you are something else.

What does it feel like to be such a piece of shit? Are you in competition with Tty to see who can be the sleaziest person possible?

Show me a source that claims that this was an anti-Semitic attack. You won't. Coward.
The people you associate with and the sources you approve of won't condemn this anti-semetic attack, that's probably why you support and endorse them. Rest assured, everyone else recognizes this for what it actually is; a blatant anti-semetic attack against Jewish people because to this woman you support makes her skin crawl

Pretty disgusting


Well-Known Member
The people you associate with and the sources you approve of won't condemn this anti-semetic attack, that's probably why you support and endorse them. Rest assured, everyone else recognizes this for what it actually is; a blatant anti-semetic attack against Jewish people because to this woman you support makes her skin crawl

Pretty disgusting
Lol. Doubling down, eh? If it is obvious, please show me the many news sources that are condemning her for anti-Semitism. I can't wait to see the sources you approve of!

You claim it is everyone else. Show me, coward.

You are pretty disgusting. You know nothing of logic and are a sad, political know-nothing.


Well-Known Member
Lol. Doubling down, eh? If it is obvious, please show me the many news sources that are condemning her for anti-Semitism. I can't wait to see the sources you approve of!

You claim it is everyone else. Show me, coward.

You are pretty disgusting. You know nothing of logic and are a sad, political know-nothing.
It's not my job to retrain bigots. You approve of MSNBC, who hosted the bigot. The sources you support are more than questionable, they're down right suspect..

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
Because he's Jewish. Anti-semites throughout the ages have repeated this exact same trope. It's a way for them to dehumanize Jewish people and make them seem disgusting to ordinary people. The same way Trump says Mexicans are rapists but some of them are good people. Look up her history, it's not the first time she's attacked Jewish people. Pretty disgusting MSNBC would have such a rabid anti-semite espousing her bigoted views on an ostensibly Democratic news organization. Even more disgusting the biased among us double down and defend it when the anti-semitism is directed at someone you oppose. Shows where you really stand when it actually comes to bigotry and discrimination.
It shows nothing about where I stand and it proves that you are grasping that you would suggest it. How could what Trump said and this be anything alike when he in-fact singled out “Mexicans”, I don't recall hearing “Jews” brought up. You sir, sound desperate to see things that aren’t there just to forward the injustice of your candidate losing........sad.


Well-Known Member
It's not my job to retrain bigots. You approve of MSNBC, who hosted the bigot. The sources you support are more than questionable, they're down right suspect..
I don't think I've watched MSNBC for more than five minutes in the last year. Why do you make shit up and then demand "proof" from other people who state the obvious. What gives you the right to level an accusation that I am an anti-Semite when you can't even post a single link showing that somebody else shares your view that this woman's comment was anti-Semitic?

If you were remotely capable, you would be dangerous in that your rhetoric is so similar to Trump's that you would discredit the entire left. Thank goodness you are a feckless, basement-dwelling turd who nobody listens to.

Post a link or shut your hole.


Well-Known Member
It shows nothing about where I stand and it proves that you are grasping that you would suggest it. How could what Trump said and this be anything alike when he in-fact singled out “Mexicans”, I don't recall hearing “Jews” brought up. You sir, sound desperate to see things that aren’t there just to forward the injustice of your candidate losing........sad.
It isn't just that he's desperate, it's what this piece of crap is willing to do to get his way. Falsely denounce somebody as anti-Semitic? Sure, no problem!

Padraper has proven his authoritarian bent over and over in the last week. Like Nixon and Trump, he believes the ends justify the means. Because he cares about people so much.



Well-Known Member
I don't think I've watched MSNBC for more than five minutes in the last year. Why do you make shit up and then demand "proof" from other people who state the obvious. What gives you the right to level an accusation that I am an anti-Semite when you can't even post a single link showing that somebody else shares your view that this woman's comment was anti-Semitic?

If you were remotely capable, you would be dangerous in that your rhetoric is so similar to Trump's that you would discredit the entire left. Thank goodness you are a feckless, basement-dwelling turd who nobody listens to.

Post a link or shut your hole.
You're defending a bigot who implied Jews like Bernie Sanders makes her skin crawl. She can't figure out why because she's a bigot with a visceral opposition to Jewish people like Sanders. You notice she doesn't list any policy issues she disagrees with, or even other people (because she can't), instead, she dog whistles to her supporters who give her a wink and a nod


Well-Known Member
You're defending a bigot who implied Jews like Bernie Sanders makes her skin crawl. She can't figure out why because she's a bigot with a visceral opposition to Jewish people like Sanders. You notice she doesn't list any policy issues she disagrees with, or even other people (because she can't), instead, she dog whistles to her supporters who give her a wink and a nod
You can't post a link of anybody who agrees with you but somehow you feel justified in calling me an anti-Semite. You are a joke.


Well-Known Member
You can't post a link of anybody who agrees with you but somehow you feel justified in calling me an anti-Semite. You are a joke.
I could post a dozen links to those who agree with me, your anti-semetic ass would oppose each and every one of them, so why would I waste my time? Hitler agreed, Jews made his skin crawl, too. Pretty weird to say someone who claims jews make their skin crawl is not anti-semetic.


Well-Known Member
I could post a dozen links to those who agree with me, your anti-semetic ass would oppose each and every one of them, so why would I waste my time? Hitler agreed, Jews made his skin crawl, too. Pretty weird to say someone who claims jews make their skin crawl is not anti-semetic.
No you cant, not without using Reddit or some bullshit like that.

You are a liar and a scoundrel.

You have lost all credibility tonight you pathetic little worm.


Well-Known Member
No you cant, not without using Reddit or some bullshit like that.

You are a liar and a scoundrel.

You have lost all credibility tonight you pathetic little worm.
"No you can't! Not without asking everyone on the internet!"...

According to everyone else on the internet, your buddy Mimi is bigoted as fuck


Well-Known Member
"No you can't! Not without asking everyone on the internet!"...

According to everyone else on the internet, your buddy Mimi is bigoted as fuck
You are a liar and you can't post shit. If you can, prove it.

I had literally no idea who this women was before tonight. But now, because she hurt you, you are calling her my buddy and accusing me of being an anti-Semite. I have said it before and will say it again: you discredit any side you are on. You suck. Bernie sucks.

Stop being a coward and post some sources that see her comments, that you deceptively and dishonestly edited, as anti-Semitic. Youre the one always asking for proof or claiming that whatever isn't true. So prove it, or STFU.
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Well-Known Member
The juxtaposition of this compared to when you're begging progressives for votes is hilarious. You forget yourself sometimes..

You need us, we sure as fuck don't need, or want, the likes of shitstains like you

Show me one time I have begged for Progressives' votes.

You are a liar.

Put up or shut up.