Rob Roy
Well-Known Member
Sadly I don't see us moving past a force based solution for making everybody play nice together. Some people are bad people and we need to accept that reality and work within it.
Daaamn, that's deep.
But aren't we then looking to more gang like situation where they are in more charge (eg with funding) and there is less transparency? I think that cops should be liable in civil suits for sure but that's the case here (I think).
Every person is justified using proportional DEFENSIVE force.
No person, even "authorities", are justified in using OFFENSIVE force.
When those concepts are more widely accepted, the solutions will be there. People just have to escape from what they've been told and allow their intellect and conscience to guide them, and stop believing in the concept of "authority".
There is no solution which will make every person behave, but to think it is necessary to exempt a whole class of people from individual responsibility and call them "authorities" and allow a society to be based in the idea that we need those people to rob us in order to protect us from people who might rob not consistent with reality.