shes A military mind bitch and Kamala disrespected Biden last debate so she bitch slapped her back.
What Harris said to Biden in the first debate was true, accurate and valid. What Tulsi said was twisted half truth in the vein of classic down and dirty politics.

What Biden supported was local decision-making about a federal civil rights issue -- whether or not to use busing to desegregate schools. Not too different than what had been done in the South for almost a century to maintain segregation. What Harris did was her job. That "laughed" bs is just exactly what a loser would say when trying to leapfrog a better candidate.

Tulsi is scum.
shes A military mind bitch and Kamala disrespected Biden last debate so she bitch slapped her back.
Her military service does not impress. She was in a CSH in the green zone with hot showers, fresh warm chow and a nice desk. She did not carry a rifle or walk around in places like Sadr City. The CSH was hit by mortars twice during her deployment with no casualties. Her paycheck, as a field grade officer was several times more than I made as a grunt.

Look, good on her for joining. I'm sick of hearing about it. She constantly reminds everyone of it. She constantly says shit like "my brothers and sisters", "I know the cost of war" bla bla bla. It's just not becoming of a warrior to support Bashar AL Assad. I opposed intervention in Syria also. I never had to talk like her.

She only joined so she could add military service to her resume.
I'm leaning with Biden again, after the last debate Kamala just seems fake and I'm just not going to trust a cop with marijuana reform.
A sex-crimes prosecutor is not a cop. Her record in that capacity is impeccable. As DA, she wasn't in the court room for minor Marijuana possession bullshit. She did a great job as DA with her reforms of policy toward racial justice.

In fact prosecutors have been allies of cannabis legalization for decades. They are not lawmakers. She has been at lawmaker for two years. In that time, she introduced a bill to deschedule and expunge marijuana convictions.
Everybody who read this please raise your hand.

No hands again.
I know you won't read it because
1) reading isn't your forte
2) It has information that goes against your worldview, so it will cause an internal mental distress/cognitive dissonance response.

It still is entertaining watching your responses and how you mentally cope with this conflicting information.
I know you won't read it because
1) reading isn't your forte
2) It has information that goes against your worldview, so it will cause an internal mental distress/cognitive dissonance response.

It still is entertaining watching your responses and how you mentally cope with this conflicting information.
We've seen it before. It's not new nor is it new. Your repetitive bullshit has been correctly identified as spam.

Please continue to spam us with entire articles instead of links.
I know you won't read it because
1) reading isn't your forte
2) It has information that goes against your worldview, so it will cause an internal mental distress/cognitive dissonance response.

It still is entertaining watching your responses and how you mentally cope with this conflicting information.
Who is Tom Luongo and why should we read the posts in his blog?

If there was one thing that has become glaringly obvious over the past three years it is that the coup attempt by the bureaucracy against Trump it is that much of it was cooked up in Ukraine under the dutiful eye of former President Poroshenko.

Oh, that's who Tom Luongo is. Ok, never mind.

So, he's all in for Tulsi and so are you? Another strike goes against Tulsi Gabbard.
I know you won't read it because
1) reading isn't your forte
2) It has information that goes against your worldview, so it will cause an internal mental distress/cognitive dissonance response.

It still is entertaining watching your responses and how you mentally cope with this conflicting information.
Trump bragged about walking in on naked underage girls and you support him still

You support a pedophile
Its baffling how the Democrats disregarding candidates that could actually have a chance at winning independent votes and beating Trump.

Instead stick to their extreme candidates who are more worried about gender pronouns and letting in the most immigrants as possible, and will not win a general.
Its baffling how the Democrats disregarding candidates that could actually have a chance at winning independent votes and beating Trump.

Instead stick to their extreme candidates who are more worried about gender pronouns and letting in the most immigrants as possible, and will not win a general.
Oh look, the trump supporter has advice for us.

I would rather not waste time appealing to people who will be 100% voting for Trump. That's why Gabbard won't win. Her popularity with Trump supporters won't get her very far.
What Harris said to Biden in the first debate was true, accurate and valid. What Tulsi said was twisted half truth in the vein of classic down and dirty politics.

What Biden supported was local decision-making about a federal civil rights issue -- whether or not to use busing to desegregate schools. Not too different than what had been done in the South for almost a century to maintain segregation. What Harris did was her job. That "laughed" bs is just exactly what a loser would say when trying to leapfrog a better candidate.

Tulsi is scum.
I totally agree with you. I did read the fact checks and the most Honest and kindly accurate across the board is Harris. Her numbers were actually lower then higher in respect to costs, she was being generous. Tulsi wanted the attention Harris got first debate so planned this attack by twisting the truths from an inaccurate angle. Harris reaching back to the bussing issue to dis Biden 50 years ago before he changed laws worked brilliantly and it was true and worked I think it really pissed off Tulsi. Tulsi wanted that attention and she also wanted to show respect to Biden by taking down Harris for what she did to him. she came up with a twisted tactic of reaching back to Harris as Attorney General and the laws that put people away before Harris became senator to Change those laws. At least that’s the way I see it. Tulsi is scum and I’m impressed with Harris honesty and accuracy.
I saw the video oh Harris on the breakfast club talking about getting high. It was completely innocent. But she said she only smoked once in college but she seemed high as fuck during that interview with those brothers. I know a stoned off your ass laugh when I hear it and she probably smoked a blunt with the brothers before the show, good for her!